Shamanic Journey for the 12s: Healing after the Game
My life as as a shaman may be many things, but it is never boring. As a relatively new supporter of the Seattle Seahawks (see Shamanic Lessons, the Seahawks and 12th Cat) I have loved the truly positive attitude of the coach and the team. I was all in for supporting the team on their journey, and cheered them on during the Big Game.
Of course I felt our loss deeply—particularly poignant in the last moments of the game where victory seemed assured one moment and gone the next. But any personal sadness I might have felt was quickly submerged beneath the emotional storms that followed. Many 12s were devastated by how we lost, and far too many turned that anger and grief on the team. I was worried that all the 12s felt that way, but thankfully that turned out to not be true. There were far more positive fans sharing their unconditional love and support for the team on their official Facebook page than there were negative ones.
However many of those same fans who were trying to maintain a positive attitude in the face of defeat were confronted by hate-filled posts written by supporters of the winning team. What? Seriously? Their team won, why are they doing this? I am truly new to paying attention to any team sport, so perhaps I just never realized that the world of competitive sports was such a battlefield. But it shouldn’t be. Sports are supposed to be fun and build character. Where were any of those positive qualities in all of this?
My biggest concern was for the team, the city of Seattle and the fans who were hurting. What could I offer?
When in doubt I ask my shamanic allies. I received the guidance that I should set up a live telecall that included a shamanic journey for guidance and healing for anyone who is upset and in emotional pain over the Seahawks Super Bowl loss. You don’t have to specifically be a Seahawks fan to participate—the journey can offer guidance for people who are struggling in other ways—just know that it will be a major focus.
The live call is now available as a recording.
There is no charge for the recording and shamanic journey, but I do ask that you consider making a donation to a raptor rehabilitation program in honor of the spirit of the Sea Hawk. Doing so helps send good gratitude energy into the world!
Invite your friends, and let’s bring some healing energy to the realm of competitive sports!
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©2015 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is an animal communicator, Reiki Master Teacher, shamanic energy healer, and author. Her classes, sessions and ceremonial work are inspired by wild and domestic animals who have issued a call to action for personal and global healing.
Her book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism features heartwarming stories about animals and their role in her evolution as an energy worker and shamanic healer.
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