Turning Lost into Found: ReikiShamanic tips for lost dog or cat
I frequently receive requests to help find a lost dog or cat—a service that I don’t offer as a healer/animal communicator. However, I have had enough experience with lost animals…
I frequently receive requests to help find a lost dog or cat—a service that I don’t offer as a healer/animal communicator. However, I have had enough experience with lost animals…
This article was originally written in 2009 and appeared on my old website as the third of a series of three entitled "Answering the Call of the Wild." In Part…
I am delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 8th Annual A Walk on the Wild Side: Answering the Call of the Wild 2017. When: October 5-8,…
I awoke on the long-dreaded inauguration day of a 45th President of the United States (whose platform I do not support), with the joyful memory of a powerful dream. I…
On March 11, 2016 SeaWorld announced that Orca Ambassador Tilikum was dying. The focus of documentary film Blackfish, Tilikum’s story helped raise awareness around the world about the plight of…
It’s Thanksgiving Eve, and the aroma of the old-fashioned pumpkin pie as it bakes is heavenly. As we all know, Thanksgiving is a holiday that traditionally involves physically gathering with…
Last week I had the honor of being interviewed as an animal expert by Dr. Cara Gubbins. The topic was Animals As Spiritual Beings, and of course I knew that…
Nothing would make me happier than to report that the viral story circulating about the buffalo showing up on their own to support the water protectors at Standing Rock was…
On October 2nd my shamanic allies, shamanic buddy/driver Charolette Anderson and I hit the road for 10 days of ceremonies with the land and wildlife of Yellowstone National Park and…
On October 2nd my shamanic allies, shamanic buddy and driver Charolette Anderson hit the road for 10 days of ceremonies with the land and wildlife of Yellowstone National Park and…