Reiki for Rooster and Groundhog
These Reiki stories are a gift from my sister, Francine. And yes, she took Reiki training from me, and I am so proud to witness the many ways she takes its healing energies out into the world and her life.
Reiki for Rooster Rex
Recently, Francine said good-bye to her senior cat, Willow, and had items left from the hospice care that she wanted to donate. I had told her about Funny Farm Rescue after reading Laurie Zaleski’s book Funny Farm: My Unexpected Life with 600 Rescue Animals (it’s a really sweet story) and Francine decided to pay them a visit. While there, she met many of the animals and ended up offering Reiki to a few. The most memorable encounter was with a rooster named Rex.
When she first saw him, Rex was receiving care from volunteer Molly who was trying to syringe feed him water, but he would only take a little. Molly named him Rex because he reminded her of a T-Rex.
Molly shared that Rex was part of a rescue of 150 roosters used for cock fighting, many of whom were in sad shape. Some did not survive. Rex’s eyes were swollen shut due to infection, and he was very lethargic. He was on antibiotics, but Molly said that he had not moved since his arrival two days prior and he had not pooped.
Francine asked if it would be okay to offer Rex some Reiki energy healing if he wished to receive it. After an explanation of what Reiki was, Molly granted permission and so did Rex. Francine said that she sent Reiki with the intention of his highest and best good. After about 10 minutes of Reiki, Rex stretched and tried to get up. Finally getting to his feet, Rex took a short walk. Molly was in awe. Rex then groomed himself a little, ate a bit on his own from the syringe, and pooped twice! A major shift in a very short time.
Update: A day later, Francine sent Reiki to Rex again. The last report was that he was doing better—his eyes were still recovering.
Reiki for Groundhog
Francine wrote:
“So this morning, this little guy stuck his head out from under the shed looking like he was going to retreat. When I asked him if he would like some Reiki he settled himself and we had a conversation at the same time. I assured him I would not hurt him but if Sasha [her dog] saw him she would take chase so be aware. Thank goodness Sasha was resting in one of her favorite spots and didn’t see him. I told him to enjoy the yard but also suggested that he live with me and go dig in the neighbor’s yard with the chickens but to be mindful of the hawks. Before we ended, I told him where I would be walking so I didn’t startle him but asked for his picture. This is his pose. After the picture I thanked him, and before I even started to move, he went back under the shed like he understood my every word 😊.”
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©2023 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.