Photo Documentary: Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors at Seattle Aquarium

Harbor Seal and Prayer Stick ©2014 Rose De Dan
When I first set up this six-month class I asked for guidance as to which order we were to visit the four venues and on what dates.
Our first visit was to Point Defiance Zoo and it just so happened that it was Arctic Day and we did end up spending a lot of time with the Arctic animals.
At Northwest Trek we arrived on the first weekend that four orphaned foxes made their debut, and ended up Building a Bridge of Light for their mother. Having them join with us in that ceremony was very moving.
And on February 15, the day we were to visit the Seattle Aquarium, I was directed to open a recently acquired book entitled Octopus!: The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea. I leafed through until told to stop and there I discovered the information that every Valentine’s day the male and female octopus at the Seattle Aquarium are brought together for the first time. After mating the female is released back into Puget Sound to have her babies, and the male is released a week later.
When we got to the Aquarium we realized that it was Octopus Week and that female YoYo was being released that very day. So we got to wave good-bye, and I offered her a Reiki blessing.
There were so many moments while we are there that it is impossible to write about all of them here.
I will share one moment with a cuttlefish who was determined to get my attention—he literally had his face almost pressed to the tank glass. When he finally had it and I asked what his message was, he shared one word with great emphasis, “Care.” My first response was “I do,” but then I realized that there are other ways to interpret that one simple word. What felt right was “care” as serious attention/intention.
I’ve put together a slideshow on Flickr that partially documents our time at the Aquarium and shares some mini-stories (located below the photos). Click here to see photos.
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©2014 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved.
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.
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