My Diamond Kiya
On Friday, April 26, 2013, I said goodbye to my beloved Kiya. The vet had thought that her time had come in January, but my fierce Kiya, lioness in a little cat body, had other ideas. Like the miracle kitten she had been—through sheer will, immense love of life and the help of a village of Western and alternative practitioners—she rallied once again.
From the moment she ran into my hands as a four week-old kitten Kiya and I shared a very special bond (see My Queen Kiya). From the beginning of our 17 years together she made her choices and I followed along.
People often speak of how their lives were shaped by one person or event, in a very real sense mine has been shaped by the animals both wild and domestic that have crossed my path. Few have had as great an impact as Kiya. Of all my cat companions she was the clearest communicator—I always knew how she felt and what she wanted.
Kiya only rarely chose to work on the healing table with my people clients, rather her gift was teaching confidence, which she had in spades. Even as a kitten she was extremely self-confident, and loved attention. This made her the ideal companion for my first-ever television interview. I was nervous; Kiya was calm, cool, collected, and instinctively knew how to work the camera.
During that half-hour interview Kiya showed me how a star should handle herself. Every single time the camera changed angles Kiya would hit the mark and give it all her glamour. She did it so well that at the end of the program she got her close-up, which she held like a master. Our interview concluded with Kiya’s beautiful face superimposed upon an image of the Earth. Fitting for a cat who conquered hearts wherever she went.
Kiya’s life was filled with starring roles. She was calendar pin-up feline for March in Cats: Urban Tigers. Critics hailed her appearance as “fiery Kiya, Queen of Scream, who clawed her way to the top through star power, determination and the driving force of her backup group Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing.”
Over the years her charm and poise—paired with beauty that the camera loved—garnered her numerous appearances in photos and articles. Not only was she featured on the front cover of Tails of a Healer, but she also made several star appearances within. Kiya even had her portrait painted by well-known artist Robert Blehert.
In her honor Debbie Noyes created a wonderful tribute video “Kiya’s Celebration” which I feel captures the essence of her larger-than-life presence. Style-wise Kiya reminded me of the great regal queens of the silver screen, Marilyn Monroe, Mae West, and perhaps most especially Elizabeth Taylor. Kiya loved her bling, and rocked a bejeweled collar like no one else.
I have been privileged to share my life with some very special animal companions who were notable for many reasons. However, Kiya is in a class all her own, she is a “diamond of the first water.” I love her dearly and miss her greatly. I am filled with gratitude that she chose to come home with me, and for the many wonderful years that we had together.
Kiya illuminated my life, and from the realm of spirit she shines just as brightly.
Expect only the best
Indulge your taste buds
Always look for an adventure
Know and embrace your Royal Self
Be loyal to the worthy
Believe in your ability to inspire
Know that you are worthy of all that is good
Cherish the lifetime you are given
Inspired and approved by Kiya
Translated by Carolyn Riley
Learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth with live Reiki and shamanic teleclasses, available worldwide.
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©2013 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Beautiful tribute. <3
Kiya is beautiful.
Fabulous tribute to a special friend. All the best!
Such a beautiful girl. What an amazing journey you had together here, and of course, it will continue. Much love to you both, ~Eileen
Kiya was a beautiful little princess and I enjoyed being part of her life. I will miss seeing her lounging on her heated bed looking outdoors and enjoying the view from her perch on your chair.
Debbie did an awesome job on putting together the video. She picked up Kiya’s finest essence!!!!!
Loving blessings to you both. May Kiya lounge happily in the glorious sunlight and brilliant grass of that world as you bask in the golden sunlight and verdant grass of this world, enjoying easy connection with one another through the magic of radar love until you meet again fully. You might take along two sheep skins and two office chairs next time – she’ll certainly be expecting her own!
I too had a miracle cat. Bless them how they hold on because they love us so. They are the most precious. My blessings to you both.
I looked for a photo of Kiya to share and realized hers were among those that were on my stolen computers. :~(
I remember Kiya fondly and think of her in Spiritville with Shaman, Saqqara and Puma. I’m glad to have been a part of that chapter.