New Year’s 2018 Animal Messages
This past December I began teaching annual class Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors where students learn how to engage and connect with the animals as respected, equal spiritual beings with the support of shamanic and Reiki energy and animal communication. Skills they can use for future visits with animals wherever they go.
Our first field trip was scheduled for Dec. 15, but I was still very weak from several weeks of occupying my sofa due to being ill. I had four days to prepare and regain my strength so that I could be on my feet and in the energy for an entire day with students and the Animal Ambassadors at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, one of the second largest of the zoos we would visit over the next 4 months.
I was not sure I was up for it physically, but after being so very sick my spirit yearned to be able to reconnect with the animals and work that I love so much. My guides said I should go, so feeling very much a totter-y and weak version of my usual self (Grandma Rose), I committed myself to being available, and my trust was upheld and returned ten-fold by the animals and the loving support of my students.
With prayer sticks at the ready to collect all the prayers of the Animal Ambassadors for whatever they desired personally and on behalf of the species they represented we gathered at the entrance to the zoo. It was the first time I had seen the newly installed statue of beloved walrus E.T. and I just wanted to hug him. The statue exuded as much warmth and love for his admirers as he did in life. E.T. came to the zoo as an orphan over 31 years ago, and he loved to show off his many talents for visitors.
Once inside the zoo we had so many incredible encounters that I’ve chosen to highlight only a few (see more photos from our visit).
Advance communication with the Animal Ambassadors had revealed that the Sharks wanted some special attention, which we were happy to offer, and in return we experienced one of the more powerful moments it has been my pleasure to witness over the years of doing this work.
I have never seen any of the sharks stop swimming before—many must swim to breathe. But one tiger shark came straight up to Prashanthi and Louise, who were holding their prayers sticks up in invitation, and paused for at least a minute, making eye contact and engaging. A very inspirational and humbling moment…
We had eye-to-eye connections with fish, musk ox, tigers and so many more, and Octopus even extended a tentacle to the prayer stick.
Everywhere we went the animals radiated joy that we were there to meet with them. Puffer fish have permanent smiles due to the shape of their faces, but you can see the excitement and happiness in this one’s eyes while interacting with us.
One little sting ray at the touch pool got so excited that she repeatedly dashed by us above surface level all the while exclaiming, “Pet me! “Pet me! Pet me!”
Clouded Leopard was nowhere to be seen despite the information we had received that he wanted a special moment with us. Just as we were about to leave, inviting his prayers from afar, he made his dramatic entrance. It was dramatic because he made eye contact and began physically speaking to us. Once he felt he had successfully delivered both his prayers and message he returned to his indoor home.
On our call after the zoo visit, I guided students on a shamanic journey to receive messages from three of the Animal Ambassadors: Shark, Asian elephant Suki, and Clouded Leopard.
I received guidance that the messages that Patrick received were meant to be shared with a larger audience—they contained guidance from the animals crucial to us all as we set intention and energy for the New Year.
With Patrick’s permission, here are the messages from the three respected Animal Ambassadors:
“As we begin the new year Both Shark and Suki had similar messages. Shark spoke of ‘Fearlessness’ and Suki of ‘Indomitable Spirit,’ and in both was the message that in our souls we are eternal and untouchable. That we are to be and to act boldly because who we truly are cannot be harmed.
“Clouded Leopard’s message went deeper. ‘Do not underestimate the heights to which you can climb. We need you at your highest expression because that is where you are aware of our oneness. There is no room for remorse or guilt. That constricts you and holds you in the past. Embrace your wholeness and be with us Now! That is the key to healing our world.”
The animals are calling us to them. There is nothing we cannot accomplish—together we are strong!
Blessings for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to you and your animal and human families,
Rose De Dan, Sand, Manitou and Night Sky
Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing
Learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth with live Reiki and shamanic teleclasses, available worldwide.
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©2018 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.