Seeking Blog Posts for Carnival of Healing #215
A brief explanation, the Carnival of Healing is a weekly roundup of personal blog posts on the topics of holistic health, wellness, spirituality, and self empowerment. The Carnival travels constantly through cyberspace, landing at a different host site each Saturday. Last week the Carnival was set up at Janet Dagley Dagley at The Reiki Digest. Carnival founder and organizer is Phylameana lila Desy, About.com’s guide to Holistic Healing. (Phylameana also happens to be a Reiki practitioner, as are many other Carnival participants.)
Have you written a new or previous blog on these topics: mind body spirit, wellness, empowerment, spirituality, holistic healing, healthy living? Carnival of Healing is seeking blog posts that feature healing articles, empowerment stories, innovative healing ideas, remedy tips, announcements of newsy health topics, etc. What are your opinions? What are you writing about in your blogs about wellness, complementary medicine, holistic healing, spirituality, and healthy lifestyles for people of animals?
Submit your blog post no later than Thursday, November 12, 2009 to be included in the Carnival of Healing #215 appearing on November 14. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Think Outside the Cage
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is a mesa carrier in the Peruvian Q’ero tradition. In addition she is also a Reiki Master Teacher, animal communicator, author of the acclaimed book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism, and creator of Animal and Reiki Art. As an animal shaman, she views her role as a healer as one of building bridges between people and animals, and of empowering them to reconnect with Pachamama, Mother Earth.
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I’m RMT & am very interested in working with animals.
Excellent! Animals love Reiki. Well, who wouldn’t?
Hey ,
Can I submit a post on some herbs or spice for this carnival. Please let me know on twitter
Yes, you can, please do. Please note that submission does not guarantee inclusion, we receive many and must make choices.
This is a beautiful exercise. Many good wishes and blessings to you.
Hmm… maybe i’ll make a submission…
Have fun anyway 🙂
Bright blessings