108 Butter Lamps for Cat Manitou
On Saturday morning, I had the first conversation with Manitou where it was revealed that he did not want to stay in his body, and I asked for the boon of a couple of days to see if the medications would make a difference which he agreed to because he loved me (see Saying Goodbye to Manitou).
On Saturday afternoon, I received a lovely email from former student Indrani in India (now an accomplished healer and animal communicator). She offered to gift Manitou with arranging to have 108 Butter Lamps lit in his name at a Buddhist monastery. My eyes filled with tears at the beautiful energy of the offering, and it felt right to say yes for Manitou.
This is what I learned about the lighting of the lamps:
“Traditionally the Ongoing Butter Lamps can light the way to a person who is about to die or has already passed away.
“Ongoing butter lamps dedicated to a dying or deceased person or animal, particularly in the 49 days of the Bardo of Death, can be powerful and healing. The deceased’s consciousness will be directed towards the light, and to a favorable rebirth. Fear and emotionality during the transition will be reduced.”—from website Odiyan Country Center
Indrani told me that it might take a few days for it to happen, but the universe was looking out for us. Pure serendipity—Indrani’s friend happened to be visiting the monastery, and made it happen. The very next morning I received a certificate, and her friend took a photo of the 108 Butter Lamps lit for Manitou (see image above).
I asked Indrani about the lighting ritual, and she shared: “There are many different prayers that can be said at that time and I do not know which specific ones were used.
“The lamps are lit, blessed with sacred water (water mixed with prayers and other sacred stuff such as sacred pills) and then a prayer is said after lighting the lamps.”
As soon as I received the photo of the Butter Lamps, I carried my computer over to where Manitou rested by the fire. I told him about Indrani’s gift and then placed the computer screen in front of him so that he could see all the Lamps that had been lit in his honor. He stared at them for at least a full minute, taking in the sight and the energy. It was a beautiful moment that I will always cherish, and I feel that it helped with his peaceful transition into spirit the following day (Monday).
Gratitude for all the well wishes, prayers, and candles lit in honor of Manitou by our supporters. I will definitely be including you all in my Thanksgiving prayers. May you have a blessed day with loved ones!
P.S. The GoFundMe for Manitou’s medical expenses is ongoing for anyone who feels called to make a donation.
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©2023 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.