WRSH News: Whale Ceremony, Kitty Healing Camp, More Cats, and Shamanic Allies
I have tried for several days to get this newsletter out. There’s a lot on my plate, personally and professionally, so if it seems choppy, I apologize. In addition to cat adventures (covered later), there have been three bono ceremonies in the last month: on the water with Whales and other Wildlife, Tigers and other Animal Ambassadors at Cougar Mountain Zoo, and with Wolves and Coyotes at Wolf Haven International.
In this issue
• Manitou goes to Kitty Healing Camp, help requested
• Cats, Cats, and More Cats
• In Ceremony with Whales and Tokitae Message
• Meet Your Power Animal and other Personal Nature Allies starts Oct. 10
Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur
Oct 10 – Nov 28, 2023
Listening to ZAA Ambassadors
Dec 4, 2023 – Mar 18, 2023
Worldwide Reiki 1 Teleclass
February TBA
Manitou Goes to Kitty Healing Camp
Yesterday, with the help of a friend, I dropped senior cat Manitou off at Kitty Healing Camp aka the Feline Hyperthyroid Treatment Center in Tacoma, WA. He had been diagnosed as hyperthyroid for the second time in four years, and is unable to take medication. Twenty percent of cats respond adversely to methimazole, Manitou was one of them. Our only option once again was radioiodine therapy.
I did not make the decision lightly. Manitou gets stressed away from home, and I really miss him. Not treating him was not an option, however. Even though we caught it relatively early, his overactive thyroid was stealing the muscle mass from his body and the weight from his bones. I wanted him to have as much quality of life in his final years as possible. Since all the rest of his bloodwork was good, and Manitou gave his permission for the treatment, I decided to commit.
The only other stumbling block was my finances. Years of chronic health issues and vet bills had already put a strain on my reserves. I incurred some unexpected costs with taking in my foster cats (more about them later), then starving stray cat Tamerlan came along, and while a fundraiser took care of his vet bills, the additional cost of feeding him also added to the strain. All of that is a long way of saying that I am going to go way outside my comfort zone and ask for help once again.
Manitou is not only an important part of my life, he has been an important part of many of my classes. He is an energy lover and enjoys inserting himself into despachos, video interviews and telecalls, hijacking the sacred Buffalo Blanket when I put it out to air (see photo above), and inserting himself into photoshoots (see Manitou and the Shamanic Photoshoot).
We could use your support, financial and otherwise. I have set up a GoFundMe for Manitou. I have the Reiki energy healing part covered, but prayers are also welcome (-: Thanks in advance from both of us!
Cats, Cats, and MORE Cats: An Update
Former starving stray cat Tamerlan is available for adoption in the Seattle area and I need help finding him his forever home. I have enjoyed getting to know him, am grateful for all the support that made it possible to restore him to health (and get him neutered), but he has made it clear that he wants Manitou out of what he considers his territory. Yes, a hostile takeover. Currently, we are on a timeshare rotation, with Tamerlan outside from dark to breakfast. Manitou and Night Sky have the outdoor day shift. However, this will probably not work as the days get shorter, colder, and wetter. My cats are going to want to b e inside, and so is Tamerlan. Please share his story with as many folks as possible and help us find him his forever home. He is a funny, affectionate, great cat, but he needs to be an only cat.
Click here to see Tamerlan’s adoption profile.
Foster Cats Noctua and Sadiya
It has been so crazy that I have not been able to take recent photos of them or post videos, but you can see the most recent here, and read their story if you are not familiar. For those of you who might be wondering why they have lived with me for over a year: they came with another cat (Jimmy), who developed diabetes and needed a lot of care and attention before getting adopted (successfully).
After Jimmy left, I could focus on helping these neglected semi-ferals develop better social skills with humans. I had just started on that when starving stray semi-feral tomcat Tamerlan showed up in my backyard. From then on, life got crazy since Tamerlan needed vet help and socializing. Then he moved into the house, and then things gradually went pear-shaped. My household cat dynamics started to break down and needed major attention.
Long story short, Noctua and Sadiya are as ready for adoption as they can be and truly need a home where they don’t need to be confined to one room. But first, they needed to get a wellness check and booster shots. Easier said than done…
I did manage to trick Noctua into a carrier. She will purr and play with me and take treats from my hand, but I still cannot really touch her. At heart, she is a scared but loving cat. Her daughter Sadiya had more contact with people during her kittenhood, and I can brush her, pet her, and gently pick her up. Sadiya was perfect with my gentle and understanding vet, and her visit went well.
Unfortunately, despite Reiki and animal communication, Noctua went to a very scary place and turned the vet room into a scrimmage field. She never hissed or tried to bite or scratch, she simply wanted to hide, and she was fast and slippery. Her visit was completely unsuccessful. Now, the plan is to slip her some knockout drops and see if I can get her into a carrier next week so they can completely tranquilize her. It needs to be done; she has an ear that needs attention that I can’t even get a look into, never mind getting her microchipped and basic vaccinations that an adopter will expect. Stay tuned, and wish us well.
If you would like to support their well-being (and Tamerlan’s), we could really use a donation of cat food from our Wish List. I am so grateful to all the Cat Food Angels who have supported us. I never dreamed these fosters would be with me this long, but I am glad to know them. They are very sweet cats.
Meet Your Animal & Nature Allies
I recently celebrated my nine-year anniversary of teaching Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur. I still can recall my hope for what the class might offer students and also my nervousness concerning whether I would be able to do the teachings of the allies justice < /span>
Instead, the Teachers who have guided my steps in the almost 30 years I have been involved in energy healing wanted to created a class series where they could could connect with students directly and introduce each one to their personal guides. The result was Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur.
Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur is a unique class since it is not lineage-based per the request of All Our Relations (Stone People, Plant People, Animal People, Bison Elders, Wayras, Windwalker, Council of Wolves and more).
And those connections can help you improve relationship with domestic and wild animals, increase animal communication skills, restore balance to your daily life, and while also assisting in healing the Earth!
Their intention was that by the end of the 8-week teleclass series each student would have learned how to access their own shamanic team of allies for assistance with any life challenges encountered plus healing for past issues—Practical Shamanism. During the weekly exercises students would also be creating stronger connections with wildlife as well as their own animal companions—and, as I learned—many animal companions often want to participate in the weekly exercises and classes, too.
It is a humbling experience to look back and see how the animals and the allies guided my steps in personal healing, shift-producing experiences, and connections with people, animals and places for ceremonies.
I hope you will join me for this unique class which starts October 10.
To register or learn more click here.
Enjoy the beauty of the season, and hope to see you in class!
Rose De Dan, Manitou, Night Sky, and Tamerlan
Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing
New Blog Post
In Ceremony with Whales and Tokitae Message
In “Is Ceremony with the Whales Divine Timing,” I wondered if Tokitae’s (Lolita/Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut) passing two days before we were to meet in ceremony with Whales and other marine wildlife was significant. My guides had chosen this particular date (August 20), a month and a half earlier, so we had our tickets well in advance (purchased as part of my pro bono work for All My Relations). As it turned out, I did receive a message about Tokitae during our time in ceremony, but her passing was not the focus.
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Help support WRSH and the Animals
Telling the stories of the animals and traveling to gather their prayers in ceremony is an investment of time (which I gladly offer) AND money out of pocket, and there is not yet enough of it to accomplish all that is being asked of me. Read on to see how you can help.
• Buy Me A Coffee and help support my pro bono work for animals.
• Make a love donation thru PayPal: all gifts help support the ceremonies and other energetic/creative efforts at Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing for the benefit of All Our Relations.
• Subscribe to my Patreon page for more animal stories and insights behind-the-scenes at WRSH.
• Shop for prints and other gifts (greeting cards, puzzles, shopping bags, etc.) featuring stories and messages from the animals at Rose De Dan on Fine Art America.
• Subscribe to my YouTube channel for ongoing stories and videos about the animals. I am trying to get to 1000 subscribers to monetize the channel, so sharing with others helps, too!
Who We Are
Rose De Dan is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Her book Tails of a Healer features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer and is available on Kindle and in paperback.