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Zoo Animal Ambassadors Are Inviting Us To Listen

Zoo Animal Ambassadors Are Inviting Us to Listen

Mountain Lion Miksa, Cougar Mountain Zoo

For many years my students and I have walked among the Animal Ambassadors at zoos across the U.S., gathering their prayers, listening, and doing our very best to bring their wishes, desires and needs to ceremony. Because they are ambassadors for their wild relatives, the energetic ceremonies we create together has impact on a global scale. By working together we can create a better world for all.

Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors is is perhaps the most ambitious of my efforts to bring animals and people together for the shared purpose of creating a world where we live together in harmony, and the joy of connecting in a more spiritual way. A path of shamanic shift, mutual respect and communication with some Reiki sprinkled in.

This 6-part series takes participants on a physical or a virtual journey to meet consciously and energetically with thousands of animals, birds, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, insects—All Our Relations—in ceremony and through shamanic journeys.

And thanks to modern technology (which works great with shamanism) you don’t have to live in the Seattle area to attend—there is a virtual teleclass option so that you can participate from anywhere in the world!

We begin with two preparatory teleclasses that teach the steps we will be using to connect during each interaction with the animals. Steps that you will be able to use over and over again for meaningful and powerful visits with Animal Ambassadors wherever or whenever you wish.

Every animal is a wonderful and complex being with an individual personality, likes and dislikes. They are as varied in their desires and motivations as people, and have preferences for how they wish to serve and what they like to do—just as we do. Scattered among the various species are unique individuals with the drive and capabilities to be teachers and healers.

Asian Elephant Suki, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

Now, imagine that you had all that latent talent and desire to serve, wanted to be more, to be greater than the limited options that are available—that you have chosen to enter this world to help create a new way of walking in this world—and then imagine that the only beings who came to visit or that cared for you were unable to see beneath the surface of the physical vessel that you currently inhabited. Wouldn’t you yearn to engage with beings who saw you as more and who wanted to partner with you for positive change?

You may have seen the powerful video Ceremony with the Lions where the people and lions of the Woodland Park Zoo gathered together in honor of tragically killed wild African lion Cecil. It is one example of what can happen when we meet with the Animal Ambassadors in a more mindful and spiritual way.

For this 6-part series we are invited to listen to their perceptions. We’ll be utilizing basic shamanic techniques to enable us to shift our filters so that we can truly hear their messages and create co-create ceremonies for positive change.

This class is available as one of two options:
1) Seattle area field trips plus virtual teleclasses
2) Virtual teleclasses for those who are not local.

No previous experience is required for participation, just an open heart.

Sumatran Tiger Mohan

The guidance I have received for the series is that while all Animal Ambassadors will be able to participate, there will be a special focus on helping those who are currently fighting for their very existence—endangered species such as Elephants, Tigers, Wolves, and Rhinos. They have requested to add their prayers and intention in ceremony for creating a global shift in perceptions.

We will be meeting with Animal Ambassadors at four different zoos:
• Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
• Northwest Trek
• Cougar Mountain Zoo
• Woodland Park Zoo

Elephants face increasing pressure, and will be represented by Asian elephants Suki and Hanako who are currently in residence at Point Defiance Zoo.

All species of Tigers are endangered. We will be meeting with different species of Tigers at three zoos—even getting up close and personal with two at Cougar Mountain Zoo.

Wolves are under attack. All four zoos have wolf packs, including highly endangered Mexican red wolves. Wolves are persecuted and misunderstood in almost every state in which they reside. With the removal of federal protections many wild packs are losing family members to hunters, and the loss of even one wolf has a huge impact on the ecosystem. The wolves definitely want to meet with us to help co-create energetic shifts that benefits all.

Rhinos are facing extinction.Javan rhinos are critically endangered. The last Sumatran rhino, a female, died this past weekend in Borneo. The species is now officially extinct in Malaysia. The Northern White Rhino is extinct in the wild. Rhinos are under pressure due to poaching and habitat destruction. Greater one-horned rhinos Taj and Glenn live at Woodland Park Zoo, and will be ambassadors for their relatives.

Rose De Dan speaks with One-Horned Rhinos Taj and Glenn, Woodland Park Zoo

The Zoo Animal Ambassadors and I sincerely hope that you will join with us in this important work. After working with the teachers in this class series you will be better able to walk in the world among the animals rather than separate from them.

Class has started, but you can easily catch up with replay. Registration deadline is Dec. 8.

Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors

December 2, 2019 – March 30, 2020

Register or learn more.


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©2019 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved.


Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.

Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.

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