Socialization and Healing with Reiki for Foster Cats Sadiya and Noctua
My experiments with distance Reiki for my foster cats to see if the Reiki energy healing can help socialize them for adoption are working! Sadiya was semi-feral when we first…
My experiments with distance Reiki for my foster cats to see if the Reiki energy healing can help socialize them for adoption are working! Sadiya was semi-feral when we first…
In 2018, shortly before Christmas, I adopted Night Sky as a kitten. I was not planning on bringing another cat into the household at the time, but while I was…
After too long an absence, I recently paid a visit to the Zoo Animal Ambassadors (ZAA) at the Woodland Park Zoo (WPZ). I was excited to see them again and…
Note: Jimmy the Grey, Sadiya Golden Eyes, and Noctua are three cats rescued from a hoarding house by Red Rose Animal Rescue weeks after their caretaker passed away. Thirty-eight cats…
The photo of Manitou above was taken on a somewhat typical Seattle day—light rain showers interspersed with sun breaks. I had been sitting outside on my lounge chair reading a…
I have been following stories of the heartbreaking devastation of war on the Ukrainian people and animals and have taken small actions to support them. I keep everyone in my…
Our first field trip for Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors class was to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. I did some reading on their site, and when I saw octopus…
Recently, I had an incredible encounter with two Raccoons during Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors (ZAA) class at Northwest Trek. I will be sharing that story in an upcoming newsletter.…
I have a confession to make. I hate writing newsletters. I love telling stories about my animal encounters—the gifts, lessons, and messages from the animals bring me so much joy.…
Many of my Reiki 1 students report that their animal companions like to snuggle up and “draft” off the energy currents while they are enjoying some personal Reiki time. My…