Saying Good-bye
On June 6, 2012 I said a final good-bye to my beloved dog, Puma. His age was somewhere between 13 and 15, a very ripe old age for an 82 lb. dog, and his back and hips could no longer support him without pain. His passing was very peaceful, and when I pushed myself to go on my regular walk later that day, knowing that I would be taking my first walk without him by my side, Puma’s spirit was waiting by the back door to walk with me one last time.
It is my intention to write a celebration of his life. In the meantime I would like to thank my friends, clients, students and Puma’s friends who have been so kind with their support, understanding and cards. And I’d like to spotlight three that touched me deeply.
Puma’s principal vet clinic, Lien Animal Clinic, made a donation in his name to the Seattle Animal Shelter. It made me feel good to know that our good fortune (I adopted Puma from a shelter in Montana) could help others.
Jennifer McNeely sent a lovely card with heartfelt words, and included a special colored drawing from her six year-old daughter Paloma. The drawing was of a puppy dog holding a leash in his mouth. Underneath it said “Give love,” and Paloma had written Puma’s name above the puppy’s head. Love is certainly something Puma offered me every day of his life.
The other was a special moment that happened at the Metropolitan Marketplace near where I live. Puma and I would walk over to go grocery shopping, and while I was in the store he would spend time behind the florist counter being loved on and watched over by the kindly folks who worked there. Raul Ramirez was particularly fond of him, having an elderly dog of his own, and Puma would always gently pull me over to say hello.
When Puma’s quality of life began fluctuating day-to-day I would leave him home, and Raul would ask about him. I promised to bring Puma back on a good day, but that day never came.
When I told Raul, he came around the counter and gave me a big hug, which almost undid me emotionally. I thanked him for the wonderful care he took of Puma. It was a very touching moment, but the best was yet to come.
As I was preparing to check out with my groceries, Raul presented me with a single white rose which he said was a personal gift from him in memory of Puma. I couldn’t help it, I was so moved I started to cry, which of course made Raul say, “Oh, no, I did not mean to make you cry!” I told him they were okay tears, that I was simply very touched by his gesture. And Raul gladdened my heart even further by sharing the joy of his memories of time spent with Puma, how friendly he was and how much he enjoyed receiving a good neck rub.
And that is what I hope to share with everyone in a future article—my joy in having Puma in my life and the wonderful times we shared together.
(I placed the gift of the white rose at the foot of my bed in the area where Puma used to sleep.)
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©2012 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
I have a photo of one of my beloved rescues in a frame that is embossed with this anonymous quote:
“Pets are companions and healers of human beings. They are the spiritual connection between people and nature, and the give us a better life on earth.”
As a fellow animal lover, my heart goes out to you during this period of mourning. Puma’s life is well worth celebrating.
Mrs. Fever
Thank you for your kind words of support, and for sharing that lovely quote. I could not agree more, indeed the concept of animals as healers and teachers is at the heart of my healing practice, ceremonies and events. They offer us so much love, wisdom and understanding—and all unconditionally.
Rose, I am so sorry to hear of Puma’s passing. It’s not easy. You were a great mom to have had.
Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you…
I loved you so —–
’twas Heaven here with you.
–Isla Paschal Richardson–
Thank you, Eileen, what a beautiful quote.
Sweet memories of times past with you when you came to visit at Alta Vista Bison Farm.