Shamanic Class Testimonials
“Thank you for leading us into this magical world where everything is alive…”
I wanted to thank you for offering this very inspiring course! Thank you for leading us into this magical world where everything is alive and ready to communicate with us and share their wisdom. Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences for us to learn from each other! Bones, Stones Feathers and Fur is part of my life!—Susanna Knuchel Glaze, New Mexico
“Although I have engaged with other Shamanic practitioners over the years, your teaching has felt particularly heart-felt and life changing to me.”
How magical is the world with all of its amazing creatures…deeply touched. I have really appreciated all of our journeys and ceremonies. Journeying and engaging in ceremony feel fundamental to any depth of understanding of the many worlds we inhabit, regardless of whether we are conscious of that or not. Thanks so much for this course and your guidance. Although I have engaged with other Shamanic practitioners over the years, your teaching has felt particularly heart-felt and life changing to me. Be well.—Ann Debaldo, FL
“I think that if you only want to take one class in life THIS IS IT!!!”
Rose, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this class! I find it lifechanging and I love every bit of it. You are a natural teacher with great knowledge and a good sense of humor and a lot of beautiful stories to tell. I think that if you only want to take one class in life THIS IS IT!!!—Lena Larsson, Sweden
“Thank you again, Rose and Windwalker, for the gifts you helped me find.”
What a ride! I really didn’t know what to expect with this class, but it sure wasn’t what I wound up experiencing. There is a saying that energy does not follow human rules. This class could not be any closer to that statement. I mean you can intend all you want, but when it comes to meeting your Relations and doing the work, what needs to happen and come through will. This was and still is a very personal journey and I’ve found that the fire walk that I thought I had already completed in my lifetime actually was not finished, I was just sitting out for a bit and this class gave me the direction and the Relations I needed to complete the walks. This is a unique journey for everyone. My experience was totally different than the other folks in my class, but no less profound for all of us. Thank you again, Rose and Windwalker, for the gifts you helped me find.—Deirdra Vierra, CA
“I’ve found your classes to be the most valuable I’ve taken so far…”
Rose, thank you for all you’ve taught us! I’ve found your classes to be the most valuable I’ve taken so far and are instructions I will use for a life time. I’ve always felt connected to nature, but your classes have really shown me how to communicate with it.—Sandra McDermott, Connecticut
“Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur was the most wonderful gift I have ever given myself.”
In our first session of Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur Rose said, “Tonight you are going to meet the animal that has been trying to get your attention, the animal that has been stalking you, trying to connect with you,” and my mind immediately said “oh dear, I’ve signed up for 8 weeks of this, what on earth is she talking about?” At the end of that session, after emerging from the guided shamanic journey, where I met a glorious deer, I realized how right Rose was. The curtains in my room are covered in deer, I have a family of deer carvings beside my bed and a painting of a stag on the wall! Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur was the most wonderful gift I have ever given myself. The teleclass worked wonderfully well, and the support and guidance from Rose throughout the course was both practical and personalized. I also found Rose a funny and generous teacher. Thank you, Rose, I am looking forward to my next course.—Lisa Craig, Australia
“I have so much gratitude…”
Thank you for sharing all of these amazing stories of your life with All Our Relations. I have so much gratitude for your time and energy teaching us and showing us new ways to look at our world. I look forward to more classes!—Stacey Levitt, New York
“…thank you for all that you’ve shared.”
Rose De Dan, thank you for all that you’ve shared and this class. I was in the right place and the universe brought this class and you to my awareness. I cannot thank you enough!!! Namaste!—Gabriella Dahalia, West Virginia
“I learned so much that I can use each day.”
Thank you Rose for such a great class. I learned so much that I can use each day. I was told by my Guides that this was where I needed to be.—Janis Jawny, Illinois
“This class has opened doors for me beyond what I thought was possible.”
I feel so blessed by all that has come out of this class. It has opened doors for me beyond what I thought was possible. I had been dealing with some very difficult issues and loneliness was very big and in my face. Every day now I find myself realizing how absolutely not alone I am. I had an awareness of working with All Our Relations before, but my connection deepened exponentially from taking your class. I am filled with gratitude.—Stacey Wall, MA
“I am forever changed. My eyes see all life differently.”
In my heart, I wanted to experience a closeness with nature. I wanted to be able to communicate, help heal, and be friends with the natural world. Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur Teleclass was an intense 8-week experience to communicate and understand the natural world and our domestic pets. Rose helped us to see how to respect, care and develop a relationship with All Our Relations.
If you feel with nature, you kind of already have the idea that birds, snakes, plants, trees, all animals, water, earth, and air are alive. What is missing is that intimacy that shamanism brings, the experience of the oneness. This series of classes offered that.
Rose asked me what one thing I had to share at the end of the training. My response was: I am forever changed. My eyes see all life differently. I know when I look out there life is looking back at me with love. Life is talking to me. I just have to be respectful and listen. It is not an understanding in the mind, it is experienced and in your soul. And in the last guided journey, my relations told me to continue with my shamanic ways. They are forever grateful to Rose and love the new addition (me) in their community.
I am so very thankful to Rose, Windwalker and All My Relations who helped create this series of classes.—Victoria Shields, NJ, Bones, Stones, Feathers and Fur Teleclass
“Thank you again, Rose, for guiding this amazing journey.”
I have learned so much through this class, Rose De Dan. I have learned what to do with the connection I’ve always felt to nature…how to reap the wisdom and assistance all our allies have to offer, how to show gratitude and honor our allies for their assistance and wisdom and how to let go and stay energetically light.
Thank you again, Rose, for guiding this amazing journey, sharing your wisdom and insight and all you do for our animal friends!—Laura Thomas, South Carolina
“I know that this class will always mark a turning point in my life.”
Rose, thank you so much for such an amazing class. The final class was indeed bittersweet but then it dawned on me that this is just the beginning. You opened so many doors and provided me with an awesome tool kit. I know that this class will always mark a turning point in my life. Much peace, love, and light to you.—Neal Williams, Alabama
“I’ve enjoyed this whole experience so much. I walk away changed, and for that I am GRATEFUL ♡♡♡♡♡♡”
—Debbie S., New Jersey
“The gifts are so beautiful.”
This class has made me sit with our relations for a longer time…to really KNOW them rather than to just read information and know about them. The gifts are so beautiful. I feel so humbled, grateful, and deeply reverent. I will not forget them…ever. Thank you.”—Jaclyn Pelosi, California
“Beautiful stories Rose, thank you so much for sharing them!”
My cat Gir enjoyed the stories very much! He came over and laid down on the bed near the phone, which I had on speaker, to listen during the first story, and hasn’t left yet although he flopped on his side after. And Sassafras pretended not to notice as she was laying on the head board, but she gave herself away from the start when I said, “It’s story time, Rose is telling a story!” And she looked up and meowed with clear excitement. I loved them too! Beautiful stories, Rose, thank you so much for sharing them!—Claudine Records, FL, ReikiShamanic Storytelling for Animals and People
“It was a lovely time shared by all.”
Your stories last night Rose were powerful and very beautiful, from the heartwarming story of Charlie to the very poignant story of Lady Jane ♥ I was joined last night with my collie Gemma and my cat Kit, my horse Dikales joined in spirit as he couldn’t be in the living room w/us 😉
It was so funny, at the start of the call my cat & dog had been play fighting as they do often and sometimes it can escalate …not in a bad way, but more like 2 kids fighting over a toy or a space on the couch….well, Rose when you started the story they came marching in single file quietly….Gemma jumped on the couch next to me and settled in and Kit jumped up on his perch by the window, looking out as if he wasn’t listening at first …but I know he was 😉 It was a lovely time shared by all. Thank you so much again and looking forward to more stories!—Mitzi Koch, IL, ReikiShamanic Storytelling for Animals and People
“Shakes purred the whole time…”
Oh Rose – the stories were beautiful, though I was in tears at the end!! I had planned on playing the replay on the laptop later while on the couch, but my cat Shakespurr told me it was time while I was at the desktop this afternoon. He was so funny – it was time for his stories, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer 🙂 So after it got going, we snuggled on the floor with my dog Caesar to listen. Shakes purred the whole time – he would sit a little quietly and listen (and blink), then the purr would get louder … he was truly enjoying himself! Thank you so much for sharing your stories!!—Lauren Psomostithis, WA, ReikiShamanic Storytelling for Animals and People
“Rose’s stories are balm for the soul!”
Every second Thursday of the month is a special night to look forward to in this household, because it’s the night we have storytelling for people and their animals with Aunt Rose as we call her here.
This past storytelling evening I was looking forward to hearing more of Rose’s stories. Lightning started to light up the sky and cracks of thunder were heard. Dog Gemma started panting and pacing as she does during storms, and cat Kit dove under the couch in the other room.
I lit a candle and settled back to listen. Rose started her story of going cross-country many years ago with her boyfriend in a ‘63 Chevy and telling us about all the encounters she made along the way.
I feel as though I am there along with Rose, meeting and greeting all the animals from cows to wild burros to cats and dogs. I found myself remembering all the magical encounters that I too have had throughout the years with animals, and am thankful for the gift of each encounter.
Soon Gemma is quietly and peacefully lying by my side asleep and Kit had come out from under the couch and was eating his evening meal up on the counter as usual.
The storms have moved on but there is some distant rumblings of thunder and the occasional lightning strike…but the animals are peaceful & secure and all is well. Aunt Rose’s stories are balm for the soul!—Mitzi Koch, IL, ReikiShamanic Storytelling for Animals and People
“Seeing how the animals responded to the energy of the evening was a delight.”
I am so glad I was a part of the zoo event. Seeing how the animals responded to the energy of the evening was a delight. I especially enjoyed the penguins. I felt their joy as they rolled over to expose their bellies when we offered them Reiki, repeating this again and again. There was a sense of contentment and calmness in the air at the fire ceremony. I felt gratitude because I know our presence this weekend made a difference for the animals. That’s what it’s all about!
—Debbie Noyes, Bellevue, WA, Evening Walk on the Wild Side at the Woodland Park Zoo
“This trip was heaven to me. “
I am so honored to all the very special people I met and the sacred circumstances we all shared. Thank you, Rose.—Tammy McCullough, CA, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2018
“Thank you for everything you have helped make possible, and for the beautiful ceremonies that grounded our work.”
Dear Rose, it is hard to find words to adequately express my gratitude for what you have created in partnership with the animals, Susan and Jean. You have shown us how much is possible – among humans and all beings – when we are present and open to it. The depth of our group astounds me, though perhaps it shouldn’t – I am so glad each of us heeded the call to be with you and the animals, and know that our experiences – individual and collective – will continue to ripple and reverberate in the wider world.—Kristin Flyntz, CT, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2017
“The experiences at Earthfire keep reverberating in my entire being. Thank you so much again.”
—Kathy Kingston, NH, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2017
“The work we did this weekend has changed my relationships with all beings, but especially with my husband and my animals. I see the world more clearly and feel that my words are being heard and respected by those I love.”
Thank you so much for the wonderful program this weekend. It has really been the most transformative thing I have ever done for myself.
I have been amazed in the past few days how much the work we did this weekend has changed my relationships with all the beings I interact with but especially with my husband and my animals.
I never can sleep with my cats because the two young boys bounce on my head at 2am. Sunday night I left the door open and just went to bed with the intention of holding my space and that they would respect that and guess what, no cats waking me up. I woke up to them peacefully sitting close to me but not invading the bubble.
This morning a stranger stopped me when I was walking our dog Ali to let me know that we were walking in perfect stride with each other. He said to me that he sometimes sees this when a person and dog have been walking together for a long time and are very close. I had to smile because I did feel like me and Ali were having a great connection but I have only lived with Ali for two months and before that she was a street dog in Taiwan.
Since this weekend I feel like I can just gently but with strong intention tell her what I want and she happily partners with me to do it whether it is following me up the stairs (which she would not do before without a leash), backing away from the door, or calmly walking by my side on walks. She seems more comfortable in her body now that I am in mine.
My husband and I have a lot of conflict. One pattern we get into is that he gets his feeling hurt or gets angry and then I take that on, it triggers me and we both end up frustrated and angry. After this weekend I not only can hold my own space and feel his emotions and not let them mingle with mine, but I also feel like I can clearly see our patterns and not get caught in them.
I just concentrate on holding my own space and taking deep breaths and feeling grounded and not only do I feel safe and at peace but my husband also calms down and we are able to connect and hear each other instead of both going away scared and angry. This is something we have both spent 7 years with individual counselors and couples counseling trying to do, so no small feat.
I feel like I suddenly have a new power to see the world much clearer and that my words are being heard and respected by those I love.
I’m excited to take this out into the world beyond my family as well and see where it goes.
So thank you, thank you!—Lena McCullough, DVM, CVA, Seattle, WA, Animals As Healers and Teachers
“The journey you took us on was beautiful.”
Thank you for the amazing class today. It was really very cool and I am excited to work with my power animal, the mountain lion. The journey you took us on was beautiful; I felt incredibly connected to me, the earth, my power animal (and as a result strengthened my feeling of connection with all animals and all things). You provided the class with a safe place where we were surrounded by positive energy and this really facilitated the success of the class for me. I’ve always had a strong love for animals and connection with them, but that (for me) gets lost in day to day life so much of the time (and especially now, compared to my childhood). Thanks for helping to open the doors again to these incredible bonds and introducing me to a way to make this part of my daily life on a much deeper level.—Stacey Doyne, WA
“This has been an amazing weekend for me. I feel like I have spent more time in my body and heart than I have for a long, long time.”
—Barb Slack, Animals As Healers and Teachers at Pasado’s Safe Haven
“Seeing the animals in this new light was a big shift for me and has significantly changed my interactions with them for their benefit as well as my own.”
This weekend confirmed what I have been thinking for awhile (and especially lately) about my life path and transitioning from the corporate world to something that is more fulfilling—and working with the animals this weekend has been very rewarding for me. This workshop made me aware of how much I was worrying about the animals needing us to help them heal from their past instead of honoring their wisdom and seeing how much they have to teach us from their experiences. Seeing the animals in this new light was a big shift for me and has significantly changed my interactions with them for their benefit as well as my own. I also learned that it is much easier to connect with the animals than I was anticipating. By following the guided exercises, I was able to ground myself and detach from distractions of the outside world much easier and faster than I thought I could. The fire ceremonies were another highlight for me and I enjoyed connecting with the animals through the ceremony and shamanic practices we were taught.
Since taking this workshop, my cats have been more relaxed and affectionate than usual (even though they were already VERY loving!). My female cat who typically has a lot of anxiety at bedtime and in the early morning has been calmer and stopped her constant meowing from 4:00 AM until the time I get up. Since Joan talked about our role as the emotional leaders of our homes and how our emotions can affect the animals we live, I have made an effort not to bring any residual feelings about my workday home and I have also shifted the feelings I have about starting my day so I am not wishing I didn’t have to spend such long days at the office while I am getting ready in the morning. After this weekend, I realized the primary issue causing my cat’s early morning anxiety has been my feelings of wishing it wasn’t already time for me to leave and spend another long day away from my home. Having the tools to look at the situation from this perspective helped me better understand my cat’s behavior and how to address it through changing my behavior. Since making these shifts, my cat has been significantly calmer and has had very few days of non-stop meowing in the early morning.
Thank you again for all of the wonderful information and guidance you provided. I enjoyed the workshop very much and am looking forward to working with you and Joan again in the future!—Andrea P., WA, Animals As Healers and Teachers at Pasado’s Safe Haven
“My spiritual connection to ALL animals of the world is now deeper and more meaningful.”
This was a wonderful workshop for me on many different levels. Most of all it gave me confirmation that we can use our energy to improve the world. I’ve known that for a long time, but I was not sure how convinced I was. Well I’m very convinced after this because I’ve seen it now. It gives me so much happiness to know that I can live the rest of my life and have some kind of impact on the world.
During the event I felt a DEEP respect for each animal and knowledge about them that I didn’t have before. The tools I have learned have given me a deeper, calmer, more respectful connection to the earth and all it’s inhabitants. And I now understand myself better: my sensitivity toward others and especially animals has always been a mystery to me (family and friends have called me ‘too sensitive’ but I accept this now as a wonderful part of my being.
My spiritual connection to ALL animals of the world is now deeper and more meaningful. My animals want to be with me ALL the time, on my lap, near me. They are more relaxed now that I am more relaxed and connected to them. I have noticed that many times, dogs walking by on a leash will make eye contact with me and sometimes keep glancing back at me as their owner continues to walk the dog. This is a special connection I believe.
I loved the workshop!—Nancy Rothwell, Seattle, WA, Animals As Healers and Teachers at Pasado’s Safe Haven
“I feel that because of the experience I had during your power animal workshop that I will be able to develop my receptivity to nature and follow her guidance…”
I have had many dreams, visions, and 3rd dimensional experiences with various four-leggeds, winged ones and a few finned beings. I feel that some are messengers, others I know as guides and protectors. I know they are trying to help me in some way, yet I have had my blocks in opening up to their messages. I have been frustrated knowing I am to help nature in some way on a grand scale and have not been doing so.
I feel that because of the experience I had during your power animal workshop that I will be able to develop my receptivity to nature and follow her guidance so that I may be of help the way I feel I am capable of and beyond. Thank you so much for providing the safe space and understanding that comes with the important work that you are doing.—Walk in Beauty, Eric K., Duvall, WA
“The zoo evening was indescribably magical.”
The zoo evening was indescribably magical. With only adults, animals, and quiet darkness under the bright full moon, I felt an ability to connect with the animals in ways I had never experienced before. Before we even left the first building, handling the snow leopard pelt was very profound for me – ordinarily, I am so horrified and agonized at the extinctions we are causing, I could scarcely stay in the room with those pelts. But since Rose invoked Sacred Space, Spirit was able to give me a completely different experience.
The snow leopard pelt was fluffy soft (except for that massive bushy tail!), and when the center of the pelt began to radiate heat (which everyone seemed able to feel, not just the energy workers), and the paws as well (animals have chakras in their paws), I felt something powerful happening. I pulled the snow leopard’s head over my own and wrapped myself in the pelt, asking to connect and be blessed with the medicine of snow leopard (to know what it feels like to be snow leopard and to be gifted with its powers/gifts). I closed my eyes, and tremendous heat began to build inside the pelt and inside me. There are no words to describe the experience – we lack the vocabulary. But something happened, a feeling of… presence, strong pure presence, with total focus, sans human confusion or inner conflict, just total centered clarity of inner being, clarity like the silver brilliance of the full moon above us. For a moment, I was snow leopard, resting atop a mountain looking out over the snow. I needed nothing, I was fully present, fully my leopard self, and it was enough… well, as I said, that isn’t describable. It has to be experienced.
The gift of that medicine, that energy – is not just good for snow-topped mountains. If for no other reason than self-interest, humans need to reestablish our conscious connection to animals more than ever in our stressful, complicated, mechanized, and confusing civilization. I certainly needed it. I guess the biggest realization of all is that despite our driving them to near extinction hunting them for sport or for pelts, destroying their territory, they are still willing to help us with their medicine. That’s unconditional love on a scale most humans can’t even approach, and I can only honor it in awe.
When we went to the enclosure of the live snow leopards we could not see them, but with vision six times greater than our own in the dark, they could see us. I directed my red flashlight’s beam up the hill to reveal that there indeed was the snow leopard, watching us. His great red eyes bored into mine, unblinking and seemingly endlessly. It felt personal. More than visceral, that energetic connection was deep.
That night, I dreamed there was a large cat in my front yard – it was there to help my family with some situation. I looked more closely at the cat, which was the size of a snow leopard, and realized suddenly it had no skin. It had no muscles. It had no organs. Only the bones were there, walking around and functioning quite well, because of the golden glowing light of spirit within and around it, radiating soul and life force. The cat had virtually no being as we normally expect to find it, but it felt very much alive to me and was emanating love, Spirit, and healing.
When I woke the next morning, I realized the message was about what it is to be a “hollow bone.” Fool’s Crow, the Lakota holy man, spoke of each day removing all his ego, all personal issues, thoughts, emotions and preferences, everything and anything in himself that might get in the way of being a hollow bone for Spirit to flow through strongly and cleanly. I knew the concept intellectually; but now I felt the feeling of being that, I knew it with my heart. Hollow and empty of ego does not leave one hollow and empty. Filled with the beautiful power of Spirit, we become beings of light, of joy, of service and radiant love. For the rest of my life, I will be able to tap into that remembrance, that experience, to refill my heart in times of darkness and more than that, to learn to be light as the snow leopard does, inner light radiating in every situation. I am forever changed.
Then there were the happy bat people, looking like gorgeous little foxes with leather blankets to wrap around themselves. They communicated with us animatedly and “cut up” like school kids, happy for the genuine respect and love emanating from us humans who truly see them. The anteaters were climbing all about and horseplaying as well. The whole zoo population, thanks to Spirit, seemed to recognize happily a group of people who could feel them with our hearts and recognize them as other peoples, other nations, equals, rather than idiot children or irrational, dangerous beasts or objects to gawk at. Several animals that almost never come out, such as the frog-mouthed owl, came out to see us and show off a bit. Others did things they almost never do, such as the slow loris who climbed down from the safety of his hiding place in the little tree and walked – as if through cold molasses, of course – right along the glass and sat for Reiki there quite contentedly. The penguins shared their joy of embodiment by shooting about underwater back and forth for us, then swimming up to commune, receive Reiki, or simply play. They played with me by following my hand all about as I pretended it was a fish.
In the reptile section, a gorgeous and gigantic reticulated python had sent Rose word intuitively to please attune her, and as I held space for Rose to do that, simply being there was a powerful experience. Unlike any Reiki attunement I’ve ever received or done, the entire space around Rose didn’t just get hot, it got exponentially hotter and hotter – my whole system, the room, was thrumming. Rose and the python could speak best to what happened – as Rose says she didn’t know after a point who was attuning whom. A giant energy loop built and built between them, and I’ve never seen that happen during a Reiki attunement. Just being there was an experience. I slipped back to the python a while later to mentally thank her for helping Rose and for being an ambassador, and though she was at rest facing the other direction with her head behind a log, the python heard my thoughts and rose up to come back and give me her undivided attention, keeping her head in the air throughout. Serpent people tend to minimize physical effort to avoid unnecessary expenditures of energy, so this was more significant than it might at first sound (how often have you seen a captive snake get up and come over to visit you and communicate?).
And so the whole night went. The animals, the humans, and Spirit, all were excited about connecting in loving, meaningful, and happy ways, and connect we did. Magical, magical, magical!—Leslie Britt, WA, Evening Walk on the Wild Side at Woodland Park Zoo
“I would not have traded this weekend for anything…”
Globally…our survival has to come through people working together and the animals will help us do that. It’s when humans listen that the connection is made with the animals, but now we need to walk with them.
When we were with the coyotes I got “See me.” Not the “see me” visual, [the] “see me” heart to heart. “Watch me. Watch my movements and then walk with me. Walk with me in my world.”
For me the message from Windwalker was, “I will walk with you…know that there is dignity, balance, poise in life’s transitions.” Then he showed me how to take control of my life with ease [and how] to follow the path of my original vision 30 years ago.
I would not have traded this weekend for anything because Windwalker gave so much of himself. It was different. It was good. It was, “Oh, my God, how am I going to come down from this?” good.—Mia Schiff, AK, A Walk on theWild Side at Earthfire Institute 2010, 2011, and 2013
“Figuring out who I am right now is challenging and yet it feels so dog-gone good.”
If I were to try to boil the entire weekend down into just a few words, if possible–I really think that the weekend has shown me that not only can we personally heal, but we can universally heal that rend—that tear—between animals, plants and humans.
I received a strong message during A Walk on the Wild Side 2011 that I was worthy, “You have a lot to teach. You have a lot to give. You have a lot to offer,” and that I needed to step up to the plate. That I had the ability now to actually teach others about animals [and herbs], realizing that I could talk to my cats at home and that animal communication worked when I worked with the cow [after the event].
That particular issue of worthiness is really, really old and the willingness to let it shift and change in the past has been almost non-existent because it has been so ingrained in my personality. And this time around, being able to let it shift and change and let it go is mind-altering, life-altering. Your demeanor changes. Your way you look at things changes. The way you see things changes.
Figuring out who I am right now is challenging and yet it feels so dog-gone good. It does! It feels awesome!—Charolette Anderson, AK, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
“Spending time with the animals at Earthfire is like going on a sacred journey.”
Our retreat at Earthfire was magical and transformative. Spending time with the animals at Earthfire is like going on a sacred journey. They are my teachers camouflaged in fur.
It is so amazing to see the heart connection between Susan, Jean and the animals. They opened their hearts to us so that we, too, could feel the connection.—Debbie Noyes, WA, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014
“Months after the workshop, my animal communication/healing work continues to improve and my own animals are responding in clear and positive ways.”
It was very empowering to be in an entire group of people who share my love of, and commitment to, animals…I learned from each and every one. Rose, you’re an inspiration. I wish I had known you 30 years ago when I was trying to figure out why I’m here.—Kathy Dunn, GA, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2010 and 2012
“I walked away a different person.”
During A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute each person experienced what I call an “AHA” moment, individually and as a group. The land there once was the home to many of the creatures that we now fight to save. It is a blessed place.
The wolf and coyote choir serenaded us and accepted us. We were enveloped in the energy and knowledge that those involved wish us to learn. I walked away a different person. The animals forgave humans for their injustice and cruelty towards them, and now I can also forgive and move forward with the animals as teachers and guides in my life. My own animals are more at peace with me, and so are the others that hold a place in my heart. Even new ones have touched me. Bless you for that moment that set a lot of us free from what we carried.—Donna Safley, IL, A Walk on the Wild Side at Earthfire Institute 2010