FAQ about Reiki Classes
How many levels of Reiki are there?
What are the differences between the levels?
What does it take to advance between levels besides attending the
Why don’t you teach a Reiki intensive weekend?
How often do you offer Reiki class?
I’m from out of town, are there places to stay near class?
Is there a Reiki book that you would recommend before class?
What equipment is needed or recommended for the practice of Reiki?
What if I have questions after the class?
Why Reiki?
Taking a class in Reiki may be the single best gift you can give yourself or your loved ones, whether they walk on two legs or four, swim or fly. The ability to facilitate Reiki is the gift that keeps on giving, it is easy to learn, and offers a lifetime of benefits. Imagine being able to accelerate healing when someone is sick, or being able to relieve the pain of an injury or decrease discomfort after surgery! All of this is possible with Reiki. Read personal stories from my Reiki students of energy healing for dogs, cats, horses, and people after taking Reiki training.
How many levels of Reiki are there?
Level 1, 2, and 3 or Master in Usui Reiki.
What are the differences between the levels?
Reiki Level 1 is “hands-on Reiki on,” with emphasis and practice of how to offer a Reiki session to people and animals. Reiki Level 2 increases your connection to the Reiki energy, as well as teaching you how to offer distance healing for all living beings and situations, how to clear heavy energy and create safe, sacred healing space, etc. Level 3 or Reiki Master Teacher training is for those who wish to teach and/or want to further their healing abilities. The Master training is by application only.
What does it take to advance between levels besides attending the training?
Depends on the person. The pat answer is often time and practice. Traditionally there is a three-month wait before Level 2, and a year before Mastership. I prefer to gauge on an individual basis, some people are ready sooner than others. The student usually knows when the time is right to take the next step.
Why don’t you teach a Reiki intensive weekend?
I do not teach Level 1/2/Master weekend intensives based on my personal evolution as a student of Reiki and teaching experience. There is a spiritual and energetic progression between each Level that can be missed otherwise. It is a similar concept to working out at the gym—energetic as well as physical muscles take time to develop. In addition there is quite a bit of material to cover within each level. It is difficult to do that adequately in one weekend for two levels never mind three. I suggest to my students that it is better to experience the uniqueness of each level and practice, rather than trying to do it all at once.
Where are the classes held?
Classes are now available worldwide via telecalls or internet.
How often do you offer Reiki class?
Introductory Reiki Level 1 class is held on average 3-4 times per year. Reiki Level 2 is usualy held 2-3 times per year. Check Calendar for upcoming classes.
How do I sign up for a class?
Each class has an online registration form at the bottom of the page. Upon registration you will receive an email containing confirmation and directions. If you have further questions you can send an email.
I’m from out of town, are there places to stay near class?
Most of my classes are now available via telecalls or internet.
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Is there a Reiki book that you would recommend before class?
Since I cover the basics of Reiki thoroughly in class, there is no book that I consider required reading. However, I do understand that it can be fun and exciting to explore the many different Reiki books available; many people are curious about Reiki and want to learn as much as they can before and after training, so I offer a sample of recommended Reiki books on this page.
What equipment is needed or recommended for the practice of Reiki?
No equipment is needed with Reiki. I tell my students that if you are dropped on a desert island you will always have your first-aid toolkit at the end of your arms (Reiki works for self-healing of mundane things such as cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises as well as major illnesses/imbalances). The Level 1 training encompasses how to give a seated chair treatment as well as a table treatment, and what I call field Reiki—the ability to facilitate a Reiki session anywhere needed. If you wish to offer Reiki professionally you may want to invest in a massage or Reiki table.
What if I have questions after the class?
WRSH Reiki students are eligible for free, private membership in the online Wild Reiki Forum group on Facebook. If you have taken a Reiki class with me you will receive an email invitation to join after class.
In the Forum you will have access to a vibrant, like-minded community of Reiki practitioners from Level 1 to Master, all of whom have taken at least one Reiki class with me. Share Reiki stories, ask questions to be answered by the community (including myself), perhaps arrange to gather for practice and sharing of Reiki, post your own photos of Reiki, etc. You can also post requests for support from the Reiki community, Reiki resources, notices of Reiki or other energy-related events, and so on.