Goose Neighbors
From time to time I am honored to receive email from people who have enjoyed reading my book Tails of a Healer and want to share their own inspirational animal story. I was contacted recently by Lorraine Cadran, a Reiki Master and empath who had received a copy of my book as a gift from her daughter last Christmas. She shared a remarkable experience she’d had years back with a family of Canada Geese at Ottamic Pond in Hudson, New Hampshire — an experience that had a profound effect on her awareness and her life.
I liked her story so much I asked permission to post it on my blog, and Lorraine kindly made a pilgrimage back to the pond to take the photo seen here. Enjoy!
Goose Neighbors
Back in 2001 I bought a mobile home that sat on pond. I lived alone having been widowed since 1997. The view was beautiful and the pond was alive with Canada geese, ducks, a resident heron, frogs, you name it.
I used to sit quietly by the pond and watch the wildlife. It brought me a true sense of peace and I loved being that close to nature, since my only experiences and contact with nature was a stray cat, dog or pigeons in the park, since I had lived in the city all my life.
Sitting by the pond’s edge night after night gave me the opportunity to witnessed the interaction of geese and ducks with one another. I have always felt we could learn so much by watching animals.
This one Saturday morning I was in my living room and could hear the frantic honking of a goose. It was loud and not a call I recognized. I went to my deck facing the pond and I did not see anything, but the honking continued.
I went to my front door and found my neighbor across the road in a panic apologizing hysterically that “he didn’t mean it.”
I asked him what was going on and he admitted he threw a rock to scare the geese back into the pond because he was fed up with them walking all over and messing the area with their droppings. While doing this thoughtless thing he hit a gosling and the little one was lying lifeless on the ground. The man left the problem to me and ran off.
I was very angry at him for what he did and instinctively needed to go to the gosling and try and pick him up.
I was worried because the male and female goose were there with the rest of their goslings. I walked slowly and approached the little lifeless form and slowly picked him up in my hand.
The family stood by and watched me hold him while he come back to consciousness. I slowly put him back on the ground and started to walk away. He was walking away and collapsed again.
The male goose started honking frantically again and it was then that I realized he was asking me for help!
I was still concerned that I could be attacked if I was not careful. I re-approached the little one, picked him up and held him while talking to him. Once again he woke up.
This time I walked to the water’s edge where I placed the gosling so he could float under the protection of his parents. This seemed to work because he was not exerting himself and water is healing.
I had a realization that all the time I sat studying the wildlife by the pond they were studying me. I couldn’t believe that daddy goose searched me out. I felt honored that he trusted me, and started looking at life a lot differently after that.
I have since studied Reiki and do a lot of art work with animals as my subject. I have moved from the pond and regret not having my sacred friends around to talk to, but I do have a dog I have a very deep connection with.
Thank you for allowing me to share my experience.
—Lorraine Cadran, Manchester NH
Photo: Ottamic Pond, Hudson, New Hampshire Photo: Lorraine Cadran ©2011
Do you have a story of an animal encounter to share that shifted your perceptions? Send me an email, if chosen your story could help shift awareness for others and benefit the animals as well!
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©2011 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
I had a somewhat similar experience with a duck. She sat in my yard honking for an hour, but her mate finally came and they flew off together. Lots of lessons in nature.
I have not had these kinds of experiences with animals but I loved reading the story.