Braveheart Calling
In early June, despite suffering from a very heavy cold, I made an appearance at Serenity Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation to give the talk “Animals As Healers and Teachers.” It felt important that I show up no matter what (which in this case meant sounding a bit like a cross between Donald Duck and a trumpeter swan).
As we drove in I noticed two horses staring at us. I thought at first that they were just interested in the arrival of a new car, but as I gazed back it was clear that they were focused on me. I dismissed it, figuring I was imagining things, and thought no more of it until after completing my talk.
Before leaving Serenity I wanted to take a few minutes to look around and perhaps take some photos in preparation for one of my Animal ReikiShamanic classes. As I gazed around the very neat paddocks in which several rescue horses were quietly standing, I felt deeply connected with the peaceful energy that filled this place of healing, and idly wondered if this was a location where I could hold ceremonies.
And in that moment I once again had the feeling of being watched. A few of the horses were looking at me, but there was one who practically drilled a hole in me with the intensity of his gaze. A tug at my heart chakra indicated that we were connected, and from 40 feet away I felt my body lean toward him. Without conscious thought my foot lifted off the ground as I began to take a step toward him. At the exact same moment my foot lifted from the ground and took that first step so did one of his. Oh yes, there was definitely a connection.
I met him at the fence, and I breathed into his nostrils in greeting. Formal greeting concluded, he lipped my camera case—he wanted his picture taken. He was very handsome, and I was happy to oblige. But the fence interfered with my being able to see all of his head, so I mentally asked him to turn and place his head over it—which he immediately did. And in that moment I knew that I needed to know more about what this horse wanted, and why we were have this amazing moment.
So I expanded my awareness and asked. From all around me the horses responded, “We want to be part of the work—the healing work. We want to do and be more. Bring the people so we can all heal together.”
Wow, the intensity of their request and their desire was humbling, especially considering how much unkindness some of them had suffered at the hands of humans.
But first I wanted to be certain that I had heard correctly, because it would mean making a number of changes to plans already in place. I consulted with another shaman and with Animals As Healers and Teachers event co-host Joan Ranquet, and received confirmation.
And when I asked Patricia Clark, founder of Serenity Equine Rescue, if she would be willing to have us switch our event to her place she said she would be delighted to host us and that we were very welcome. I guess when Spirit and the animals want something it all falls into place…
So, Joan, Patricia, the horses and I extend an invitation to join us on July 20 for a magical day of dialogue and ceremony. A significant portion of the proceeds will go to support the horses and Serenity’s rescue efforts.
Serenity Equine Rescue, Maple Valley, WA
Saturday, July 20, 2013, 10:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m.
Our intention for being with the horses and other animals is threefold: to connect with them, to learn from them, and—as partners—to work together in healing and in ceremony to co-create a trust and new way of being.
During the day we will:
• identify and release energetic blockages that are holding you back
• interweave the energy from visits, interactions, guidance from the animals with storytelling, shamanic journeys and ceremonies
• share meals and create community
• join together in ceremony with the animals for personal and global healing
• rediscover our own intuitive capabilities for use in daily life and with our own animal companions
Register by June 30 and save $50.
We hope to see you there!
Click here for more information or to register.
Learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth with live Reiki and shamanic teleclasses, available worldwide.
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©2013 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.