ReikiShamanic Messages from the Animals: A Juicy Living Tour Interview
“The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than blacks were made for whites, or women for men.” — Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple
My interview Animal Reiki Shamanism – Rose De Dan, Seattle with Lilou Macé of Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour was released today. In the video we talk about animals and spirit guides – the messages they wish to share with us – and how together we can co-create a sustainable vision for the future of our world.
Topics covered included Reiki, shamanism, domestic, wild and zoo animals, and I tell lots of stories about my adventures, visions, ceremonies and messages from the animals and from Spirit. And my own animal companions – Kiya, Puma, Bagheera, Cougar and Sand – make cameo appearances (as usual, Kiya got the starring role, appearing at the beginning of the video and she even upstaged me by appropriating my name).
Lilou is in the fifth month of a year-long tour, interviewing inspirational people across the U.S. Meeting with her was an amazing opportunity that came about through the serendipity of student Rhonda Hanley’s suggesting me as a candidate.
During our time together I found her to be warm and supportive, and Lilou’s own journey resulted in the creation of the Juicy Living Tour as chronicled in her book I Lost My Job and I Liked It: 30 Day Law of Attraction Diary of a Dream Job Seeker. And next year she plans to tour Europe, talk about living the Law of Attraction! Her travels are fueled by donations by Web TV viewers who enjoy a wealth of wisdom and stories contained in over 1500 interviews, and I feel truly honored to be included.
I wish Lilou all the best – her work is helping so many people – and speaking with her gave a boost to my own dreams of rebuilding the bridge between people and animals. It is my hope that viewers find the interview as exciting as the experiences/adventures were for me.
One person left this comment about the interview on YouTube, “That was a long one, but so worth the time. I really appreciated every word of it & Rose has opened my mind a little to maybe starting to see SOME zoos and SOME pelts in a new way. That’s a big paradigm shift for me, but there’s a crack now in that armor & a tiny bit of light coming through.”—MajorArcanaTV
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©2011 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Think Outside the Cage
About Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing:
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is a mesa carrier in the Peruvian shamanic tradition. In addition she is also a Reiki Master Teacher, animal communicator, author of the acclaimed book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism, and creator of Animal and Reiki Art. As an animal shaman, she views her role as a healer as one of building bridges between people and animals, and of empowering them to reconnect with Pachamama, Mother Earth.
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