Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors
The animals who reside in zoos are Ambassadors for their species, and are inviting us to work together in a more spiritual way.
Utilizing shamanic techniques, we will meet with Zoo Animal Ambassadors who have invited us to listen to their perceptions, and join in ceremony to support wildlife worldwide.
What You Will Learn
During this class, I will share with you the basic techniques and exercises that I use before, during, and after a zoo visit to properly introduce myself, initiate an interaction or conversation with the animals, and create ceremonies with and for them. After class ends, you will be able to take what you have learned and invite your local Animal Ambassadors to ceremony. I will also be introducing you to specific Animal Ambassadors who have chosen to work with us more in-depth (see Why I bring people to the Zoo).
Every animal is a wonderful and complex being with an individual personality with likes and dislikes. They are as varied in their desires and motivations as people, and have preferences for how they wish to serve and what they enjoy, just as we do. Among the various species are unique individuals who have the drive and capabilities to be teachers and healers. Those special Zoo Animal Ambassadors have invited us to listen to their perceptions and perspectives, and we’ll utilize basic shamanic techniques to enable us to shift our filters so that we can truly hear their messages (see Lions and Other Animal Ambassadors Calling).

Special Focus: Endangered Animals
My work with the animals is constantly evolving as I listen to my guides and the animals. The guidance I have received for the series this year is that while all Animal Ambassadors will be able to participate, there will be a special focus on helping endangered species such as Lions, Tigers, Wolves, and Rhinos—who are currently fighting for their very existence. They have requested to add their prayers and intention in ceremony for creating a global shift in perceptions.
In support of this focus we will be meeting with Animal Ambassadors at four different zoos:
• Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
• Northwest Trek
• Cougar Mountain Zoo
• Woodland Park Zoo
We will be meeting with different species of Tigers at three zoos—even getting up close and personal with one or two at Cougar Mountain Zoo. These Animal Ambassadors represent a variety of endangered tiger species worldwide.

Wolves are under attack. They are persecuted and misunderstood in almost every state in which they reside. With the removal of federal protections many wild packs are losing family members to hunters, and the loss of even one wolf has a huge impact on the ecosystem. All four zoos have wolf packs, including highly endangered Mexican red wolves. The wolves definitely want to meet with us to help co-create energetic shifts that benefits all.
Rhinos are under pressure due to poaching and habitat destruction. Javan rhinos are critically endangered. Sumatran rhinos are now officially extinct in Malaysia. The Northern White Rhino is extinct in the wild. Greater one-horned rhino Glenn lives at Woodland Park Zoo, and will be an ambassador for their relatives.

By working with the animal teachers in this class you will be able to visit a zoo, shelter, beach, or wilderness, and walk with the animals rather than separate from them.
You will learn how to clear negative feelings that interfere with connection with the animals, and work with them through ceremony to create positive change for them as well as worldwide.
These techniques offer healing for everyone. It is a way to make a difference—to not feel helpless and to be able to heal what challenges us emotionally. A challenge that prevent us from going into places where the animals really need and want us to be.
I hope you will join us on this amazing journey of listening and discovery!
I am thoroughly enjoying the Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors course. Rose brings so many of her talents to the class in a very seamless way. In addition to being an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher and shamanic energy healer, Rose is also a wonderful storyteller and photographer! She employs all her gifts, beautifully guiding us through the experience on each zoo trip and conference call. Rose knows a lot of the zoo animal ambassadors’ names and personal stories, and each sharing is offered with so much healing and heart to all involved – both human and animal. Even though I cannot attend the zoo trips with her in person, I feel such a part of the adventure! The Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors course is a fun and meaningful platform from which we can all make a positive difference on this planet.
—Asha Wolf, Colorado
For anyone considering this class, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s amazing to connect with the animals, and to experience knowing and feeling that the connections are making a contribution to something much larger. ❤️
—Stacey Doyne, WA
I once got to hear the Dalai Lama speak about compassion. He said that ALL creature in this world (except perhaps mosquitoes) deserve respect and empathy. Rose’s class opened my eyes to what this really means. I was surprised to discover that when approached with intention, every kind of animal, from tiny jellyfish to enormous walruses, react with appreciation and joy. And I was amazed to see an octopus put on an elaborate show for the camera and a Komodo dragon bask in Reiki energy. I learned that all Animal Ambassadors want to be, deserve to be, recognized and heard.
—Isabel Wang, WA
Thank you for another amazing day with the animal ambassadors!! It is starting to feel real…61 years of “oh don’t be silly…it was a coincidence”…it is hard to erase that “hard wired” belief. THIS is the best time of my life and I am still amazed at what life holds for me (mostly involving things with fur). I am so grateful I found my way to your website and a “family” that understands.
—Penny, Lynnwood, WA

Two Registration Options Available
1) local field trips (Seattle area) with teleclasses
2) or teleclasses only (available worldwide)
Seattle Area ZAA Field Trips + Teleclasses
Registration for this class means a commitment to all four field trips and six teleclasses.
The first two teleclasses lay the foundation for the subsequent four field trips where we will visit with the animals that expressed a desire to meet with us and practice what we learned. Every field trip is experiential, and as a small group there will be time for personal support.
A telecall is scheduled after each field trip to receive further support, guidance and messages from the animals (the telecalls bring both groups together—local and virtual). If you are unable to attend the telecall live each call will be recorded and a link to the replay will be supplied within 24 hours.
Open to adults 18+ years and up, no prerequisites. If you miss the first call you can catch up with the replay.
Local Class Registration includes:
• Two 60-90 minute preparatory telecalls covering the basic fundamentals of shamanic communication with zoo animal ambassadors
• Four one-day field trips to local zoo/conservation venues in Seattle/Tacoma area (fee includes cost of admission, parking not included) for introduction and practice with zoo animal ambassadors
• Our visit to Cougar Mountain Zoo may include the opportunity to meet tiger Animal Ambassadors up close and personal (subject to current zoo protocols).
• Four monthly 60-90 minute telecalls for follow-up and further messages from the animals
• Invitation to join private Facebook page
You supply:
• Transportation to and from venues
• Lunch/snacks: please bring your own or purchase from venue
• An open mind and willingness to listen to the animals
• A surgical mask to be worn for the duration of our zoo visit
Foundational Telecall #1
Monday, December 2, 6:00pm Pacific
Foundational Telecall #2
Monday, December 9, 6:00pm Pacific
Field Trip 1
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Tacoma, WA, Saturday, Dec. 14, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Telecall: Monday, December 16, 6:00pm Pacific
Field Trip 2
Northwest Trek, Eatonville, WA, Saturday, Jan. 25, 9:30am – 3:30pm
Telecall: Monday, January 27, 6:00pm Pacific
Field Trip 3
Cougar Mountain Zoo, Issaquah, WA, Saturday, Feb. 8, 9:30am – 3:00pm
Telecall: Monday, February 10, 6:00pm Pacific
Field Trip 4
Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA, Saturday, March 22, 9:30am – 4:00pm
Telecall: Monday, March 24, 6:00pm Pacific
Seattle Area Zoo Animal Ambassadors Series
Two payment options available:
1. Seattle Area ZAA Series Single Pay: $599
After registration confirmation and directions will be sent by email for first telecall. As we get close to each field trip you will also receive instructions on how to meet up and what you will need for the day. Registration deadline for field trip option is December 1.
2. Seattle Area ZAA Series Payment Plan: 5 payments of $129
After first payment of $129 when you register, your credit card will be automatically billed* the same amount monthly for four additional months. After registration, confirmation and directions will be sent by email for first telecall. Registration deadline for field trip option is December 1.
*Cancellation policy: If you miss a class you may attend the next one, but will not be reimbursed. Payment is non-refundable and non-transferable to any other class, product or offering by WRSH. All fees will be refunded if class series is cancelled for any reason.
**Declined payments will result in a $25.00 late fee.
Virtual ZAA Teleclasses
Registration for this class means a commitment to six teleclasses (available worldwide).
The first two teleclasses lay the foundation for the remaining four. While virtual students will not be physically participating in the visits to selected Seattle area zoos, participants will receive the same basic foundational training on how to establish connection with the animals at any zoo or conservation center they might visit in future. You will also be able to practice shamanic techniques to learn which animals wish to be heard during the field trip. And of course, everything you learn and practice can be applied to your visits in future to any zoo, conservation or rescue organization.
Virtual participants will also hear what happened on each of the physical visits to the local Seattle venues through stories and photos in the monthly follow-up telecall plus receive further guidance and messages from the animals (the four telecalls will merge both groups—local and virtual).
If you are unable to attend the telecall live each call will be recorded and a link to the replay will be supplied within 24 hours. Open to adults 18+, no prerequisites.
Virtual Class Registration includes:
• Two 60-90 minute preparatory calls covering the basic fundamentals of shamanic communication with zoo animal ambassadors
• Four monthly 60-90 minute calls for follow-up and further messages from the animals
• Invitation to join private Facebook page
You supply:
• An open mind and willingness to listen to the animals
Foundational Telecall #1
Monday, December 2, 6:00pm Pacific
Foundational Telecall #2
Monday, December 9, 6:00pm Pacific
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium Follow-up Telecall
Monday, December 16, 6:00pm Pacific
Northwest Trek Follow-up Telecall
Monday, January 27, 6:00pm Pacific
Cougar Mountain Zoo Follow-up Telecall
Monday, February 10, 6:00pm Pacific
Woodland Park Zoo Follow-up Telecall
Monday, March 24, 6:00pm Pacific
Virtual Zoo Animal Ambassadors Teleclass Series
Two payment options available:
1. Virtual ZAA Series Single Pay: $199.00
After registration, confirmation and instructions will be sent by email. If you miss the first call you can catch up with the replay. Deadline for registration is the day before second telecall (if registering after first class, you will receive link to replay of our first call).
2. Virtual ZAA Series Payment Plan: five payments of $49
A commitment to the full class series. After first payment of $49 when you register, your credit card will be automatically billed* the same amount monthly for four additional months. After registration confirmation and instructions will be sent by email. If you miss the first call you can catch up with the replay. Deadline for registration is the day of the second telecall (if registering after first class, you will receive link to replay of our first call).
*Cancellation policy: If you miss a class you may attend the next one, but will not be reimbursed. Payment is non-refundable and non-transferable to any other class, product or offering by WRSH. All fees will be refunded if class series is cancelled for any reason.
**Declined payments will result in a $25.00 late fee.