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Cat Cougar Looks At Junco Receiving Reiki

Reiki is for the Birds

This morning as I was working at my computer I heard a muffled bang. Turning I saw that a junco had hit the glass storm door, and was lying on my doorstep. She had one wing half outstretched and I feared that it might be broken. I sensed that she was very dazed from the impact, and made the decision to offer her Reiki energy healing from a distance rather than going out and picking her up.
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Feathered Trust

It was early morning, and the softly slanting light held the promise of another beautiful summer day. After finishing my breakfast I was sitting in the open doorway of my back porch enjoying the lushly blooming splendor of the garden, and as I listened to the sounds of the fountain and the conversations of the birds I felt completely content with being exactly where I was.
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