Feathered Trust
Life always gets more interesting after a shamanic ceremony, but what happened following Animals As Healers and Teachers at Serenity Equine Rescue took it to a new level.
It was early morning, and the softly slanting light held the promise of another beautiful summer day. After finishing my breakfast I was sitting in the open doorway of my back porch enjoying the lushly blooming splendor of the garden, and as I listened to the sounds of the fountain and the conversations of the birds I felt completely content with being exactly where I was.
Savoring that feeling, with my feet on the ground, and my arms propped on my knees, I picked up a book by a favorite author and began to read. And as I sat there engaged in fictional enjoyment I heard a flutter of wings and felt a breath of stirred air—and a small brown bird landed right next to my hip. There was only about eight inches between my hip and the doorframe, so the choice of landing area was not accidental. The adult bird was completely calm, as if she made a habit of snuggling up to humans on a daily basis. I remained perfectly still, and after a moment of gazing at my empty plate she flew off, and I let out the breath I had not realized that I was holding.
And I marveled at the blessing I felt I had received, and gave thanks for oneness with All My Relations. Still bemused, I returned to my book.
And then there was another quick flutter of wings and to my absolute astonishment the same little brown bird landed on my back! To do that she had to fly inside the enclosed porch where there could not possibly have been anything to interest her—other than me.
I sat there in shock and awe—never before had a wild bird landed on me. I was amazed that she was not sliding since my back was curved. Through my shirt I could feel the small claws on her feet as she moved around a little bit, and found myself wondering if this is what trees felt. I questioned whether she had somehow miscalculated and taken a wrong turn, and just as I completed that thought she hopped down behind me—placing me squarely in the path of her exit—a clear sign of trust. After a moment’s pause, just as calmly as she had entered, the little brown bird flew up, and out, and rejoined her feathered flock.
I felt deep gratitude for the gifts I had been given, and which I will always treasure: validation that an event and ceremony to rebuild the bridge between people and animals does create shift—and is appreciated—and a shining moment of trust between a human and one small bird.
Learn how to connect more deeply with animals, restore balance to your life, increase intuitive skills, and help heal the Earth with live Reiki and shamanic teleclasses, available worldwide.
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©2013 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.
A beautiful encounter!
Very nice!
I love the way you write!
What a beautiful gift!
Awesome story!
You are awesome and the animals know it!
Thanks, everyone, for your loving support and appreciation! Wait until you hear the next tale…
[…] a friend. I had just started to tell her the story of my amazing encounter with a wild bird (see Feathered Trust), and as I turned my head I discovered that a Western Swallowtail butterfly had landed on the […]