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Sunday Wisdom Quote 03-23-2025

Sunday Wisdom Quote 03-23-2025

featuring environmental pioneer Rachel Carson for Women’s History Month

When I was a teenager (many years ago), my mother gifted me a copy of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring. It was a huge inspiration then and continues to inspire the work I do now.

It is Women’s History Month, and with the environment and the rule of law under attack from “officials” who are the opposite of wise, Rachel Carson is my pick for today’s Sunday Wisdom Quote.

Rachel Louise Carson was an American marine biologist, author, and environmentalist who is often called the first woman environmentalist. Her writings on the natural world and environmental pollution are credited with launching the modern environmental movement and influencing the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Her book Silent Spring (1962) “…brought environmental concerns to an unprecedented share of the American people. Although Silent Spring was met with fierce opposition by chemical companies, it spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy, which led to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides [my note: which saved our American Bald Eagle and others on the brink of extinction by the use of DDT]…Carson was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter.”—Source Wiki

Traditionally, Sunday was a day of rest and reflection on our spiritual connections. These days, we live a much faster-paced lifestyle, which makes bite-sized reminders like this one helpful.

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Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author of Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism and Out of the Darkness and Other Animal Tails. Her classes, sessions, and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.


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