A Bee Knows
Did you know that shamanism and animal communication have a bit in common?
Animal communication says you can connect and converse with all living beings regardless of species (cat, ant, octopus, etc.). Shamanism takes it a bit further and says everything has spirit: the rocks, trees, river, ocean, winds, and more, which makes life way more interesting…
The other day, I dropped by the nursery in search of one specific plant and, of course, came home with a few extras. One in particular was an unexpected purchase due to a strong recommendation from an unexpected source.
Happily cruising the lush, green aisles of thousands of Plant People, with my attention focused on finding a tall Nicotiana (an old-fashioned annual beloved by hummingbirds), I suddenly heard a voice to my lower left. Looking down, I spied a native bumblebee. Bee started yelling: PICK THIS ONE! THIS ONE! SO GOOD!
I took a look at the plant in question, a quietly unassuming plant with blue flowers with an orange center. Not one I would normally choose, but Bee was adamant and, in a sea of other flower types, was solely focused on this one plant. So I said to Bee, “Thank you, I will. I will wait until you are finished.” I asked the Plant that Bee was so focused on if it would like to come home with me, and it said, “Yes.” And so, I arrived home with Bacopa “Gulliver Blue” on the recommendation of Bee.
Looking my new plant friend up on the internet, the description stated: “attracts bees.” Yep. Who needs Google? I got it right from the source!
If you would like to grow (pun intended) your connections and conversations with Nature and meet your spirit allies, I start teaching 8-week class Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur tomorrow night (May 28). Each week, students will meet a new individual ally that has chosen to work with them. By the end of the class, students have a spiritual team of guides, advisors, and friends, as well as a variety of exercises and ceremonies to help them create positive shifts and change—personal AND global.
I hope you will join me for the journey!
Enjoy the beauty of the season,
Rose De Dan, Night Sky, Tamerlan, Noctua, and Sadiya
Want to learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth? Take a look at my live Reiki and shamanic virtual classes, available worldwide.
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©2024 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions, and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.