Seattle Snow Day for the Birds
A rare Seattle snow day yielded opportunity for some bird watching and a fresh perspective on the garden.
Yard Art
The Thai Spirit House looked like a snow pyramid and the Adirondack chair became a sculpture.
Snow Challenges
I had to break out the heater for the fountain to keep it from icing solid, and even though the heat is only enough to keep it from freezing, the local starlings are apparently members of the Polar Bear Club and went for a group swim. And yes, that is a ping pong ball in the fountain – play enrichment for the local raccoons. Finally, I had to get creative to keep the nectar in the hummingbird feeder from freezing. So far, Christmas lights seem to work and add a festive touch.
The Wild Rose Café
Outside my office window is the pine tree and what I jokingly refer to as the Wild Reiki Café where I serve tasty treats for the local wildlife. Hummingbirds are very clever. This one set up his command post under the sheltering branches of the snow laden pine tree. He was within a foot of the hummingbird feeder, where he could dine at leisure and fend off any competitors.
Squirrels Stayed Home
We had so much snow that no squirrels made an appearance at the picnic table (I imagine they were tucked up snug in their homes), but the birds were happy to take their place.
Bicycle Bird and Cat TV
I think my favorite photo is of the Song Sparrow that looks like he is perched on the handle bars of a bicycle (it is a tie that the hummingbird feeder hangs from). I sprinkled some seeds on my front porch as it was the least snowy area, and my cat Night Sky thought it was a great place for an ambush. Every so often I heard a loud bang that meant he’d hit the door and successfully scared another small bird…
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©2021 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.