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Reiki Class Testimonials

Thank you for an amazing experience Rose!

It was so much more than I ever imagined. I feel like I learned an immense amount and hope to continue to grow and learn. You are a wonderful teacher and I appreciate you holding us to a high level of integrity!!!

—Joanne Vollman, CA

“Reiki has changed my life for the better!!”

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Rose De Dan for guiding me through the class. Reiki has changed my life for the better!! I feel it working at a deep level within myself. Your wisdom and insights have inspired me to commit to my daily self-Reiki which I’m really enjoying before getting up every morning. There’s no doubt it’s helping me be a calmer person and my sense is that the more-than-human world are aware of this in me. it’s helping me be more patient too.

I am very happy to have chosen your course and the main reason I was drawn to you was because of your animal communication, shamanic background and obviously Reiki. I’m definitely interested in pursuing Reiki level 2 with you, but not for a while as I want to be practising a lot more to feel the Reiki energy growing in me.

—Janey Pares Edney, New Zealand

“Thank you! I’ve really enjoyed your classes.

Reiki has been such an amazing addition to my life and I can’t wait to see what comes next on my Reiki journey!

—Megan C., Seattle, WA

“…having a week to work on the exercises…gave time to “digest” experiences and question…”

Thank you Rose!! It was a great experience and I can’t wait to keep practising and eventually moving onto Level 2. Due to the personal busyness, having a week to work on the exercises was really nice, and it gave time to “digest” experiences and question things. Thank you very much for your patience and time!

—Emeline S., France

“I found a wonderful way to nurture and love myself as well as others.”

I feel so blessed to have learned and experienced so much during this class [Reiki Level 2]. I feel I’ve been given a wonderful tool belt to navigate life’s ups and downs. I found a wonderful way to nurture and love myself as well as others. Thank you Rose for your kind and caring teaching, as well as clear direction when astray. I feel so lucky to have had you as my Reiki teacher.

—Maureen Flanagan, CA

“Thank you so much for your teaching and wisdom in the Reiki 2 class! It has been enlightening, profound and quite literally transformative.”

—Cassie S., Wales

“To say that my life has changed as a result of Reiki is an understatement.”

Because of my daily Reiki self practice, I feel balanced, calm and grounded more than I have ever felt before.

Prior to learning Reiki with Rose, I often found it challenging separating my feelings from the emotional and physical pain of others around me.

While I am still aware of the energy in my environment, this gentle practice has made it possible for me to maintain boundaries with surprising ease. Knowing how it has shifted my world, and witnessing how it has helped a myriad of beings from animals and plants to people…I am highly moved to offer Reiki to others.

I will be forever grateful to Rose for her solid integrity, for her wonderful stories and lessons, and for being such a clear, safe and highly skilled teacher of Reiki.

—Amy, Seattle

“I took Reiki 1 and 2 with Rose, and they were life changing experiences.”

I felt called to learn from Rose when I happen to come across her website. I have been on a Shamanic path for about 5 years and have taken various Shamanic courses with different teachers. They were life changing —but I continued to keep seeking more teachers, and opportunities to learn and grow, spirituality.

I’ve always been called to work with animals and when I saw Rose’s website (and then interviews on YouTube) I knew I had to learn from her. I’ve been interested in Reiki for quite some time, and after learning about Rose I knew she would be the perfect teacher for me. Her love and connection to animals, Shamanic background, and expertise in Reiki called to me. I also noted the Crow on her page, which is my sign for being on the right path.

I took Reiki 1 and 2 with Rose, and they were life changing experiences. They took my spiritual practices and connection to energy to a new level. The attunements opened up something in me, spiritually, which felt previously blocked—and for that I am grateful.

Rose is knowledgeable, caring and genuine. She will make sure you fully understand before you integrate and takes you through seamless progression. I highly recommend learning from Rose if given the opportunity!

—Jack Brown, WA

“…what I didn’t expect was that I’d love it so much that I would integrate self Reiki into my daily routine and look forward to it every morning.”

I’m incredibly grateful that I took Reiki Level 1 with Rose De Dan of Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing. Not only is Rose a fantastic teacher, she is also a gifted storyteller. Every class is chock full of Rose’s engaging and fascinating stories and tips about the practice of Reiki. I took this class so I could learn how to offer Reiki to myself, to my loved ones, and to animals, but what I didn’t expect was that I’d love it so much that I would integrate self Reiki into my daily routine and look forward to it every morning. Another surprise is that my perpetually freezing hands and feet warmed up because of Reiki. My husband noticed it right away! Another testament to the magic of Reiki. If you’ve ever wanted to learn Reiki, I highly recommend taking Rose’s class.

—Peg Cheng, WA

“Thank you for an enriching course!”

In knowing herds of kitties 💕thru rescue, animal Reiki may be my most frequently used form. Your course and your valuable style of sharing the teachings with wisdom, stories and humor has opened a welcome direction in my work with animals, humans & self. Thank you for an enriching course!

—Nan Wood, CA

“Rose’s style of teaching is in the form of storytelling and she really breaks down each section in a way that truly keeps the overwhelm from happening.”

When I signed up for this class [Reiki 1] I was thinking it would be a great refresher course for me. What I found to be more accurate is that the previous masters I had trained under had developed their own style of Reiki and had added a lot of other esoteric modalities into their practice. With Rose I was able to just experience Reiki. The difference has been palpable to myself and to my clients. I am able to just be the straw now and no longer struggle with the extra that I was wrapping into my sessions if the client only wants Reiki. Rose’s style of teaching is in the form of storytelling and she really breaks down each section in a way that truly keeps the overwhelm from happening. I have been able to explain Reiki more concisely, practice it more intentionally and most significantly, I now know what Reiki feels like on its own. So much gratitude for you Rose!

—Deirdre Vierra, CA

“You make Reiki so understandable and easy.”

Rose, your soft, calm teaching voice is beautiful. You are an amazing teacher and I am so lucky to have found you. You make Reiki so understandable and easy. I can’t wait to really start practicing on others. Thank you 💕😘
Karen Pease, MI

“I can safely say that Rose is absolutely the real deal. She knows her stuff and has years of experience to back up what she teaches.”

I was drawn to take Rose’s Reiki 1 class after stumbling across an interview where she talked about animals in a way that resonated with me. I was still nervous about taking an online course for Reiki, after other experiences with courses online that left big holes in learning. I can safely say that Rose is absolutely the real deal. She knows her stuff and has years of experience to back up what she teaches. Her calmness, patience and willingness to share information, guidance and very interesting and relevant stories makes the course very fulfilling and worth taking.

The layout of the course allows information to be processed, rather than getting everything thrown in your face at once. Rose builds a foundation that is easy to remember and to follow through in practice. The homework is very helpful and manageable.

This is not an online course where you only get audio or videos and are left to apply everything all on your own. Rose is a true Master Teacher and makes herself available to answer questions and concerns. It was a really rewarding experience and I have a better idea of where my path is leading me.

—Katie Rowland, UT

“The Reiki Level 1 class with Rose was fantastic.”

The online format where the lessons are spread out over several weeks really allowed the information to sink in at an accessible pace – plus I got 6 weeks of teleclasses where I could listen to Rose tell stories (that may have been my favorite part, she is an amazing and compelling storyteller). Rose has such a love of Reiki and that comes through in everything she does. It’s infectious and definitely helped really ignite my love and practice of Reiki. Thank you so much Rose, for the wonderful class. I will definitely be back for more! 🙂

—Becky MacPherson, WA

“This class has been far more than I could have anticipated…”

I wanted to take the time to first thank you for this course and all your incredible stories. I have loved learning through your invaluable, insightful and inspirational experiences.

This experience has certainly been out of my comfort zone. I am not really a sharer and don’t usually contribute to forums. This class has been far more than I could have anticipated I have learned lots about Reiki which of course I expected but had no idea I would be having so many aha moments. This course for me is life changing. Reiki is the best life lesson, just be and be ok with letting go.

Thank you Rose for all your wonderful advice all of it has provided me with a great sense of peace and has helped me to see things clearer: I feel truly excited about this journey I know the experiences I have had during this course wouldn’t have been possible without the self healing I have done up to this point and the methods I use to help me with that. But I had no idea introducing Reiki into my life would have felt so turbulent the 21 days days was literally a roller coaster ride but I wouldn’t change it and I am truly grateful for everything this experience has given me ! I cannot wait for the next stage!!!

Stacey G., United Kingdom

“Daily Reiki for myself felt like a gentle guiding influence through the storm.”

I completed the Reiki 1 teleclass with Rose this summer while we sold our house, packed and moved. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs. There were over 35 hours of strangers in the house for viewing appts, chaos in packing for two months, and finally, moving and changing homes. The stress was taking its toll on all of us. Daily Reiki for myself felt like a gentle guiding influence through the storm. Reiki retreats for the animals helped calm everyone when needed, and has been a blessing in our lives during such a stressful life event.

Darcy Downes, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

“I plan to use Reiki extensively with my water therapy clients.”

I so enjoyed Reiki 1 and am grateful for being introduced to some incredible people and animals! I plan to use Reiki extensively with my water therapy clients. In fact, recently dog client Gertie was not wanting to receive massage at her hind end, but she happily accepted Reiki. And once she was more comfortable, massage was good too! I am looking forward to Reiki 2!

Vonni Goetting LMT/SAMT, Doggone Day Spaw, Snohomish, WA

“I now look at life in a totally different light, which has brought me peace, acceptance and most of all appreciation and a deeper sensitivity to all…”

First let me say Thank you, Rose. I cannot express how much taking Reiki 1 & 2 HAS impacted my life. It has completed a journey I have been on for a very long time. My goal was to be able to help the animals, but I soon realized during Reiki 1 how much I needed it for myself.

It helped me build confidence in myself and believe by being able to feel the energy flow within myself and the ability to allow it to flow through me to what ever situation it was needed when ever it was needed. It has helped me grow and release what I have no control over and acknowledge what has trapped me in the past. To except and embrace the very moment.

I now look at life in a totally different light, which has brought me peace, acceptance and most of all appreciation and a deeper sensitivity to all, THIS journey is not over it has just begun a new book.

Anyone that is reading this you would never regret the special training and growth you would receive by taking at the least Reiki 1 course. There is nothing that compares to it.

Thank You Rose for being my teacher you helped me grow and live life everyday with a new found love, light, and peace that just needed to be awakened by your teachings. I will be forever grateful that you made it possible to take these classes.

Cindy Summerill, UT

“Thank you so much for the awesome class.”

It was definitely more than what I had hoped for. My tuxedo trio are extremely grateful and have been lining up every night for some more Reiki love. 🙂

Lynda Lehrke, WA

“I am excited about deeper connections with animals.”

Rose is calm, and her spiritual energy comes through even in a Teleclass. She is a knowledgeable, organized teacher who answers every question with clarity and purpose. She makes what could be easily doubted become confidently real. She has a wonderful sense of humor and tells great stories of her experiences that give hope to beginners in this field.

I loved that there is a formal process to learn what I have been trying to do since my first bird rescue in primary grades. I loved that I found a teacher who is ethical and trustworthy and immensely talented and qualified, and I am excited about deeper connections with animals.

I thought Reiki class might be better in person, but now I think the opposite: the Teleclass is free of distractions, kind of distilled and concentrated. I would definitely take another.

Elaine Livingston, CA

“I feel my dog and I are connected on a much deeper level now.”

Rose, you have been an incredible teacher through this process and I look forward to continuing this journey with you.

[Since starting Reiki] one of my dogs has been nearly glued to me. She seems to want to always want to be touching me in some way, especially when I do my self-Reiki. This has made the bond her and I share so much stronger. She has become that cuddler. I feel her and I are connected on a much deeper level now.

Thank you for bringing peace to my life and helping me to heal myself one step at a time. Life is such a beautiful thing and you have helped me to open my eyes to all that is around me. I feel more connected to nature and the beauty that surrounds me. For this I am truly thankful.

Gina Laubach, PA

“Since I have taken the Reiki 1 class I am more confident in myself.”

Rose is the best teacher ever! I can hear and feel the passion and compassion she has for what she does. The stories are the best, they help me out at times when I have question or was uncertain about something. Rose is totally dedicated in what she does and that gave me confidence to know that I also can pursue my passions in life and share them to help others.

Reiki has been of great benefit in my life. It has taught me that I need to take care of myself first so that I am at my best to be able to help others.

I feel confident enough, with what I have learned so far, to be able to approach a family member, friend or co-worker in need and offer them Reiki. Most people I have offered it to have no idea what it is and I love explaining it to them to the best of my ability. It also is helping me in my spiritual growth and become more intuitive.

I also noticed that since I have taken the Reiki 1 class I am more confident in myself. I was at a loss about where I was going on my spiritual journey not knowing for sure if Reiki was the right path. I have been interested for a while but couldn’t seem to make the commitment…until I found the class I was meant to be in. I work in a medical facility so I am around sick and injured people all day long. It is hard for me at times to see what these people are going through and not be able to help them in the way of Reiki.

Thank you so much, Rose. I love the Certificate and really enjoyed the class. You are a great teacher…loved all the stories!

Vivian Robertson, CA

“The information was easy to understand and incorporate into my life right away.”

Rose’s teaching is simple, accessible, respectful, and encourages exploration. I enjoyed the ability to listen to the recorded calls and refer to them again for clarification if needed. The information was easy to understand and incorporate into my life right away.

I have used Reiki for pain relief for myself, and my family, with success. The animals that have asked for Reiki ask for more so I take that as they like it! My biggest surprise has been my husband requesting Reiki—that is big!

Self-reiki has become part of my meditation as well. I feel another layer of depth in my life in the journey—more groundedness, more sense of interconnectedness.

Thanks for your support and sharing your knowledge and stories. We have a large supply of in-house Reiki classes here, but for some reason, I kept getting the feeling to wait. My higher self seemed to know to wait for your class and I am so glad I did!

—T.F., Wisconsin

“Having had a couple VERY powerful healing results by doing Reiki for friends, I am impressed with the healing power of Reiki.”

I enjoyed the fact that I could remain at home for the class, in a relaxed atmosphere, with no driving responsibilities before and after class to distract my learning.

Performing self-Reiki daily has brought me additional serenity and I definitely feel more grounded during the day. A noticeable difference! And both my cats are more relaxed and seem obviously receptive to Reiki now.

Having had a couple VERY powerful healing results by doing Reiki for friends, I am impressed with the healing power of Reiki. I was not aware of this before the class.

My friend was injured on the basketball court and unable to walk without crutches. Physicians said his calf injury (major swelling, extensive bruising, pain) would take 5-6 weeks at the best, to heal enough to walk without crutches. I gave him three Reiki sessions (10-15 minutes each) in one week and he had MAJOR healing results: by the end of the 3rd session he was walking without crutches, except for long distances. Also the swelling reduced by a good 80%, and the bruising almost disappeared. He truly thought it was a miracle and I too was astounded. Reiki was a very powerful and effective healing tool, even with a novice like me!

Thanks, Rose. I love your calm approach to teaching and your storytelling. You really set a nice tone for learning!

—Nancy Rothwell, Seattle, WA

“I feel a closer connection with my animals.”

I use and think about Reiki everyday. More for the animals than human though. I feel a closer connection with my animals. I feel that they connect or love me more, if that makes sense.

I enjoyed the new “connection” techniques, like the breathing and grounding. I carry that forward in everyday life, including drawing my energy from source. I feel more connected, more grounded, or can re-ground much quicker if I catch myself “floating.” Since the course I also have more faith in myself and my abilities.

I loved everything about your class, Rose. I’ve always connected with you, what you’ve had to share and how you view the world and our beautiful animals.

Shona Forbes, Australia

“I truly recommend Rose’s Teleclass to anyone interested in learning Reiki!”

Rose is an excellent teacher, I thoroughly enjoyed her Teleclass. I have been a student of Reiki for 7 years, and received Level 1 attunements from three different Japanese Masters. This time was the fourth Level 1 attunement for me. Although remotely, Rose’s attunement energy was so profound and distinct, I absolutely felt a shift. I have also learned many new techniques that I had never knew before during the class. I truly recommend Rose’s Teleclass to anyone interested in learning Reiki!

Ai Ito, Taiwan

“I would recommend this Teleclass to anyone wishing to do their Reiki 1 with an excellent teacher who will always answer a question speedily and with a very genuine wish to do the best for her students.”

Having been sent a link, by a friend, to an article written by Rose I found myself on a fascinating and very interesting website and commenced another step on my journey.

Her website mirrored my own thoughts and desires to be able to communicate with animals, and Rose was about to commence a Reiki 1 Teleclass. This was something I really wanted to do but due to business commitments I could not get away from my job, so a teleclass seemed like a good option.

I found Rose to be a natural teacher—she illustrates her teaching with many true stories which exemplify what she is saying making it so easy and interesting to understand. Because of the way she teaches, her students do not forget anything, there is always a story to think of to use as a reminder and, of course, there is always the recording to refer back to. I would recommend this Teleclass to anyone wishing to do their Reiki 1 with an excellent teacher who will always answer a question speedily and with a very genuine wish to do the best for her students. Rose, you are the best.

Su, Scotland

“Thank you so much! I have truly loved!!! this class and your wonderful energy and teaching.”

—Kris Ganter, OR, Reiki Level 2

“Thanks is not enough to give to Rose for providing all the handouts, stories, advice, support, guidance and humor.”

Most of all for sharing with us the gift of Reiki. I am truly thankful, and will do my best to give the gift of the delivery of Reiki for animals and people who would like to have it.

—Rita Deviny, WA

“This practice is changing my life!”

Thank you for teaching with grace and humor. This [Reiki 2] practice is changing my life!

—Gina Montalbano, CO

“Taking Reiki 2 was one of the best decisions I have ever made!”

Hallelujah-the last two weeks I’ve had reduced headaches, which is really amazing considering my stress and pre-grief about my cat with cancer. The only change I have made in my life is the daily R2 Reiki practice, so I feel great credit is owed. Nothing else has been as effective for prevention in 35 years of experiencing headaches/migraines, and makes a huge difference in my life.

After the class began, I also felt an indescribable stronger sense of knowing my cats on a new level. As if I could feel their essence more vividly, and just touching them feels like I have a deeper sense of who they are.

Besides helping my cats, I have been able to so far help my mom sleep better from afar, and helped her friend who was in a car accident during the snowstorm. Her friend knew nothing about Reiki, but was in such pain she was open to anything. After I did some initial distance Reiki she felt the calm, and said she had nice dreams and woke up smiling.

Then after a second session her back felt a lot better, and she told my mom how impressed she was. So now my mom is proud of me, and I am starting to feel proud of myself again. And the headaches are still being kept at bay, even in the extended cold weather amazingly!

Thank you for this precious blessing. Especially since I’m writing this with my senior cat Moses on my lap. I feel that this class has given us both a new lease on life.

—Lisa F., Seattle

“Thank you Rose!”

Your class was a great experience. I feel that you’ve imparted sacred teaching to your students, & look forward to learning more from you (& the animals) through future classes.

—Sherri Samu, CA

“The self-Reiki profoundly effected my ability to calm myself down during stressful times.”

Thank you again for a wonderful [Reiki 1] teleclass. The self-Reiki profoundly effected my ability to calm myself down during stressful times. It’s about the only reliable and nearly instantaneous relief I have found.—Lisa Olson, WA

“My time in the Reiki Master training has been absolutely the best.”

Reiki Master Teacher training with Rose has been one of the most awesome learning experiences of my life. Rose walks her talk and brings alive her training with so many great Reiki stories and practical everyday Reiki experiences. She is someone with whom I have experienced a mutually respectful teacher-student relationship. My time in the Reiki Master training has been absolutely the best.

—Laura Pascucci, FL

“…a big thank you to you!”

Thank you so much. The [Reiki 2] teleclass has been really great and helpful to me in my own life. I feel much calmer and more centered and in the moment, which is just what I needed, so a big thank you to you!

—Laura Hannan, Maine

“I appreciate having this new awareness and skill in my daily life.”

I really enjoyed your Reiki 1 class last weekend. It introduced new techniques to me while reaffirming a number of important concepts I was already aware of. I’ve been keeping up with my daily self Reiki, offered one session to my husband so far, and have experimented with my kids and dog (as long as they hold still!). I felt like a kid magnet at our preschool on Monday, which felt great. I look forward to improving my skill with practice and appreciate having this new awareness and skill in my daily life. Thank you!

—Kara Whittaker, Seattle, WA

“Thank you, Rose, for your awesome classes, your incredible insights, beautiful stories, wisdom and supporting love.”

Rose is a spiritual teacher in the truest sense. For her, Reiki is a way of life, and she wants to teach Reiki so it becomes a way of life for us, too. She teaches Reiki with wonderful stories and life assignments, and has even set up an online Reiki community so we can share stories and help one another. She has helped each one of us change our lives forever in the most beautiful magnificent way. I practice self-Reiki every morning and look for opportunities to share healing energy with all life. Thank you, Rose, for your awesome classes, your incredible insights, beautiful stories, wisdom and supporting love. Back at ya, with all my heart.

—Victoria Shields, New Jersey

“It is so amazing to see how much animals love this energy and to know that I can help them in this manner!”

Taking Rose’s Reiki Level 1 Teleclass was a beautiful reminder of the powerful connection between energy, intent and all beings, and how this energy can play a significant role in healing for all life forms.

My original intent with the class was to learn a new healing modality so that I could help others – what I did not expect was the impact this class would have on my personal healing. The tools Rose provides have been one of the best gifts I have ever received. With daily self-Reiki I have seen major shifts in my personal well-being. My stress levels have decreased significantly – I feel much more grounded, emotionally, and have fewer physical ailments.

I was hesitant to take the Teleclass at first, however, this proved to be highly effective in bringing the group together over several weeks in a manner where we could all share experiences as we practiced.

Rose had wonderful detailed stories and examples as well as handouts to support us along the way. She did a great job at incorporating our questions and goals into her teaching. Her approach in teaching Reiki for humans and animals is unique and very aligned with my passion for animals. It is so amazing to see how much animals love this energy and to know that I can help them in this manner! Rose has been an amazing mentor and teacher providing training in Reiki but also an awesome perspective that has made an impact on how I view the world and how we are all connected. I am excited to take Reiki 2 soon!

—S. Doyne, Seattle, USA

“The pace of the teleclass allowed me time for reflection and learning that I could not have experienced in a shorter or faster-moving class.”

I recommend Rose’s Reiki 1 course for anyone who wants to fully and patiently explore the basics of Reiki. The pace of the teleclass allowed me time for reflection and learning that I could not have experienced in a shorter or faster-moving class. The experience and stories that Rose brought to the class, combined with weekly assignments, helped me to build a foundation for my own work. Through this experience, I found benefit in both the obvious and subtle effects that Reiki can have in our lives. Thank you, Rose!

—Shannon W., Boise, ID

“Now, instead of feeling helpless when an animal is in need, I can do something to help them.”

I’ve always been a highly sensitive person with a deep love for animals and the natural world. Taking the Reiki 1 teleclass has given me a toolkit to use these sensitivities in order to help others. Now, instead of feeling helpless when an animal is in need, I can do something to help them. It’s also been a wonderful healing tool for myself and for loved ones.

Rose is a thorough and kind teacher and guide. I learned so much from her and am eager to continue with my training. I finally feel like my sensitivity could be a gift and that’s an amazing feeling.

—Angela D., Fort Worth, TX

“Since I have taken the Reiki 1 teleclass I am more confident in myself.”

I am an absolute newcomer to reiki and was attracted by the description of reiki as a spiritual energy that works to balance one physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. The class has opened me to the world of energy.

Mornings begin with self-reiki. As long as I set the intention to ask for the highest good and not attach to what that may be, I find it extremely relaxing and it gives me time to get ready for my day.

I enjoyed the teachings illustrated with stories, the online postings by classmates of their experiences followed by Rose’s commentary, and I loved the experience of the attunements.

—Elizabeth O’Connell, NY

“Reiki has had such a deep impact on the quality of my life and the quality of life for one of my best and oldest friends.”

I just wanted to say thank you for a great class. I have been practicing Reiki on myself daily.

Sky, my 19 1/2 year old Himalayan, is stuck to me like glue and is asking for Reiki every time I stop moving. The last time I placed my hand on his shoulder, he was standing and half way falling asleep for almost twenty minutes!

He looks forward to our nightly exchange of Reiki. He asks me for it every night, swaying half asleep and quite happy. Then, most amazing fellow that he is, he decided to share the love. He places a paw on me every night for between ten and fifteen minutes like clockwork. He sometimes will sense when I have migraines, and will put a paw on me then.

Thank you for the work that you do.

Liza Della Valentina, Lynnwood, WA

“Thank You! Taking Reiki training with you has really re-inspired my healing practice.”

—Terri Sandusky, Queen Anne Healing Arts, Seattle, WA

“Reiki Level 2 opened my eyes to the practical uses of Reiki in my every day life.”

This was my favorite Reiki class because it really expanded what I learned in Reiki 1. Reiki Level 2 opened my eyes to the practical uses of Reiki in my every day life. I literally use it daily, from sending Reiki to myself to offering it to my pets and zoo animals, to blessing lakes and rivers. I send it to situations and use it on my food. I even Reiki my medications to help boost their effectiveness. I highly recommend this class to boost your confidence and to expand your repertoire of energy healing tools. You are limited only by your imagination in how you can use this modality to bring healing and balance into your life.

—Debbie Noyes, Bellevue, WA

“I am so grateful to you for helping me connect with animals – it is a lifelong dream realized!”

Since class I have been giving Reiki to all the animals and I see and feel them making an effort to connect with their eyes! Even the guinea pigs and the fish.

A friend’s dog, who I was told was nearing the end of a long happy life, could no longer get around due to pain in his back knee on the right side. They said he lays around all day. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him!

The first day I gave him Reiki for a long while – my hands were really hot near his hind quarters. The next day he came to me and laid down. As I put my hands on him his eyes were closing – and he grew very quiet…I got a little nervous he was ready to go…I reminded myself to be a straw! I have been giving him Reiki almost daily now for two weeks and he is now bounding around like a much younger version of himself!

I am so grateful to you for helping me connect with animals – it is a lifelong dream realized!

—Nancy Zabel, Kirkland, WA

“Reiki has really changed my life.”

I just wanted to let you know what a great experience I had in your class! It really has changed my life/lifestyle. You are a wonderful teacher and I’m so glad I took Reiki 1…I did reiki on a cat yesterday here at work [vet office]…he was very nervous and growling…10 min. later he stopped shaking and was talking to me! I will be signing up for Reiki 2.

—Julie Schwartz

“I walked away ‘knowing’ so many things to the depth of my soul, and feeling the inner peace, happiness and enthusiasm of a child.”

Thank you for a magical weekend that surpassed all expectations.

I marvel at your teaching style. I’m an avid student, always on a quest, and have attended many classes both academic and spiritual. Never have I been to a class that was so calm, yet captivating! My experiences have been either a low energy class where I doze off, or a high energy class that leaves me exhausted.

Instead, I was actually rejuvenated by sitting in your home classroom, completely immersed in all of your stories. It was so cozy and comfortable to be in your home with the animals and to bathe in the incredibly soothing, healing energy. The environment you created for us took me back to something primal from the old ways, where learning happened around the fire through stories from the Elders. I walked away “knowing” so many things to the depth of my soul, and feeling the inner peace, happiness and enthusiasm of a child.

I’m SO happy that I traveled from California to take Reiki 1 with you, and will be taking Reiki 2 in 3 months! I can hardly wait!!!

—Cindie White, Atherton, CA

“I had a very difficult business meeting to attend…so I sent Reiki to the time and place of the meeting…and we were able to come to a speedy resolution that was a win for all.”

One time I had a very difficult business meeting to attend. Difficult because there was a lot riding on my ability to argue favorably on my client’s behalf as the odds were stacked against us, and it was not looking good.I was pretty nervous and so I sent Reiki (for my highest purpose and greatest good) to the time and place of the meeting.

When I showed up there were a lot of worried looks and tension in the air but as soon as we began discussing the issues the room lightened up and we were able to come to a speedy resolution that was a win for all. Of course my client was not sure of what had just taken place but they were pleasantly amazed to say the least! That was the first time I used Reiki for a future situation that I needed help in.

The next time was a similar stress-filled situation where I was a part of a presentation team. I felt somewhat unprepared and as a result had gotten little sleep the night before. Again I sent Reiki (for my highest purpose and greatest good) to the time and place of the presentation. When it was my turn to get up and speak the room changed suddenly and, before I could begin “giving my spiel” as planned, the panel started asking questions. It gave me the perfect opportunity to “throw away the script” and get right to the heart of the matter by addressing their concerns and offering positive solutions. Again, I was so thankful for Reiki.

It was an amazing rest of the day but the real remarkable thing happened after I got home and had a chance to relax a bit. That was when the Reiki guides began to speak to me. They were thanking me for using them! They basically said they were just “waiting around” for an assignment to carry out and that nothing was too great or too small.

I thought that very interesting but after thinking about it, it made perfect sense as Reiki is shamanic in nature. I now send Reiki to all those that request it and although I could probably do more I find myself sending Reiki to situations that don’t necessarily require permission. (To assist in recovering from natural disasters, for example.)

Now when I give a Reiki session the guides help me know how long to stay in any one hand position, and I expect to become increasingly aware of the assistance they offer the more I practice. They’ve also offered guidance in my life to help me be the “best straw” I can be—always a good thing!

Thank you Reiki!!

—Joel Eide, Lynnwood, WA

“Knowing he was ready to go, I built a Reiki Bridge of Light for Wilson. Tears of sadness turned to joy helping him home.”

I recently built a Bridge of Light for a transitioning feline family member. Knowing he was ready to go, I felt blessed to prepare the way.

I connected with Wilson, became a conscious channel and watched him ushered into infinite peace. Tears of sadness turned to joy helping him home. I’m grateful to Rose for her teachings and to Reiki for its power to transform!

—Jennifer Alhasa, Seattle, WA

“Since I have been Reiki attuned, my cat Oreo rolls over and loves for me to offer him Reiki on his furry white belly.”

I truly enjoyed the open discussion style of your Reiki 1 class; it made the class comfortable and approachable. Typically, I do not like to speak in front of others especially about myself. However, your class and the students were very relaxed and I never felt uncomfortable. You have an amazing spirit and you radiate a very calming energy which makes listening and learning easy.

I absolutely loved the setting of the attunement ritual. The music, candlelight, She Walks, and peacefulness of the ceremony was magical. Your home is very comfortable and warming to the soul. I also love that your animal companions take part in the class, your dog Puma owns his spot in front of your chair!

I have been practicing self-Reiki everyday, trying to build my confidence and heal myself. I had triple by-pass surgery 13 years ago and visit my cardiologist every year for an echo stress test. I am placed on an inclined treadmill for 15 minutes to determine if I feel any symptoms of a heart attack and then I run over to the ultra-sound machine so the technician can take several pictures of my heart while it is under stress. Needless to say, this is not a fun process. I get very nervous and have a hard time breathing on the treadmill.

Last week, I was scheduled for this yearly event and I performed Reiki on myself (specifically the heart chakra) right up until the test. I was not nervous, the treadmill test was actually easy, I breathed normal during the entire test and never felt any stress symptoms. The ending pictures of my heart were great and my cardiologist did not detect any abnormal images (as in the past). He actually asked me: “What have you been doing? This is your best test ever.” I left the appointment with confidence and an energy high. I would like to think that Reiki is the answer to this positive experience.

Truffle, my 6 year-old, female, blue Norwegian Forest Cat, is a special kitty since she too has been Reiki attuned. We share our morning Reiki sessions by the fireplace. She curls up next to me while I perform self-Reiki, patiently waiting for her turn. She flips and shows me her tummy and begs for me to place my hands upon her. She also likes to place her head in my hand and fall asleep.

Oreo, a 14 year-old male Tuxedo Maine Coon cat mix, is my husband’s cat. In fact, Oreo is Paul’s shadow. Oreo follows Paul anywhere he goes. Typically, it is very difficult to gain Oreo’s attention and drag him away from his favorite human. Since I have been Reiki attuned, Oreo has found his way to me. He rolls over and loves for me to offer him Reiki on his furry white belly. We call this the “otter” position. There is a whole lot of “ottering” going on in our house!

Rose, your class was perfect! I look forward to taking the second class with you.

—Celeste Robinette, Indianola, WA

“I love Reiki, since the class I am doing Reiki daily and also for my cats when they are sitting quietly in my lap purring.”

Rose’s Reiki Level 1 class uses an integrated approach incorporating shamanic clearing, hands-on practice, stories, and relaxed teaching style. Her graduated instructional method – moving from self-Reiki to chair and table – helps build skills slowly.

I love Reiki, since the class I am doing Reiki daily and also for my cats when they are sitting quietly in my lap purring. My cat Cannes, who was feral and doesn’t like much touch, lay quietly in my lap for a 20 minute Reiki session – that was a breakthrough for him. For myself I find that it balances my energy field when I come home from work overstimulated from the day and calms me.

Rose, I think you did a good job, our class really jelled. I plan to take Reiki 2 and 3 with you and to get to as many of the review sessions as my schedule will allow. Many thanks for bringing your gifts into the world.

—Robyn Govan, Newcastle, WA

“I appreciated the small class size and the freedom to ask questions.”

I’m really glad I took the Reiki I class. I appreciated the small class size and the freedom to ask questions. Rose, you are a good teacher…you present beautifully…and you created a safe and interesting class environment. You’re clearly passionate about the work, I was never bored!

I am enjoying practicing Reiki, I’ve had some incredible experiences offering Reiki to myself and close friends! I actually ended a stomachache the other night after offering myself Reiki for about five minutes. It was amazing! I also offered Reiki to a friend whose back went out… she had some lovely emotional releases. I offered it to another person who was feeling stressed and he said, “You definitely have something special!” And then he fell asleep.

Thank you for the opportunity to experience Reiki from this perspective. I appreciate your gifts and all you do.

—Stephanie Cone, Seattle, WA

“My husband and I, having seen the benefits for our animals, have also taken Reiki classes.”

Working with Rose De Dan has been a revolutionary force in the life of my family, which includes me, my husband, and our three cats. I started seeing Rose when I had then-undiagnosed chronic Lyme disease. The disease was affecting our entire household. I was sick, my husband was caring for me, and our cats were really stressed out.

All of us–humans and animals–have greatly benefited by sessions with Rose. I’ve been able to better understand my feline companions, and we’ve figured out ways of making this difficult time easier on everyone.

My husband and I, having seen the benefits of Reiki, also have taken Reiki classes. I would without hesitation say that the energetic healing this has brought into our lives has been the most helpful component of my healing journey. The applications are far-reaching. Sometimes we use Reiki to address an immediate problem—if I’m too nauseated to eat, for example. Ten minutes of Reiki is often all it takes to have me up and nibbling on dinner! My husband frequently says that he’s so happy to have Reiki, because he can actually do something to help me when I’m ill, instead of just watching me suffer.

Reiki has also been wonderful to address the more macroscopic issues of chronic illness. It’s brought emotional balancing to our lives, and we are able to offer it to our cats as well—thereby greatly decreasing the amount of stress-related behaviors, like spraying.

We use Reiki to energetically clean and balance the house, to help us focus on making difficult decisions, and to bring a healing element to everyday actions. In short, we use Reiki all the time, in many facets of our lives. It’s fantastic to have it literally at our fingertips!

—Anna Lesiecki and Family, Seattle, WA

“Rose is truly a teacher.”

I can’t say enough about Rose De Dan as teacher. She is patient and thorough. If you are wondering if Reiki is something that you can do, it is, and it does not require you to be a “healer”. Rose explains and teaches that we are the straw of the universal energy that allows for healing to begin when we place or direct the energy through our hands.

I have taken both Reiki 1 and 2 with her and she allows us to practice as well as learn techniques that benefit our growth in energy work. She also has an innate ability to make people feel comfortable, but as I said before she is a true teacher. There are many who can do attunements and do their craft, but she incorporates background, form, uses, ethics and creativity to allow us to develop our own Reiki practice. She is also very available to answer questions as you progress.”

—Anna B., Seattle, WA

Reiki and the Rock Fish

Last Sunday I was out boat diving near Pleasant Harbor in Hood Canal. Being mostly a solo-diver I descended to 90 feet with some buddies then let them fade into the west.

Taking my time wondering around a large underwater boulder and enjoying the marine life I came upon a little rock fish that was hovering in a sandy nook. Shining my flashlight down I saw a flash of bright silver. Upon further inspection I could see that the rock fish was held helplessly in place, a 3″ hook protruding from its mouth. The hook still had fishing line attached, leading to discarded tackle and lead ball. Not such a fun way to go; waiting to starve, or for a Giant Pacific Octopus to make a very easy meal of you. Nothing against the octopi, but I’ve seen them hunt and they certainly don’t need any help from careless humans to catch a meal.

Wanting to lend a hand I reached for the little rock fish. It startled and tried to move away; the fishing line going taut, most likely the hook sinking deeper. Silently reprimanding myself, I slowed my vibration down and sent the intention of assistance to the little fish.

This time reaching out slowly and deliberately, I wrapped my hand gently around the fish and brought it close enough to assess the position of the hook. Lucky it was on the side of its mouth; better chance of recovery than if it had embedded high or low. Saying a prayer that the hook had no, or little, barbing I took hold of the hook and eased it out. The little rock fish didn’t even wiggle as the hook was removed.

Since it was resting calmly in my hands, Reiki seemed like a good idea to further increase its odds. Setting the intention for the highest healing good, my hands became toasty warm and I’d swear that the little fish seemed to be enjoying the energy. After a minute I eased my hands away and hovered dumbfounded as the little fish moved only enough to level out and watch me.

Having a fish consider me wasn’t the oddest experience in my life, but has a good chance of making it to the top 1,000. As the little rock fish moved away I said a prayer of thanks to the sea and all her creatures, for the blessing of being able to join them on occasion and to Rose for her work that made helping the little rock fish with Reiki possible.

—LeAnne L., Seattle, WA

Great instructor and a wonderful experience!

Rose is really good at and is very passionate about what she does. Her class is really inspiring and informative. She creates immediate affinity with the class which make one feel at ease. She teaches Reiki in a way that makes it extremely accessible and useful in the everyday as well as in the spiritual aspect. I completely enjoyed the experience.

—Cherie H., Edmonds, WA

Reiki Level 2, absolutely amazing!

This class is absolutely amazing. It builds upon Reiki 1 in a seamless fashion. Rose De Dan as a teacher is compassionate and knowledgeable. She ably leads the class, allowing students plenty of time to share what they are experiencing and ask questions, while still keeping the group focused, moving forward and engaged. Highly recommended.”

—Healey L., Seattle, WA

I love this stuff!

I have an 8 year old dachshund named Roxanne. She had back surgery about 4 years ago, and has been slightly disabled since.

Since taking my Reiki class, I have been working on her when we go to bed at night. Today, a month later, she is a different girl. She runs around a lot. She also jumps up on my legs when I’m in the kitchen (begging) and she also puts her paws up on my foot stool and up on my chair—she couldn’t do that 2 months ago.

Also, our old girl, Lilleth, who also had back surgery and eye surgery, wants to lay in my chair next to me every night. She used to do this occasionally (a few times a month), but now it’s every night. I haven’t worked on her yet, but I think it’s time. I love this stuff!

—S.G.J., Reiki Level 1

Well worth the 300 mile drive!

I took Reiki Level 1 from Rose in 2005 and I made the mistake of taking a Reiki Level 2 from another. I am so glad I came back to Rose for her Reiki Level 2 class. She provided a safe environment for everyone in the class to share their own personal experiences as well as sharing her own.

The class curriculum was easy to follow and questions were encouraged if we did not understand an aspect of the topic. Topics included practical, everyday uses for using Reiki that I would never have thought about before the class. I also appreciated the practice time she scheduled into the class. I would definately take another class from Rose.”

—Sandy B.J., Oresham, OR

“I never dreamed until this weekend that it would ever be possible for me to communicate at a deeper level with my animals!”

I feel that I can now communicate with my “kids” on such a deeper level and they have been incredibly receptive to my touch and desire to share my Reiki with them….they seem so much more ‘in tune’ with me. Which I have to honestly say I never dreamed until this weekend that it would ever be possible for me to communicate at a deeper level with my babies!…Thank you, Rose, for sharing your gifts with others!

—A. Almquist, Lynnwood, WA

“Amazing experience!”

I just finished the Level I Reiki class with Rose, it was incredible. I feel so alive, the energy is definately flowing. I didn’t do much research on the net, when I opened Rose’s web page, I knew right away that this was it and it truly was the right choice for me.

—Myriam W., Seattle, WA

“After Reiki class my hands seem to be drawn to the spots that need help. I have become a lot more confident in my work as well!”

As a student of massage I took Level 1 Reiki because I knew it would make me a better healer…To my surprise, Reiki provides more than healing energy running through my hands, it also heightened the feelings in my fingertips. I can feel more when I am working on my clients, and my hands seem to be drawn to the spots that need help. I have become a lot more confident in my work as well!

I would recommend Reiki training and attunement to anyone who wishes to help others and themselves. My daughter asks me to do Reiki on her all the time now. She had a bit of an earache and it has not progressed to the usual ear infection.

I am very thankful that I can use this incredible energy to benefit myself, my daughter and my clients. Thank you, Rose.

— J Linn H., Level 1 Student, Seattle

“Reiki Level 2, AWESOME!”

Classes with Rose De Dan are awesome! The process of learning how, why, who, what, and where is an easy step. I am totally blown away with what I learned, retained and practice now in my daily lifestyle. The way our lives are now, being busy and fitting everything into one day, it is great to get back to the basics of doing simple steps in life. I thank you so much Rose!”

—Glenda Simpson, Seattle, WA

“Great experience!”

I really enjoyed my Reiki 1 class with Rose De Dan. I liked her practical and thoughtful approach with some humor. I quickly signed up for Reiki 2!”

—Jennifer McNeely, Seattle, WA

“Rose is a great instructor who has taken time to demonstrate lessons with stories that makes it easy to relate to the situation.”

Signing up for a class was exciting, thrilling and educational. The class itself was an eye opener! I learned so much! The energy in the class was enlightening and in high spirits. The information was retained through the stories Rose told. I especially liked it when she told us that if we did Reiki daily our wrinkles would not be so apparent! Talk about motivation!

I also loved the atmosphere of the training room. Rose’s pets were there but invisible. Rose is a great instructor who has taken time to demonstrate lessons with stories that makes it easy to relate to the situation. The classes are small and informal but highly stimulating.

It is nice to sit with people who enjoy the little things in life and share that feeling with all.

—Glenda Simpson, Redmond, WA

Reiki for the entire family!

My husband and I took this class together. Stepping outside my box of not knowing where to start on my own journey into Reiki, I asked a couple of friends. They referred me to Rose and I am so very grateful that they did. Rose is patient, kind and loving as a person and a teacher. Her home is very comfortable as a classroom and very welcoming.

I use Reiki generally on myself for the moment. I have done a couple of sessions on our son and on our dogs. We also have two guinea pigs who are very chatty when we come into the room now. Our dogs seem to want to be with us more and more and love to just lay at our feet now more than before. We have also encountered that more wildlife seems to come to our yard than before the class. It was a great experience and I am looking forward to more classes with Rose in the near future.

—Sandra Gleason, Port Orchard, WA

“If you’re not sure whom to study with, I recommend Rose De Dan, hands down.”

You can’t go wrong with Rose! Rose De Dan has a wonderful ability to explain things clearly in a relaxed and enjoyable way. She gets everybody participating in hands-on practice and asking questions, and you can tell that if you didn’t understand something, she would explain it another way until you did understand it.

She’s also a heart-based person whose warmth and joy radiate, so her classes feel like a gathering of friends, even if you’ve never met before. Rose really knows her stuff, as well – she lives it. There’s a saying in South America: “Information isn’t knowledge,” and Rose De Dan has knowledge, not just information – she has great personal depth of development and real life experience. When you meet Rose, you know right away she’s “the real thing.” She’s also very down to earth, however, and humble – her classes are person-to-person (she’s talking with you, not at you), in an atmosphere of caring and laughter. The skills and knowledge you come away with are sound, and the class itself is a joy. If you’re not sure whom to study with, I recommend Rose De Dan, hands down.”

—Leslie Britt, Reiki Master Teacher, high school English teacher of 20 years

“Rose has given a gift to all of us.”

Throughout the course of a day and an evening we learned how to begin healing ourselves and others using Reiki. The class was relaxed, comfortable yet focused and serious. We learned techniques and then practiced them. I highly recommend this class if you feel called to it.

—Scott Fishman, Seattle, WA

“Anyone interested in reviewing their Reiki skills would really enjoy this class…”

I am a Reiki Level III (all levels taught by Rose) and this class really helped me refresh my skills as I combine Reiki with other energy skills so my specific Reiki procedures were a bit rusty.

I enjoyed meeting and hearing about how others are using Reiki in the Reiki verbal share, then we had great practice during the hands on Reiki share. Rose reviewed how to scan each person and ensured we were on track with our hand positions and overall procedures. Anyone interested in reviewing their Reiki skills would really enjoy this class and I plan on attending more in the future.

—Cindy Hill, Mystic Mountain Retreat, Monroe, WA

“We were both impressed with how relaxed and calm we felt as well.”

When I went to the Reiki class, I had a sore neck and lower back pain. As I sat in the class, my neck got worse and was stiff the next morning.

My husband and I both took the class, so he did a Reiki procedure on my neck the next morning. The pain lessened during the day, and was gone by the next morning.

Also after the class was over, our German shepherd was very excited to see us and proceeded to run around like a Tasmanian devil, making us both crazy. My husband gave her Reiki…and she remained very calm for the next day or so. We were both impressed with how relaxed and calm we felt as well.

—Barbara R., Leavenworth, WA

Reiki for Headache from Surgery

Thank you again for the wonderful weekend! You are an excellent Reiki teacher.

I have had success in my Reiki sessions. My father has headaches from a brain tumor surgery he had 12 years ago. We are working together every other day to try and relieve some of his pain. I have done two one-hour sessions on him, and in our last session his headache was gone by the 4th hand position. He loves Reiki!

—Denise F.S., Auburn, WA

Reiki for Migraine and Pregnancy

I was able to try Reiki out the same night I finished your class. A co-worker was having a terrible migraine and with a short session, I was able to help get his pain down from a 7 to a 5 (out of 10) and be able to finish out his shift.

The same night, I worked on another co-worker who was sick and also pregnant so couldn’t really take anything to get through feeling sick. She said she could feel the energy. I checked in with her the next week and she said that she’d felt much better by the next afternoon. Thanks again. I don’t believe I said this over that weekend, but I really felt your class was the right fit for me.

—Cindy S., Seattle

Reiki Self-Healing: Ulcerative Colitis

Reiki has made a major difference with my ulcerative colitis. I have been able to allow the release of this burden. I hardly ever have attacks and I have been able to reduce my medication. That is proof.

—H.W., Reiki Level 1, Seattle

“Reiki changed my life.”

It has helped to empower me and to realize the potential for healing we all have. Rose’s warmth, serenity and sincerity were, and are, what comforted me about my decision to become a Reiki practitioner throughout the training and still.

I have been practicing as a Reiki level II for two years. Rose is still there for me when I have questions. As my Reiki Master, she will usher me into a Mastership role myself when it is time. My confidence and respect are strong and I thank the universe for allowing me to find Reiki through Rose.

J Linn Black Henline, LMP, SAMP, Shoreline, WA

“Reiki is definitely a benefit in spiritual/health care.”

I was asked to accompany a friend to a Level 1 Reiki class given by Rose last year. It turned out to be a pivotal point in my life. Not only did I learn what impressive power Reiki has in healing (my laryngitis was gone that night), the warmth and calming effects are profound. As a student you can feel the energy flow through your hands to the recipient, and it gives you such a sense of peace and clarity.

I completed Level 1 and 2, have used it for several friends and family, and they keep returning for additional sessions.

Rose’s class is complete, thoughtfully directed, and I feel was truly a gift at this time in my life. Reiki is definitely a benefit in spiritual/health care.

—K. Hunko, Port Orchard, WA

“Reiki Level 1 was amazing, going from Reiki 1 to Reiki 2 was an even bigger ‘WOW’…”

I REALLY enjoyed Reiki 2. There seems to be an endless supply of “beings” or events that I can send the Reiki to, especially the emotional healing aspect.

Going from not knowing Reiki at all, to Reiki 1 was amazing, going from Reiki 1 to Reiki 2 was an even bigger “WOW,” an even bigger jump!

Thank you for sharing what you know and for reminding us that there is a natural connection between all beings (including the earth and universe) at a very base level. A very cool experience indeed!”

—C.J.S., WA

Reiki Healing: Safe for Giver and Receiver

Reiki has given me the necessary tools to perform the energy healing I had been attempting on my own for many years, and the distance healing my mother taught me years ago.

Prior to learning Reiki, if I were to do ‘energy work’ on say, a friend’s broken thumb, I would feel drained, and sometimes take on a ‘mimic pain’ in my own thumb! With Reiki, I feel GREAT, and know how to disperse heavy energy without absorbing it myself.

I knew the second I saw Rose’s Reiki class advertised (in a local publication for pet lovers) that I HAD to be in that class. Animals have always been a very important part of my life, and she was the first person I had ever come across that focused on animals as well as humans.

I now use Reiki in my everyday life: at work with stressed out animals coming to be groomed, with friends suffering from minor aches and pains, and other situations such as relief for a cat that had been scratching and chewing himself raw for months prior to the Reiki session (veterinary medicine had been ineffective in this case).

I’ve also found that (even though I’ve yet to take an animal communication class) I have been able to better communicate with my non-human friends much better than I could prior to having Reiki in my life.

Through Reiki I have met many amazing people, including Rose who is an extraordinary individual who has inspired me greatly in my work with animals.

—Christiane Mikles, Reiki 2, Seattle, WA

Reiki for Dogs and People

I have attended both Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki classes taught by Rose. Both classes were very organized, fun and enlightening. The skills I learned could be immediately applied to my everyday life and to those beings around me, both human and animal.

I have been able to help calm down and reduce the stress for dogs that were emotionally upset when their owners were away for an extended period of time. Also, there have been a few occasions when a dog strained a muscle or ligament while running in the yard and have applied Reiki to their point of pain and then literally watched them bounce right back up and continue playing without limping. Another dog with some sort of digestive problem, calmed right down and went back to sleep after a 15 minute session, where under different circumstances without knowing Reiki, I would have rushed them to the vet at 3:00 a.m.

There have been many, many other cases where I’ve applied Reiki to my friends, family and myself right after an injury and in ALL cases the pain seemed to disappear immediately, there was either minimal or no bruising at the site and the injury healed very quickly.

Rose has been very supportive after each class by being available to answer questions and to provide gentle reminders as to the different situations where Reiki can be applied. I highly recommend her classes to everyone as Reiki is a very powerful and valuable skill that you can not only share with your loved ones and friends but you can incorporate into your everyday lives and/or profession.

—Jere Hutchison, Burien, WA

Reiki and Horses

I worked on a horse (who) had a tender area…She flinched when I touched it even a little and gave me the hairy eyeball (so to speak). So I did some Reiki on the area for a few minutes and after that she wasn’t the least bit tender. She dropped her weight into my hands while I worked and went from being really nervous about me being near the area to totally relaxing into it.

—Polly K., Level 1 Student, Seattle

Reiki benefits for daily life

I set my alarm for an hour early and between snooze’s I do Reiki on myself. I have noticed the difference in the way animals greet me on my walks. They come up to me and sit down in front of me, I reach down and run my hands over them…cats and dogs…I have heard owners say to me ‘she has never done that before!’…or ‘well, I wonder what that was all about?’….in my mind I thank them and they or I continue on our walks.

My coworkers have noticed a difference in my way of handling things at work. I have done Reiki on coworkers and they have told every person in the office about the hands-on I can do. Out of a five-day work week I do at least two Reiki treatments on coworkers. One coworker ask me today…’Marjie, could you do your Reiki on my shoulder?’…kind of kewl…

It feels so good to be able to help people and to talk openly about doing it. I seem to be able to feel the trouble spots on the body through heat coming into my hands. By concentrating on these spots I am able to bring healing or easing of their pain.

I really enjoy the classes because it is people of the same mind sharing what is important to them and to me. I have met the most interesting people from all walks of life…each one has enriched my life so much.

I would recommend Reiki training for everyone for the simple joy of knowing that you can help yourself and other people. To bring that peace into their lives is so enriching.

—Marjie M., Seattle, WA

The Grateful Pug

A coworker had a young, 20-ish daughter with a Pug dog. Like most young people she is living on a shoestring. We dropped by her apartment to drop off some things and I noticed her Pug was dragging his back legs and seemed very lethargic.

I asked her how long he had been like this? She answered a couple days and she was taking him into the vets that weekend.

I asked her if she wanted me to try Reiki on him? She answered, “Yes, please, anything that might help him.”

I sat on the sofa and asked the dog’s permission to work on him. He sat down in front of me and looked up at me with those buggy little eyes of his.

My coworker and her daughter sat in the chairs across from me. I thought I would be nervous, but as soon as I put my hands on this little creature I forgot they were in the same room.

I started at his head and worked my way down to his bottom. I could feel heat around his hips and as soon as I found the heat he looked at me. I knew I had found the right spot. I placed my hands on him and left them there for 3 minutes.

My coworker and her daughter kept saying…”He never sits that still. He has never sat that long for anyone.”

This little guy moved around so I hit the right spots. Every time he would move I would leave my hands in place again for 3 minutes. I was in the shape of a pretzel by the time he moved away.

He smartly marched right into the kitchen to eat, which he had not done for almost two days prior to the Reiki. He then ran back into the living room and bounced up on his owners lap and my coworkers lap. He then came and sat in front of me and just looked up at me.

I announced out loud to him…”You are welcome, my friend.”

My coworker just stared at me, but the daughter had tears in her eyes and came and gave me a big hug and said, “Thank you.”

That was really nice. I felt good inside and pumped up for the rest of the night. This had been my first Reiki healing on an animal and to do it in front of a coworker and her family and to see the results immediately like that. Well, you could not have wiped the smile off my face if you had tried. It spread from ear to ear.

As I write this testimony it has been over a month and half and my coworker daily tells me how well he is doing. Her daughter tells everyone that will listen about Reiki. I am proud, inside and out that I could help and I hope at least one person that hears her story will think about it and follow up with Reiki training.

—Marjie M., Seattle, Reiki Level 1

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