ReikiShamanic Jigsaw Puzzle
A fun way to reflect on connections with All Our Relations through Reiki, shamanism, and animal communication.
The ReikiShamanic Puzzle has moved to my Patreon community where subscribers can enjoy new stories, videos, and biweekly puzzle while supporting my pro bono work for animals.
Click here to play this puzzle.
Note: You can adjust the number of puzzle pieces to make the puzzle easier or more difficult to solve.
Elk Youngster Visits with Mallard Duck Family
Sometimes the universe just showers you with blessed encounters with wildlife. We were in ceremony with wildlife in Yellowstone National Park for annual A Walk on the Wild Side, and this young elk appeared across from us. She was curious about the mallard duck family and us. It was a beautiful moment. We realized that the other elk with her was her twin sister when Mama Elk also made her appearance.
My photos are available as:
• jigsaw puzzles (500 and 1000 piece)
• wall art (prints and tapestries)
• greeting cards
• sturdy tote bags (great for grocery and pet food shopping)
• coffee/tea mug • phone cases
…and other nifty gifts!
©Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved.
As you put the pieces of the puzzle together, allow your intention to be one of being open to listening for guidance. Here is the quote I chose to go with this week’s image:
“We Americans are reluctant to learn a foreign language of our own species, let alone another species. But imagine the possibilities. Imagine the access we would have to different perspectives, the things we might see through other eyes, the wisdom that surrounds us. We don’t have to figure out everything by ourselves: there are intelligences other than our own, teachers all around us. Imagine how much less lonely the world would be.”—Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
Donations welcomed, and are used in support of the ceremonies and other energetic and creative efforts at Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing for the benefit of All Our Relations.