WRSH News: Reiki for Santa’s Reindeer and a Puffin, Storytelling Videos, and Gifts for You
<<<<——————————>>>> In this issue • Reiki for Santa's Reindeer • A Gift for You and New Storytelling Videos for Animals and People • More Gifts and Fun • The…
<<<<——————————>>>> In this issue • Reiki for Santa's Reindeer • A Gift for You and New Storytelling Videos for Animals and People • More Gifts and Fun • The…
Many of my clients receiving regular Reiki/shamanic energy healing sessions are senior dogs and cats. At 15-and-a-half years old, black lab Tucker is a very old dog for his size.…
It's the holiday season, and like many of you, I like to include my animal companions in the gift-giving. But with so many choices available these days for cats and…
Many years ago, I answered a call from the Zoo Animals. They asked me to gather the people and bring them, so that we could work together in ceremony to…
On Saturday morning, I had the first conversation with Manitou where it was revealed that he did not want to stay in his body, and I asked for the boon…
When I planned my newsletter, I thought I would be joyfully sharing the milestone of 10 years of Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors. Instead, it is with a heavy heart…
I have tried for several days to get this newsletter out. There's a lot on my plate, personally and professionally, so if it seems choppy, I apologize. In addition to…
In “Is Ceremony with the Whales Divine Timing,” I wondered if Tokitae’s (Lolita/Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut) passing two days before we were to meet in ceremony with Whales and other marine wildlife was…
I don't speak much about my pro bono work, especially before ceremony and healing with whoever is next. I'm making an exception because of how the timing of events is…
I was crossing the backyard when I happened to notice the still body of a native Bumble Bee lying in the grass. Gently picking up the small body, I laid…