As the Cat Turns: Feline Drama and other News
It is never boring living with my cats, but lately, life has been a bit too lively.
We are all still adjusting to life with former starving stray outdoor-only cat Tamerlan.
Thanks to fundraising efforts, a few months ago I had two cat doors installed (one from house to Catio, the second from Catio to outside) so that Tamerlan could come and go. Tamerlan caught on quickly to indoor life and the cat doors. Unfortunately, so did my cat Night Sky.
Night Sky has figured out how to claw the latches open on the kitchen cat door. The electronic cat door is programmed to ignore Night Sky’s microchip and won’t open for him, but the brute has figured out how to push the latch down manually and escape. I now have to barricade the electronic cat door with a crazy set-up of a stool + log + bucket to prevent that from happening. Of course, that means that I have to move it all to let Tamerlan out, sigh. We are managing so far. Tamerlan has figured out that I will only let him out when I am awake. The cat doors were a great idea—they did help Tamerlan with his adjustment period—but the manufacturers of both doors need to meet Night Sky and make some design changes.
Tamerlan has also learned to use the cat doors as a kind of game. The other night he asked to go out. I opened the kitchen door to the Catio and released the latch on the inner cat door so that he could get back in. I closed the kitchen door, but before I could move away, Tamerlan blasted through the cat door, reared up on his hind legs with both front paws extended way up to me, toes spread like humans spread their fingers. It was the cat version of “Surprise!” He’s tried that one on me one more time since, lol
Tamerlan got cat-napped due to his extreme love of food (full story on Patreon) and was returned by the vet office where he was surrendered for a micro-chip reading. I procured a collar printed with his name and my phone which he has grudgingly consented to wear when he goes out. Thankfully, he has not wandered far since.
I think I need a vacation from the cats…
Interview for Conversations with Nature Summit
Last month, I was interviewed as a speaker for Pea Horsley’s Conversations with Nature Summit. We had a good time sharing stories, messages, and tips from noted Animal Ambassadors.
The Summit will take place in mid-April but is not yet open for registration, so I can’t share a lot of details yet. The lineup of speakers is impressive, and they are not all animal communicators. There will also be live daily panel discussions where attendees can ask questions of the speakers.
There’s no cost to register, but in fair disclosure, you will be offered the option of purchasing access to all the recordings of the Summit saving you from rushing to listen within the set time period. Buying the Summit recordings is 100% optional but the purchase includes bonus interviews/tips/trainings. You are not required to buy the recordings to participate. I will be supplying a registration link when the Summit opens. If you register through my link and opt to purchase the recordings, I receive a small commission that helps to support my work with the animals (but only if you register through my link).
Windwalker and Other Ambassadors of Earthfire
I am very excited to share the news that Susan Eirich is in the final stages of editing her book of stories about the Animal Ambassadors of Earthfire Institute. She asked me to read a few of the chapters for feedback—I was more than happy to help. Plus I had the pleasure of an advance read! I was honored to discover that Susan had woven some of my encounters and that of participants at annual A Walk on the Wild Side into the stories. I’ve only read four chapters, but I was deeply moved by the powerful messages that came through, and even more deeply humbled to have been present for some of them. I can’t wait to see the teachings of the Animal Ambassadors go out into the world and see what impact they have on people! I will keep you all apprised on progress.
All Our Relations Are Calling
On Tuesday, March 21, my Allies and I begin teaching eight-week virtual class Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur.
Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur is a shamanic approach to deeper connection with the Earth and All Our Relations as outlined by mountain lion and Master Teacher Windwalker in Windwalker’s Message for the World.
I hope to “see” you there!
Enjoy the beauty of the season,
Rose De Dan, Manitou, Night Sky, and Tamerlan
Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing
Latest Animal and Wildlife Videos
For full enjoyment of the story, be sure to read the description posted under each video.
Wild Reiki Spa
My somewhat overwhelming schedule with all the cats currently under my roof caused me to temporarily shut down the wildlife cam. I have recently restarted it to cover the growing spring activity, so here are a few birds. The raccoons and opossums are still trucking through, but I need to set up the second cam to better capture their activities.
• Hummingbird takes an early dip
• Varied Thrush takes early morning dip
• NOT wildlife, exactly, but the cam caught neighbor dog Auley having a case of the zoomies.
“Stray Cat No More” Tamerlan
It appears that all I need to do to get views on YouTube is to release cat videos. Tamerlan’s are very popular.
• Tamerlan and Bathtub Ping Pong
• Tamerlan at Fireside (most viral)
• Considering it’s length, the popularity of this one was a surprise: Building Trust with Cat Tamerlan through Ear Cleaning
Foster Cats
Rescued foster cats Sadiya and Noctua have been making great progress in social interactions with me. After 10 months in my care due to third cat Jimmy (now adopted) needing focused care, they are ready to go to their forever home (together). I just have to write up their descriptions so they can be officially put up for adoption. See how they are doing!
• Morning Greetings with Sadiya and Noctua
• Sadiya and Noctua enjoy hand-fed treats
“A Collection of Love Stories”
Overall, readers will feel the deep connection Rose has for all the animals she encounters. Tails of a Healer is really a collection of love stories.”
—Phylameana lila Desy, Author of The Everything Guide to Reiki
Learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth with live Reiki and shamanic teleclasses, available worldwide.
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©2023 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.