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Photo Documentary: Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors at Northwest Trek

We invited each of the animals to join us in shamanic ceremonies by adding their prayers to specially decorated prayer sticks, and once again the animals delighted us by their willingness to participate. On the tram ride it seemed as though all the animals had come out to greet us. They lined the sides of the tram route as though they were watching a parade. It seemed that we were the main attraction, not them.
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Early registration savings for A Walk on the Wild Side 2014

A Walk on the Wild Side: Answering the Call of the Wild was created in 2010 to bring people and animals together in ceremony with the intention of rebuilding the bridge between species. Personal change has a ripple effect; when it takes place within sacred ceremony what we heal in ourselves helps create shifts worldwide. Join us in creating shift once again in 2014!
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