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Where Was the Natural World in This Conversation?

As I sat in one windowless room after another, I held my retreat sisters and our experiences in my heart while I listened to one presentation after another explaining how to create more sustainable practices by sparking social impact, engaging employees, assessing economic impact, enhancing leadership skills, implementing better technology, issuing more thorough reports, and shifting to more renewable energy sources. Throughout the weekend I came back to one question: Where was the natural world in this conversation?
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Keeping Bees in Clover

One fine summer’s day I was outside enjoying the sun, and reading while lying on my lounge chair. Lying on my belly, with my book resting on the ground, the hum of busy bees filled my ears. With the crown of my head almost touching a lushly blooming lavender plant, I could feel the small breezes created by their wings. There were so many that I wondered if there were bees working anywhere else in the neighborhood.
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