Reiki Level 2 Virtual Classes
Distance healing for people, animals and situations
Reiki Level 2 deepens your connection to the energy and awakens your ability to facilitate healing for a person, animal, place, or situation from anywhere in the world. The training also increases your ability to facilitate emotional/spiritual healing and offers an opportunity to increase the benefits of your own personal healing.
Each class is taught live by expert teacher Reiki Master Rose De Dan, who has been teaching Reiki since 1996, and offers a comprehensive and individualized approach to Reiki Level 2 energy healing. Included in the training is attunement to Reiki Level 2.
Prequisite: Reiki Level 1 training and certification from Rose De Dan.
In addition to the weekly live training calls (with opportunity to receive answers to questions), students will receive outlines for reference as well as assignments designed to assist with practical experience and confidence.
By the end of the five-week series of classes students will have received a strong foundation in the Reiki symbols, distance healing and its applications in all aspects of your life, as well as for other people and animals. Students who successfully complete all class assignments by end of training will receive a Reiki Level 2 certificate.
Reiki Level 2 training includes:
• an attunement for Reiki Level 2 that enables you to deepen your connection and facilitate distance/emotional healing
• teaching stories from Rose’s many years of experience as a healer that offer insights and guidance
• steps on how to utilize the benefits for your personal healing
• training in how to combine the three Reiki Level 2 symbols for highest benefit
• guidance on how to offer those benefits to people and animals – for everyday life as well as emergency situations
• how to send Reiki to a situation for highest possible outcome (personal, family, global)
• the ability to cleanse a space or your own personal energy field
• steps for building a Bridge of Light to assist animals and people in crossing over
• series of practical exercises designed to help you develop your confidence and intuitive awareness
• class handouts and recordings for easy guidance and recall after class
• Reiki Level 2 Certificate upon completion suitable for framing
Support available after class includes:
• free membership in private Wild Reiki Forum Facebook page—a resource for articles or news about Reiki, answers to questions, and place to connect with other WRSH students
FAQ: Will I get as much out of a teleclass as an in-person training?
After 18 years of teaching in-person, I wondered the same thing myself, and what I found was that students can actually get more out of the teleclass since I can deliver information and guidance each week and the students get to contemplate and practice rather than having to take in everything all at once. In addition they also have the recordings for reference any time.
FAQ: I missed the first class, can I still register? What if I can’t attend in person for one class date?
Each live class is recorded, and all students receive a link to the recording within 24 hours afterward. If you were unable to register in time to attend the first class you can very easily catch up before we start week 2. Registration will close shortly before the second class until the next Reiki 2 training session is available.
To read a story about distance Reiki and animals visit Reiki and the Harbor Seal.
Got questions? We’re happy to answer them, send us an email.
“Thank you Rose so much for a great 5 weeks, I’ve learned so much and it’s really given me a boost in confidence and excitement for my Reiki journey!”
—Valerie Chiang, CA
“Rose is a wise and caring teacher who encourages her students to seek out the answers in ways that encourage self realization.”
After completing Reiki Level 1 with Rose De Dan there was no doubt that I would continue to study under her guidance and expertise in Reiki Level 2. During this set of classes I was able to become much more comfortable and confident in my ability to offer healing energy to people, animals and situations both directly and over distance.
As a western medicine provider and also a patient, the Reiki Level 2 attunement has given me a deeper connection to healing for myself and for others – a true shift in my ability to give and to receive.
Rose is a wise and caring teacher who encourages her students to seek out the answers in ways that encourage self realization.
She is a storyteller who skillfully uses her stories to guide and instruct through thought provoking scenarios that are real, poignant, and at times humorous.
The teleclass format allows students to work at their own pace, and to have access to information after the fact – perfect for reinforcing what is covered during the live classes.
I am delighted to have completed Reiki Level 2 with Rose and am looking forward to applying to her Reiki Master Teacher program.
—Maria Garcia Bulkley, PA
“I’ve taken Reiki Level 1 and 2 teleclasses with Rose—they are phenomenal classes!
Learning Reiki has had major positive impacts on my life both in my tools to personally balance and ground as well as having another way to connect with the animals.
—S. Doyne, Seattle, WA
“I very much enjoyed doing this class, and so grateful to have these tools at my fingertips.”
Just a couple of days after the course started, we had a fire at home, after our house was struck by lightning. Throughout the devastation—physical and emotional—Reiki 2 has been invaluable. Invaluable for my own attempts at staying balanced, invaluable for sending Reiki to situations, to the past and future, and giving me a feeling of being useful as a healing keeper of our family.
Thank you for your gentle presence during the classes, and in between, Rose, and thank you to all the participants for a beautiful experience and providing me with a rock during unstable times. 🙏💓
—Anya Fruchter Gore, France
“Rose is a wonderful teacher who guides you on a journey of opening and enlightenment. Her personal stories help to encourage and inspire you.”
Completing Reiki 2 has been a gift for me. I love knowing I can send healing energy to any living thing or situation which needs it. I feel blessed to know I have the ability to help this world of ours. Reiki 2 has made me feel the energy so much more. Rose is a wonderful teacher who guides you on a journey of opening and enlightenment. Her personal stories help to encourage and inspire you. I will be forever grateful to have “met” her.
—Natasha Zapata, New York
“Learning Reiki has far reaching benefits and is well worth the investment of time and money.”
I highly recommend these classes to everyone! I have just completed Reiki Levels 1 & 2 with Rose. I have come away with the ability to offer healing energy to people, animals and plants at anytime…for the rest of my life! I also experienced a significant amount of inner healing over the course of these classes. Rose has a vast amount of experience and expertise to share. She is a very gracious teacher and encourages her students to ask questions.
—Kathleen Seitz, West Virginia
“Soooooo glad I took this class.”
Reiki is such an expansive addition to my spiritual practice. The Level 2 class opened me to so many ways of offering reiki’s healing energy across any distance at any time. And the daily practice of detaching from the outcome—knowing that the energy will go where it is most needed—frees me from interfering with another’s journey. Wow.
Rose is a wonderful storyteller and caring teacher. Her stories illustrate both the “how to do it” and “how not to do it” from personal experiences of her own and her students, rather than a list of do’s and don’ts. I recommend her teleclasses highly and am ready for the next one!
—Elizabeth O’Connell, New York
“The Reiki Level 2 with Rose was a life-changer for me in so many ways.”
Loved the clarity of the instructions and the detailed steps. I could feel a distinct shift as compared to where I was earlier after Level 1. Level 2 is like getting a turbo-charged jet traveling across space and time. I also loved connecting with a community of students and our facebook posts on how the assignments went. I felt supported and felt that I belonged somewhere.
Personally, I was at a turning point in my life as I was contemplating retiring from a very hectic corporate career (which cost me my health) and shifting into a more gentle way of life which will involve the love of my life – the animals. And as much as I dreamed of retirement, it was still daunting to be severed from a reliable source of income. It was extremely emotional for me. Reiki helped me stay grounded and centered and though I got into my usual dark space where I normally wallow for days and weeks – this time I was able to come out of that in hours by self-Reiki.
Most importantly, my cats loved it. They kind of got a sense of when I would sit and practice Reiki and would start hovering around reminding me to start. We now have this amazing Reiki time spent together.
—Indrani Das, India
“I’ll definitely be taking more of your classes in the future.”
My very first session was when I got home last Saturday [after class]. I sat down and my cat immediately jumped up into my lap after I offered her reiki. She usually comes to sleep in my lap, but she seemed completely out when I put my hands on her. It felt very hot, so after about five minutes I stopped just in case it became too much for her. Kiwi has always been close with me and she certainly got much closer after her healing session with you a few months back, but somehow the bond grew stronger still. She follows me everywhere and head butts my forehead, which she never used to do. (I think I read something of yours that meant head butting was the cat’s way of showing love and trust, so I’m completely honored that she’s finally done that with me.) What I’m most excited about with Kiwi is her change in demeanor. Sometimes she still seems disconnected and distant, and I’ll hear her meowing at night by herself, but most times she looks content and grounded, which has been a real issue with her. I look forward to continued work and improvement with her.
In all, I’m really excited about doing more reiki. I personally feel much more relaxed now that I do it on myself, and I have especially noticed a difference in anxiety level and digestive issues when I put my hands on my solar plexus and sacral chakra. At work as a massage therapist, I’ve been getting a lot of comments about how much warmer my hands are than they used to be, even though I’m not consciously doing reiki on them.
Thank you so much for this opportunity! I’ll definitely be taking more of your classes in the future.
—All the best, Kim O.
“Thanks for another great class which expanded my own ability to use Reiki in so many different ways on a daily basis!”
Thank you for another fantastic class. Each teleclass was well organized and taught with lots of examples. Having specific life work assignments each week was extremely helpful. It allowed for self-exploration with each new step taught. It was also nice being able to share my experiences for feedback not only from Rose, but also from other classmates. It was enjoyable and informative to also read other students experiences and how they were applying Reiki. Thanks for another great class which expanded my own ability to use Reiki in so many different ways on a daily basis!
—T.F., Wisconsin
“I’ve loved this second part of Reiki”
I can feel a change in my energy levels when I incorporate the 3 symbols into my daily Reiki, as well as sleeping better! 😁 I’ve enjoyed all that I have learned, & working with people in class. I also enjoy Rose’s stories, as they show the many ways Reiki can be of benefit to those who need it! Thank you! 🙏
—Alexa Rose, England
“Rose is also a Shaman, and although she does not “push” this in the Reiki training, there are some elements that simply would not be available from other teachers and that made the experience of her class unique and meaningful.”
Rose De Dan is a patient, experienced and knowledgeable teacher! Her peaceful manner and gentle humor made me trusting and comfortable from the beginning. After taking Reiki 1 with her, I couldn’t wait for the second level.
Reiki 2 enhanced my awareness of the energy flow and allowed me to send Reiki over time and distance to people wanting to try it but geographically inconvenient. I have used the Level 2 training to “unplug” from past emotional trauma so the power is greatly lessened. Rose is also a Shaman, and although she does not “push” this in the Reiki training, there are some elements that simply would not be available from other teachers and that made the experience of her class unique and meaningful. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to improve their own, their friends’, and their animal companions’ well-being.
Some might think that a teleclass would be less effective than a classroom. Although I have not taken classroom Reiki, I think the opposite is true. The teleclass allows for an intense and personal experience of the Reiki energy without the distractions of having others in the room, and the interruptions that come whenever people are gathered together. A student can be in a silent, private space and be totally focused on Rose’s voice and teaching. The energy flows, and after several validations of that, I am convinced that there is no advantage of an in-person attunement. After two teleclasses with Rose, I would love to meet her, but I don’t feel a bit deprived by only knowing her voice.
—Elaine Livingston, CA
Although I have felt good about my Reiki practice, it wasn’t until that moment I really knew that I too could be a healer.
Today a baby honey eater bird found his way into the enclosure where my companion cats spend their outdoor time. Wildling pounced on him and it took a few minutes for us to extract the baby bird from his mouth. By this time the life seemed to be ebbing from him. I cupped my hands over him and offered Reiki with the added oomph of the Reiki symbols, as you have so beautifully guided me to. Within minutes he started to breathe more calmly and soon tested his wobbly legs. I then moved my hands further out, still sending to him and he ruffled his little wings. Not long after he indicated that I could stop, which I did, and we sat for a moment contemplating each other. Then he flew away. Although I have felt good about my Reiki practice, it wasn’t until that moment I really knew that I too could be a healer.
—Lisa Craig, Australia
Rose’s Reiki 2 teleclass gave me great insights and tools for expanding my Reiki practice. I felt empowered, encouraged and supported–and gained much confidence in my ability to apply Reiki healing to previously unimagined situations!
—Ramona Gault
Click here to read more Reiki stories and testimonials about the benefits of Reiki.
Registration for Reiki Level 2 Teleclass
Where: Worldwide
When: Wednesdays, February 26 – March 26, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific
Registration for this class means a commitment to all five classes and participation in a private Facebook group.
After you register below, confirmation will be sent, along with instructions on how to join the first call.
Fee: $379.00 (payment plan options available at checkout thru PayPal, Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna)
*Cancellation policy: we understand that sometimes things happen, should you need to withdraw from the class a refund (less $75) is available with notice no later than one week before class, after that no refunds can be given. This offer does not apply to payment plans which are non-refundable. Payment is non-transferable to any other class, product or offering by WRSH.