The animals know a wild way to heal
and want to share this ancient wisdom with us.
Join me on an 8-week journey to discover and connect with your personal spirit animal, plant and nature allies! With their support you are not power-LESS—you are power-WITH.
They’ll help you restore your magical connection with animals and nature, empower you in daily life, free you from what is holding you back, and help you manifest your dreams.
“This is a beautiful course. Rose is a great teacher.
Definitely do yourself a favour and book in 🌲🐆 🪨 🪶 💕”
—Phoenix T., Australia
Do you yearn for a closer connection with animals and nature?
Current news about the global pandemic and climate change, its impact on us, the Earth, and all its inhabitants can feel overwhelming. There are stories on every media outlet about the dwindling numbers of animals, loss of habitat, and increase in destructive weather patterns—life out of balance on a global scale.
Our world seems to be moving faster and faster, causing us to feel personally depleted and off balance, with no clear understanding of how to replenish and renew our life force.
A different way of walking on the Earth is desperately needed.
Our indigenous ancestors had a different relationship with the natural world than our modern world does—our ancestors were aware that animals, plants, trees, stones, fire, water, winds, earth (All Our Relations) possess a spirit and are our allies.
Mountain Lion Windwalker’s Message for the World
Several years ago I was gifted with a powerful vision in Windwalker’s Message for the World. That we needed to work together on an energetic and spiritual level in order to create positive shift on a global scale.
I was told that we needed to heal our inner gardens and tend to our outside connections, and that could be accomplished more quickly and easily with the assistance of our ancient allies, the Stone, Plant, and Animal People—All Our Relations—with whom we share this world.
The result is this 8-week shamanic teleclass series created at their request and taught by All Our Relations with the intention of restoring the ancient balance and renewing the integrity of the connections that we share.
Through spider web-like lines we are all connected one to another, and in this place and time there are torn areas that need mending. Through simple shamanic practices, and with help from All Our Relations in both the physical realm and the realm of spirit, students will learn how to nurture their own personal healing while supporting the animals.
All Our Relations invite you to join them
in personal and global healing.
Open your heart to the Animal, Plant, and Stone Teachers.
Listen to their wisdom. Feel their love.
Experience their healing power.
Together we are strong!
Shamanism is the whisper of guidance carried by our ancestors and passed from generation to generation within our very cells: insights and visions in the smoke and flame of ceremonial fire touched by the breath of the winds, the promise of strength and perception from the power animals, the ancient knowledge held in trust for us by the bones of Mother Earth, the Stone People, the tendrils of green healing that lovingly assist us with all manner of healing remedies, gift of the Plant People.
What is Shamanism? by Rose De Dan

Strengthen your ability to communicate with animals and nature
You’ll begin learning how to connect with animals and nature by embarking on a shamanic journey to meet the compassionate animal spirit ally that stalks you, seeking to share its wisdom and secrets.
Your Power Animal offers you the ability to:
• perceive the world through its senses
• share in its strengths, insights, and personal characteristics
• increase healing and spiritual growth
• ask for guidance in choosing your life path and achieving your goals
Each week, with the support and assistance of your power animal we will meet one or more of the other allies—Stone People, Animal People, Plant People, Earth, Water, Fire, Air (Winds)—listen to their messages and partake of their wisdom. Each call is designed to empower you on your journey.

In 8 weeks you will learn how to:
• stay energetically clean in a dirty world
• restore balance with the assistance of a Stone Teacher
• speak with Animal and Plant Teachers
• improve animal communication skills
• connect with the Earth and the sacred anywhere
• synchronize with the natural cycles
• create transformation
• release limiting fear, anger, grief
• join with All Our Relations in ceremony
With the assistance of ancient allies you will be able to heal:
• the pain of personal loss of a beloved animal companion
• the grief and pain you feel over global events such as the tragic deaths of Cecil the Lion and Marius the giraffe and the senseless killing of wolves, elephants and other wildlife
• compassion fatigue encountered in animal rescue and healing work
With the help of All My Relations, your shamanic allies,
and holding space in balance with a foot in both worlds,
you are not power-LESS—you are power-WITH.
By practicing the weekly exercises you will be able to:
• strengthen your intuitive abilities
• restore harmony and balance to your life
• improve your relationship with domestic and wild animals while at the same time helping to heal the Earth.
What you will receive during this training:
• weekly live 60-90 minute telecalls (available via phone or internet, and recorded in case you miss one)
• opportunity to ask questions on the call
• invitation to join private Facebook Forum where you can ask questions, share experiences, and receive mentoring assistance
• assignments to help gain experience, support growth and confidence
• reference materials supplied as pdf files
By the end of the eight-week series of classes students will have received a strong foundation of connections and practices that they will always be able to call upon for personal and global healing.
Non-lineage based training, no previous experience required.
While I will be holding space and listening to All Our Relations using my training in Peruvian shamanism, the training itself is non-lineage based, and no previous training is required.
“I want to thank you Rose for this opportunity to be part of this class and this needed teaching; for your availability, your passion and your commitment to the animals. Your dedication is inspiring.”
—Chrystel D., France |
“It’s the connection I’ve been wanting and I now have the tools to strengthen it and continue ceremony with powerful allies.”
What I learned from Bones, Stones, Feathers, and Fur is that the course is only as good as the teacher and Rose is exceptional. Rose holds the class in a sacred and personal way that allows even a greenhorn like me to feel comfortable participating and sharing. The information is something that I will continue to review and practice. It’s the connection I’ve been wanting and I now have the tools to strengthen it and continue ceremony with powerful allies.
—Tammy McCullough, CA |
“It felt like opening the portal to a new realm…”
This class was an amazing experience for me with the stories and the journeys and discovering a whole new community of allies. It felt like opening the portal to a new realm – an initiation into a new sense of awareness and at the start of a beautiful path. Loved the group and interacting with everyone.
—Indrani Das, India |
“As we struggle to deal with these uncertain times, find your path with the help of your Shamanic Allies.”
During the Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur classes you will be led on a magical journey of self-discovery by Rose De Dan, a true teacher who uses wisdom, humor, and grace to encourage her students to explore the world in new ways, to experience different realms, and to be open to and respectful of all who have come before. Not only was the class fun, it was a beautiful exercise in how to connect with all our relations while exploring the self. You will have a renewed sense of connection with the world that will boost your spiritual and emotional strength and maybe even shift the rest of your life in a more meaningful way.
My participation has given me a new “life toolbox” to handle all that may come my way. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to take this class – time definitely well spent!
—Maria Garcia Bulkley, PA |
“I think that if you only want to take one class in life THIS IS IT!!!”
Rose, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this class! I find it lifechanging and I love every bit of it. You are a natural teacher with great knowledge and a good sense of humor and a lot of beautiful stories to tell. I think that if you only want to take one class in life THIS IS IT!!!
—Lena Larsson, Sweden |
“Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur was the most wonderful gift I have ever given myself.”
In our first session of Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur Rose said, “Tonight you are going to meet the animal that has been trying to get your attention, the animal that has been stalking you, trying to connect with you,” and my mind immediately said “oh dear, I’ve signed up for 8 weeks of this, what on earth is she talking about?” At the end of that session, after emerging from the guided shamanic journey, where I met a glorious deer, I realized how right Rose was. The curtains in my room are covered in deer, I have a family of deer carvings beside my bed and a painting of a stag on the wall! Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur was the most wonderful gift I have ever given myself. The teleclass worked wonderfully well, and the support and guidance from Rose throughout the course was both practical and personalized. I also found Rose a funny and generous teacher. Thank you Rose, I am looking forward to my next course.
—Lisa Craig, Australia |
“Thank you again, Rose, for guiding this amazing journey.”
I have learned so much through this class, Rose De Dan. I have learned what to do with the connection I’ve always felt to nature…how to reap the wisdom and assistance all our allies have to offer, how to show gratitude and honor our allies for their assistance and wisdom and how to let go and stay energetically light. Thank you again, Rose, for guiding this amazing journey, sharing your wisdom and insight and all you do for our animal friends!
—Laura Thomas, South Carolina |
“The gifts are so beautiful.”
This class has made me sit with our relations for a longer time…to really KNOW them rather than to just read information and know about them. The gifts are so beautiful. I feel so humbled, grateful, and deeply reverent. I will not forget them…ever. Thank you.”
—Jaclyn Pelosi, California |
“I know that this class will always mark a turning point in my life.”
Rose, thank you so much for such an amazing class. The final class was indeed bittersweet but then it dawned on me that this is just the beginning. You opened so many doors and provided me with an awesome tool kit. I know that this class will always mark a turning point in my life. Much peace, love, and light to you.
—Neal Williams, Alabama |
“I’ve enjoyed this whole experience so much. I walk away changed, and for that I am GRATEFUL ♡♡♡♡♡♡”
—Debbie S., New Jersey |
“I want to thank you for this class. It has already exceeded my expectations. I am very grateful.”
—Stacey Wall in Masschusetts after second class |
“This class has opened doors for me beyond what I thought was possible.”
I feel so blessed by all that has come out of this class. It has opened doors for me beyond what I thought was possible. I had been dealing with some very difficult issues and loneliness was very big and in my face. Every day now I find myself realizing how absolutely not alone I am. I had an awareness of working with All Our Relations before, but my connection deepened exponentially from taking your class. I am filled with gratitude.
—Stacey Wall in Masschusetts at conclusion of class |
“I’ve found your classes to be the most valuable I’ve taken so far…”
Rose, thank you for all you’ve taught us! I’ve found your classes to be the most valuable I’ve taken so far and are instructions I will use for a life time. I’ve always felt connected to nature, but your classes have really shown me how to communicate with it.
—Sandra McDermott, Connecticut |
“I learned so much that I can use each day.”
Thank you Rose for such a great class. I learned so much that I can use each day. I was told by my Guides that this was where I needed to be.
—Janis Jawny, Illinois |
“Thank you for leading us into this magical world where everything is alive…”
I wanted to thank you for offering this very inspiring course! Thank you for leading us into this magical world where everything is alive and ready to communicate with us and share their wisdom. Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences for us to learn from each other! Bones, Stones Feathers and Fur is part of my life!
—Susanna Knuchel Glaze, New Mexico |
“…thank you for all that you’ve shared.”
Rose De Dan, thank you for all that you’ve shared and this class. I was in the right place and the universe brought this class and you to my awareness. I cannot thank you enough!!! Namaste!
—Gabriella Dahalia, West Virginia |
“I have so much gratitude…”
Thank you for sharing all of these amazing stories of your life with All Our Relations. I have so much gratitude for your time and energy teaching us and showing us new ways to look at our world. I look forward to more classes!
—Stacey Levitt, New York |
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ: Will I get as much out of a teleclass as an in-person training?
After 18 years of teaching in-person, I wondered the same thing myself, and what I found was that students can actually get more out of the teleclass since I can deliver information and guidance each week and the students get to contemplate and practice rather than having to take in everything all at once. In addition they also have the recordings for reference any time.
FAQ: I missed the first class, can I still register? What if I can’t be on the call live for one class date?
Each live class is recorded, and all students receive a link to the recording within 24 hours afterward. If you were unable to register in time to attend the first class you can very easily catch up before we start week 2. Registration will close the day before the second class.
FAQ: How do I attend the calls and receive handouts?
When you register you will receive an email with instructions on how to attend the first call by phone or internet. Each week thereafter I send out an email with instructions for class the night before. After each call I will send an email with a link to the recording for reference or for those who were unable to attend live. Any handouts that apply will also be sent via email as pdf files.
FAQ: I’ve never taken any shamanic training before, is this class for me? I’m already a shamanic practitioner, can I attend?
This class is intended for anyone who has not previously taken shamanic training or shamanic practitioners who would like a different perspective.
Got more questions? We’re happy to answer them, send us an email.
Registration for
Bones, Stones, Feathers & Fur
Where: Worldwide
When: Tuesdays, April 22 – June 10, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific
Registration for this class means a commitment to all eight classes.
Confirmation will be sent after registration. If class has already started, you can easily catch up with replay. Registration deadline is day before second class.
Fee: $499.00 (payment plan options available at checkout thru PayPal, Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna)

*Cancellation policy: we understand that sometimes things happen, should you need to withdraw from the class a refund (less $75) is available with notice no later than 24 hours before the first class, after that no refunds can be given. Payment is non-transferable to any other class, product or offering by WRSH.
More messages from the animals:
Animal Reiki Shamanism: A video interview with Rose De Dan from Lilou Mace’s Juicy Living Tour
Return of the Buffalo: Visions and Ceremonies explores the ancient relationship of Bison with the People and the Land.
Message from the Other Nations on the Death of Marius the Giraffe: Zoo animals are ambassadors for their species, and as such they deserve the respect due a human ambassador. They are representatives of the Other Nations, and they are here to help us heal the broken covenant between mankind, the animals and Mother Earth.
About Rose De Dan
Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC
Rose De Dan is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic practitioner, and author based in Seattle, WA. She has been teaching classes since 1996 and has a wealth of stories and guidance on energy healing for animals and people that she shares with her students.
In 1996, while living in Worcester, Mass., she had a life-changing experience during a Reiki class and was gifted with a vision of a healing practice for animals. In pursuing that vision, Rose began to remember her childhood dreams and passion to help animals.
In the process of becoming an energy healer, animal shaman, and voice for the animals, Rose found her practice evolving into building bridges between people and domestic and wild animals. She has been bringing people and animals together in ceremony to co-create a sustainable future since 1998 through events such as A Walk on the Wild Side: Answering the Call of the Wild.