Calling All Reiki Stories!

Reiki Paws, Saqqara with students ©Rose De Dan
As a Reiki Master Teacher I am privileged to watch my Reiki students learn, grow, and change. And part of the beauty of their journey and mine are the awesome opportunities we are presented with to use Reiki in our lives on a daily basis. Out of those opportunities arise some incredible stories, stories like the following from LeAnne Livingston, a Reiki Level II practitioner, and diver.
Sea Star Reiki
“Tuesday evening, out for a swim in my favorite ‘salt bath,’ the Edmonds Oil Dock. After about 1.5 hours goofing around in the currents and tides of the water it was time to come back to land. Walking up on to the beach, I laid my fins and mask down on a log and noticed a large wash of shells, kelp and various other sea accessories on the beach. Amongst the tangled trove of goodies a pale flash of blue caught my eye; a sea star had been washed up with the last high tide and left in a somewhat inhospitable environment for one of its kind.
“Kneeling down, I greeted the creature and did a quick appraisal of its energetic and physical condition. It had a feeling of exhaustion and resignation, but looked physically intact. From the little bit I do know about our Universe, one thing that has been strongly impressed upon me: we are not in charge of the outcome of another’s journey. I’m good by that. Still wanting to provide any assistance for its highest healing good, I offered Reiki. It was accepted in a very easy kind of way.
“Gently picking it up, one hand underneath holding the main body, another resting very lightly on top; I turned and walked into the water, immediately feeling my hands warm and the sea star respond. Standing waist deep in the light surf, I glided the creature in the water and washed off some of the debris that had partially covered it on the beach. With its body relaxing, the creature began to move its five arms around and touch my extended fingers and exploring the back of my hand. First time I’d ever shaken “hands” with an echinoderm. If I didn’t already have such a profound love, respect and awe of the sea and her creatures that would have tipped me over the edge.
“Hanging out in the water for a few more minutes, enjoying the quiet joyful connection with the little cousin, I asked if it would like to be placed somewhere underwater below the next low tide mark. The offer was accepted as its five arms slowed their exploration of my hand. Making my way into chest deep water, I went close to the rocks and pilings of the dock. One last prayer of love and light for the sea star as it was placed on a hospitable looking rock and left to continue on its underwater journey.”
—LeAnne Livingston, Reiki II
LeAnne’s latest beautiful marine critter Reiki story made me yearn to hear more, once again, and finally galvanized me into action on a project that has been on the back burner due to lack of time. However, I just can’t wait any longer, I have to have more Reiki stories!
In class and at the monthly Reiki Review I listen as students share powerful experiences, and all present are inspired, not only in new applications for Reiki in different situations, but by the sheer beauty and wonder at the loving and healing energy that we call Reiki. Hearing those stories inspires me to be a better teacher, practitioner, and person in my healing and teaching practice as well as my life, and I want to share that experience with everyone. If ever there were a time in history that our world needs inspiration of that nature it is now.
So I’m sending out an appeal to all Reiki practitioners, of any level: send me your stories, and I’ll collect them into an e-book. They can be any experience related to Reiki you have had, whether a healing response when working with an animal or person, an encounter that involved Reiki, a sudden personal aha! that changed your perception or your life, etc.
You do not have to have been a student of mine to submit a Reiki story, either. I welcome stories from practitioners of all Reiki trainings, and from all levels, beginner to Master, so feel free to pass this along to Reiki groups.
You can send your stories to me contained in an email or as an attached Word document. Please include your Reiki level (level I, Level II, Level III, Master) and contact information (address, email, phone) in case I need to clarify something. Also state how you would like to be attributed, i.e., Jane Doe, Jane D., J. Doe, etc. If your story is included in the book you will receive a free e-copy as a thank you. If you have photos that go with your story you are welcome to submit them as well.
Your submission constitutes permission to include your story in the book, but does not guarantee its inclusion. I reserve the right to edit as needed, but will try to preserve the original tone of the writer. Stories must not have been published previously.
Know someone who has great Reiki stories? Then please, pass this request along to them.
So, bring them on, let’s inspire the world with incredible Reiki stories!
P.S. Reiki Paws, the photo that accompanies this article, features my cat, Saqqara, who often helps instruct my students in the proper art of hand placement at my Reiki classes. He has quite a few Reiki stories of his own! Posters and greeting cards featuring Reiki Paws are available.
Think Outside the Cage
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is a mesa carrier in the Peruvian Q’ero tradition. In addition she is also a Reiki Master Teacher, animal communicator, author of the acclaimed book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism, and creator of Animal and Reiki Art. As an animal shaman, she views her role as a healer as one of building bridges between people and animals, and of empowering them to reconnect with Pachamama, Mother Earth.
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That is such a beautiful and moving story about the sea star. I love the veracity of LeAnne words “we are not in charge of the outcome of another’s journey.” I had to chuckle though, because the first time I saw those words I read “we are not to change the outcome of another’s journey.”
I’m not a student of Reiki yet I look forward to reading more beautiful stories like LeAnne’s in your upcoming ebook. Keep me posted on the progress!
Thank you, Janet, I will pass your appreciation along to LeAnne, who not only has amazing experiences, but is well versed in ability to tell the story well.
I am receiving wonderful stories, I so enjoy reading them, and I look forward to the time when I have enough of them to share them with everyone else!
Best wishes,
Thank you for your wonderful story about the sea star. There was so much feeling in it. I have had similar experiences with insects, frogs, fishes and birds, although I am not an “offical” healer it seems that there are energies that when you are aware, you can feel. These energies are very real and help us understand that we are all one.
You have a lovely site and I am looking forward to learning more.
Take Care!
Your words are very visual. I enjoyed reading your sea star story. It was almost like I was there watching this happen. I felt a peace and calm visualizing what it must have been like standing there in chest deep ocean water.
Thank you, Peter, I shall pass your words of praise along to my Reiki student LeAnne Livingston who wrote up her experience and was gracious enough to allow me to post it. I think she is a fabulous writer and I definitely want to encourage her to write more.
[…] ANIMAL REIKI ARTICLES by Rose De Dan • Building Bridges with Animal Reiki • Calling All Reiki Stories • Saving Keiko • Reiki Attunements for Animals • Gracie the Cat and […]
I have 2 cats 1 is a master and 1 is a grand master, just try to beat them to the table when we have a reiki session!!!
[…] a few animal Reiki stories that might interest you: • Building Bridges with Animal Reiki • Calling All Reiki Stories – Reiki and the Sea Star • One Reiki Sandwich, Please! – this cat knows how to place […]