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Ebook Launch For Out Of The Darkness And Other Animal Tails Is August 29

Ebook Launch for Out of the Darkness and Other Animal Tails is August 29

Prepare for launch into the magical world of animal communication and Reiki shamanic healing with the ebook edition of Out of the Darkness and Other Animal Tails: Lessons in Compassion and Healing from the Animal World!

Join author Rose De Dan on a captivating journey filled with heartwarming stories of love, friendship, and the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. From cherished memories of caring for pets as a child to awe-inspiring encounters with wildlife, this memoir will transport you to a place where the extraordinary relationships between humans and animals are celebrated and honored. Whether you’re a pet lover or a nature enthusiast, this book will inspire and uplift you as you witness the magic of interspecies connections.

The book has been listed as the #1 Hot New Release in the Animal Care and Pet Essays category on Amazon for several weeks now. It is currently available in paperback, with ebook launching on Thursday.

Don’t miss out on this beautiful collection of tales that will touch your soul and remind you of the incredible power of love. Order your copy of Out of the Darkness and Other Animal Tails today and let yourself be transported!


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©2024 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved.

Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions, and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.

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