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Two Paws Up For Video A Half Bobcat Named Cougar

Two Paws Up for Video A Half Bobcat Named Cougar

Recently I joined a business group with the intention of pushing myself to the next level of getting the messages of the animals out. Of course that meant I needed to be more visible, too. A challenge by the coach to our group resulted in my breaking out the camcorder and filming myself—something I had felt VERY uncomfortable and resistant to doing for quite some time. But, I had promised the animals that I would do whatever it took to support them, so once again it was time to move farther outside my comfort zone!

Funny thing is, once I jumped in, I found the water was fine. Despite the informality of the original video (it had been intended just for the group) I felt I had something, so I took it to my Reiki students and asked for their input and insights. The feedback I got was really encouraging, and almost-graduated video editor Lauren Psomostithis kindly volunteered to help me incorporate the suggestions. A huge thanks to her, and to all who offered support!

And Cougar truly enjoyed having me follow him around with a camcorder, as you can see in video.

Based on the following stories, I’d love to know what happens if you and your animal companions watch it together!

Two of editor Lauren’s animals have had distance energy healing sessions with me, but have never seen me in-person. I work with cat Shakespurr regularly, and always “speak” to him mentally. As Lauren was watching the original video—where it was mostly just me talking—Shakespurr curled up right next to her. Lauren sent me a photo and said, “Shakespurr very rarely sits on the couch with me—but he’s willing to if you’re in the ‘box’…this is him helping today.”

Photo of Shakespurr courtesy of Lauren Psomosthithis

Photo of Shakespurr courtesy of Lauren Psomosthithis

Unaware of the experience that Lauren had with Shakespurr, Reiki student and client Jan Thompson shared the following when I first posted video WRSH and A Half Bobcat Named Cougar on my Facebook page:

“I was watching this beautiful video tonight with Tank, my 15 year-old orange male tabby who has been receiving care from Rose off and on for the last two and a half years for his kidney disease and digestive issues. I was watching this on my iPhone while Tank was lying beside me in bed…our usual bedtime routine for some lovin’ and some reiki.

“When I held the phone for him to see the screen, his ears went straight forward as he watched and listened with great interest to what Rose was saying. Halfway through the video he started pawing at the iPhone screen. This is NOT his usual technology behavior. LOL.

“I know in my heart that Tank was watching, listening and learning from his good friend Rose! It was great fun being able to share this with him and know that he totally understood what Rose was talking about.

“You are an amazing healer and animal communicator, as well as a good friend. Thank you, Rose. You would have loved Tank’s reaction to your positive energy and love in conjunction with your heartfelt story of Cougar’s life.”

I’m glad that so many people (and animals) have enjoyed watching. Cougar and I are grateful for all the paws-itive reviews!


Need support for your animal companion?
I offer energy healing and animal communication sessions that can help with insights and quality of life.



Learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth with live Reiki and shamanic teleclasses, available worldwide.


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©2015 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved.

Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.

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