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Who is Listening to the Elephants?

The Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle recently announced that they would be moving remaining elephants Chai and Bamboo to the Oklahoma City Zoo. The announcement was met with a lot of angry opposition from activists who wanted them to be retired to a sanctuary. A few of my readers reached out to me to ask if I knew what Chai and Bamboo preferred. Here are the messages I received from Master Teacher African elephant Watoto.
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Cat Cougar Looks At Junco Receiving Reiki

Reiki is for the Birds

This morning as I was working at my computer I heard a muffled bang. Turning I saw that a junco had hit the glass storm door, and was lying on my doorstep. She had one wing half outstretched and I feared that it might be broken. I sensed that she was very dazed from the impact, and made the decision to offer her Reiki energy healing from a distance rather than going out and picking her up.
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