How to Turn A Howliday into a Holiday Telecall Dec. 6

Vicki Draper and Rose De Dan offer energy healing for rescued Basset Delilah ©Rose De Dan 2004
Because our animals maintain a heart-to-heart connection with us, our emotional and energetic responses can translate into shifts in their well-being. Animals who are already anxious can become more so, and senior animals, who are already challenged by the damp and chill of winter may find all the hubbub a bit overwhelming.
Having tools at hand that support calmness and clarity can spell the difference for people and their animal companions between a holiday and a howliday! In short, what benefits one, benefits all.
After some thought I decided that one way to assist would be to invite my longtime friend and energy colleague Vicki Draper to a telecall where we could discuss 3 keys to help your animals (and your human family) thrive, not only during the holidays, but year-round.
Essences can offer support for physical issues such as arthritis, dysplasia, pain management, and they can bring the healing work beyond the physical for other issues such as hyperactivity, separation anxiety, restlessness due to crate or stall rest from injury, and coping with transitions and change.
I hope you will join us on this free one-hour telecall for some great stories, a bonus offering, and the opportunity to ask us questions. Together we can create a happier holiday for the entire family!
Turn a Howliday into a Holiday
Where: Anywhere in the world
When: Thursday, December 6, 2012
Time: 6:00 p.m. PDT (click here to convert to your time zone)
Cost: FREE
Click below to register for free telecall. Confirmation and instructions will be sent after registration. If you cannot attend live a recording of the call will be available afterward.
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©2012 Rose De Dan. All Rights Reserved. www.reikishamanic.com
Think Outside the Cage
About Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing:
Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC, is a mesa carrier in the Peruvian shamanic tradition. In addition she is also a Reiki Master Teacher, animal communicator, author of the acclaimed book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism, and creator of Animal and Reiki Art. As an animal shaman, she views her role as a healer as one of building bridges between people and animals, and of empowering them to reconnect with Pachamama, Mother Earth.
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