Buffalo Bluebell’s Reiki Herd
October 2017 was my eighth year of leading A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute (WWS), and this is the first time I can say that I am now fully trained by Bluebell the buffalo in what she considers proper protocol for an Animal Ambassador of her standing.
From our first event in 2010 Bluebell made it clear that she loved Reiki. During our introduction she leaned sideways so far into our hands that she put strain on the thin wire fence, which was not designed to be a hammock for a buffalo gal who weighs well over 1000 pounds.
Over the years I’ve discovered that Bluebell doesn’t only love Reiki—she loves shamanic energy, too. When I present the Buffalo Blanket to her—carried in ceremony through Yellowstone to our ceremonies at Earthfire—she will lick the energy off the Blanket in approval.
One time I witnessed her reaching her tongue through the fence to slurp the energy off a participant’s medicine pouch, like slurping energetic pasta, and she has even licked my healing mesa.
The part that I did not finally get right until this year was WHEN to greet Bluebell. Normally there are certain steps that we do to come together as a group that take place before we go around and greet each of the Animal Ambassadors.
In the beginning Bluebell had been willing to follow my protocol, however a few years in—as she became leader of the pasture herd consisting of white buffalo Nima, and the horses and burros—she started ignoring our group. She wouldn’t even come over when we were there specifically to greet her. It slowly sunk in that Bluebell had her own agenda and if I/we wanted to be part of her herd we needed to allow her to lead. And that meant putting her first.
So this time around when we showed up for the very first day of WWS—before we even put our stuff down in the yurt or greeted the day in ceremony—we respectfully introduced ourselves to Bluebell, presented the Blanket, and those who were practitioners also offered her Reiki.
An energized (and respected) Bluebell is a happy teacher, and from that point on she made herself available to all our gatherings and ceremonies. And she expected periodic offerings of Reiki to be forthcoming. We did our best to comply, and were rewarded by her supportive presence.
On our last night of ceremony, as we left the yurt, we saw that Bluebell had laid down at the fence where she could be closest to us—and to the energy. We were all part of her herd now.
The following day, after packing up, I decided to spend a little time with the horses and burros and give them some treats. They were often overshadowed by Bluebell’s demands on our attention, and I figured since I was offering treats that Bluebell was not interested in we could enjoy some quality time.
I was bent over so that I could be more eye-to-eye with the burros as we talked and they snacked, when suddenly they both turned away from a really tasty carrot and ran away as fast as they could.
Before I could straighten up fully my field of vision went dark—dark brown in fact. Bluebell had perfectly positioned herself so that all I could see was her enormous side.
I looked up at her and laughingly said, “More Reiki? You should glow in the dark by now!” Yep, more Reiki it was. Bluebell knew what kind of treat she preferred, and I hastened to grant her demand. I was now a well-trained member of her Reiki herd!
Want to become an animal Reiki magnet?
I’d love to have you join the Reiki herd (which I am leading this time around, lol). Beginner or refresher, Reiki classes are fun, exciting, healing, can be life changing, and are available worldwide!
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©2018 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.
Wonderful memories of your visits to Alta Vista Buffalo Farm. Enjoyed your comments about Bluebell. Very happy for you. I hope you remember me and your visits to the farm and to the farm store. Bless you for sharing your gift with those in need.
Of course I remember you and my visits to Alta Vista! Fond memories, and my first encounters with the Buffalo People. I still have buffalo cow Rose’s horn and the winter hide called Buffalo. He is a very important part of our ceremonies at A Walk on the Wild Side. Blessings to you and your family. Hope to speak in person sometime soon. Hugs, Rose