As a Reiki Master Teacher I am often asked if there are Reiki books that I would recommend an aspiring student read before taking a Reiki class. In my opinion, no prior knowledge is required to take a Reiki Level 1 beginner class.
However, if you are curious and eager to begin learning, or are excited about learning more after class, below is a list of Reiki books that I recommend to my students.
Compiled during my many years of teaching, this list is by no means comprehensive. I have certainly not read every book available today on Reiki—the sheer quantity of books available now is astounding compared to when I first began practicing Reiki in 1995. With so many books published on the practice of Reiki it is impossible to say that my picks are the best Reiki books since I have not read them all, but they are my favorite Reiki books to date.
If you have a Reiki book that you are particularly fond of I would love to hear about it!
Fair Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate. Purchases made using the links may result in commissions which help to support my pro bono work for animals.
Photos from Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism by Rose De Dan
My Favorite Reiki Books
Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life
by Elizabeth Fulton and Kathleen Prasad is an excellent read for the animal Reiki stories, which students of all levels (beginning to advanced), will find inspirational and validating.
Coyote Healing: Miracles in Native Medicine
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD, is a Native American medicine man/shaman and a medical doctor. While this book is not specifically about Reiki, I consider it a “must” for anyone who wants to understand the basic principles of healing, and I recommend it to all my Reiki students.
Dreams of the Reiki Shaman: Expanding Your Healing Power
Jim PathFinder Ewing offers insights into how to awaken your intuitive guidance and connection to spirit allies along with easy-to-follow, practical exercises for both new and experienced Reiki and shamanic practitioners.
The Everything Guide to Reiki: Channel your positive energy to promote healing, reduce stress, and enhance your quality of life (Everything Series)
by Phylameana lila Désy is a very clear, comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to all things Reiki for beginners to advanced students.
Hands of Life: Use Your Body’s Own Energy Medicine for Healing, Recovery, and Transformation
Julie Motz helped revolutionize high-tech medicine by her energy healing work with patients undergoing open-heart surgery. She began her career working with surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz, and this book, while not specifically about Reiki, contains wonderful stories of her experiences as a pioneer in energy healing in a hospital setting.
The Hayashi Reiki Manual: Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques from the Founder of the Western Reiki System
by Frank Arjava Petter, Tadao Yamaguchi, Chujiro Hyashi. Story of Dr. Hayashi, renowned student of Dr. Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki. Manual contains techniques of Hayashi Reiki system.
The Japanese Art of Reiki: A Practical Guide to Self-Healing
The practice of Usui Reiki as it evolved in America differs greatly from its Japanese roots. This book offers practical steps to incorporating traditional Japanese practices into daily life.
The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui
by Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter highlights some of the Japanese practices of Reiki founder Dr. Usui. Book includes techniques and hand positions for specific health conditions.
Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide
by Pamela Miles helps to bridge the worlds of conventional medicine and the complementary practice of Reiki.
Reiki: The Essential Guide to the Ancient Healing Art
by Chris and Penny Parkes features the basics of the Usui Method as originally taught in the U.S.
Reiki: Hawayo Takata’s Story
as told by her student and friend Reiki Master Helen J. Haberly details Reiki’s introduction to the United States. The stories in this book are powerful in their simplicity and will offer inspiration to all students.
Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice
was one of the first books published concerning demonstrating the role of Reiki in mainstream healthcare settings. Reiki Masters Libby Barnett and Maggie Chambers are pioneers in bringing Reiki into hospitals and hospice situations in the New England area and throughout the U.S.
The Reiki Sourcebook, Revised and Expanded
by Bronwen and Frans Stiene is a “must have” for any serious Reiki student. It covers the most up-to-date information on the history of Reiki, different lineages and practices, internet resources, etc. The information is offered from an unbiased standpoint, and is very helpful in clarifying conflicting information. Presently there is no other book like it. A great resource for teachers and students.
Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki & Shamanism
I may be just a teensy bit prejudiced in recommending this book since I am the author, but readers say it offers insights into what the path and development of a healer is like (they also say it is a fun read). It contains many stories of the animals I have met over a period of the years, and what they taught me along the way about myself and energy healing.
Tapestry of Healing: Where Reiki and Medicine Intertwine
Dr. Jeri Mills recounts her journey as a physician, veterinarian, and Reiki Master Teacher as she creates a marriage of Western medicine and Reiki.

Want to learn Reiki or refresh your Reiki skills?
Reiki restores balance between the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels for all living beings, enabling the body to do what it does best—heal itself. These healing benefits can be extended to people, animals, trees and plants, as well as your own self-healing.
Learn more about my live, mentored Reiki home study classes.