Whale Watching the Shamanic Way

Grey Whale Baby and Speedboat ©2014 Rose De Dan
This summer I went on a whale watch with Island Adventures.
Before leaving my house I was told to place a copy of the book Sightings: The Grey Whales’ Mysterious Journey under my mesa (shamanic healing bundle). I thought this rather curious since it was not migration season for the grey whales, and we were expecting to find orcas, but I complied.
I was also instructed to open sacred space and keep it open for the entire whale watch. Debbie Noyes carried a prayer stick for ceremony. I can’t say for certain that those actions had anything to do with the amazing sightings we had, but I do know that our guide was in ecstasy—she kept telling us how lucky we all were to be on this particular trip.
Less than 10 minutes out from the Anacortes dock we were joined by a mother grey whale and her baby! I thought our guide was going to have a meltdown (in a good way). She said in the eight years she had been doing this she had never seen a baby grey whale, and that it was highly unusual for them to be there at this time of year.
While mom cruised serenely, the baby grey whale was feeling playful and executed quite a few breaches and rolls, showing us all his tricks. The photo of mother and baby swimming between our smaller ship and the freighter epitomized my belief that with proper planning wildlife and people can co-exist quite easily—there is room for us all.
After about a half hour of mutual joy, we reluctantly said good-bye to our whale friends. As we continued on our journey of discovery, harbor seals and dolphins played and swam in the wake of our boat. We also saw a Stellar sea lion, waterfowl, and eagles, before connecting with orcas from all three pods (J,K,L). And if that was not enough, our timing was just perfect to connect with a humpback just as it was preparing to dive. What an amazing day!
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Want to learn how to create a greater connection with animals and wildlife the shamanic way? Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur Shamanic Teleclass is an eight-week training is taught by All Our Relations. Improve your relationship with domestic and wild animals, increase animal communication skills, restore balance to your life, and help heal the Earth. Click here for info.
In private practice since 1996, Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic practitioner, author and artist. As an animal shaman she views her mission as one of building bridges between people and animals through healing sessions, classes, ceremonies and events such as A Walk on the Wild Side: Answering the Call of the Wild.
Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.
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